Iran - Martie 2007 |
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Iran - Martie 2007 |
16 Jun 2009, 04:09 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
astia inchid usa la grajd dupa ce calul a fugit. -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
16 Jun 2009, 04:26 PM
Cronicar Grup: Moderator Mesaje: 2.799 Inscris: 9 September 06 Din: Bucuresti Forumist Nr.: 8.652 |
Directorul CIA: Dick Cheney mai vrea un atac terorist asupra Statelor Unite Acest topic a fost editat de andra_v: 16 Jun 2009, 04:26 PM -------------------- An Appeal From James’ Family
An Appeal From James’ Family Unidentified gunmen kidnapped journalist James Foley in northwest Syria on Thanksgiving Day, November 22 2012. Jim is the oldest of five children. He has reported independently and objectively from the Middle East for the past five years. Prior to his work as a journalist, Jim helped empower disadvantaged individuals as a teacher and mentor assisting them in improving their lives. The family appeals for the release of Jim unharmed. |
16 Jun 2009, 04:26 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 17.291 Inscris: 9 December 06 Din: Din acest univers. Forumist Nr.: 9.062 |
nu cred, mai degraba inchid usa pentru curatenie, calul o fi scapat, dar in grajd mai este mult de munca, iar vecinii nu trebuie sa vada.
Acest topic a fost editat de marduk: 16 Jun 2009, 04:27 PM -------------------- "Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)
"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains) LINEDRONE |
Promo Contextual |
16 Jun 2009, 04:26 PM
ContextuALL |
16 Jun 2009, 04:31 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
nu cred, mai degraba inchid usa pentru curatenie, calul o fi scapat, dar in grajd mai este mult de munca, iar vecinii nu trebuie sa vada. sigur ca vecinii nu trebuie sa vada dar calul are niste copite mama-mama ca a mancat jar. trebuia impuscat cand era manz jigarit nu acuma cand e ditamai armasarul. la primul pac-pac , baietii sunt spanzurati de turban. intrebare intrebatoare: ahmi mai vine inapoi sau face ca sahul ? LE: nu uita ca si cescuta la intoarcerea din iran a inchis granitele. saracutul, oare de ce nu ii suna pe turbanati din cuba sa le explice cum e cu agenturili? Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 16 Jun 2009, 04:41 PM -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
16 Jun 2009, 04:58 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 17.291 Inscris: 9 December 06 Din: Din acest univers. Forumist Nr.: 9.062 |
propun sa avem rabdare, timpul le rezolva pe toate, crede-ma ca si eu doresc ca ayatolahii sa se ocupe doar de cele Dumnezeiesti si sa lase poporul iranian sa-si poarte singur de grija.
-------------------- "Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)
"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains) LINEDRONE |
16 Jun 2009, 05:03 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
marduk, am impresia ca timpul s-a comprimat in aceste zile. mai asistam la caderea unui "-ism".
este peste asteptarile mele , atunci cand ma refeream la alegeri ca fiind punctul de inflexiune ma asteptam doar la o preluare pasnica de catre moderati a puterii. se pare ca avem acum cu mult mai mult de atata , spre binele lor si al nostru. June 16 (Bloomberg) -- Vaclav Havel, the Czech who led his country’s “Velvet Revolution” 20 years ago, described Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as a man possessed and warned he could “damage a lot of people.” “The Iranian president does not represent any religious nor national or other ideas,” Havel, 72, said in a Bloomberg News interview in Prague today. “In my eyes he is a man possessed. Unfortunately we are living at a time when a man possessed could easily inflict damage to a lot of people, due to modern technology.” As many as eight Iranians were killed and 25 wounded yesterday when security forces fired on protesters, the British Broadcasting Corp. reported, citing state radio. Demonstrators have taken to the streets for four successive days following Ahmadinejad’s re-election, which has been disputed by the opposition. “It is important that the West should not consider oil to be more important than human rights,” Havel added. Britain, the U.S. and other nations should not be seen to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs, U.K. Foreign Secretary David Miliband told the BBC today. “I spoke to Mrs. Clinton, the Secretary of State, and we are all determined not to fall into the trap of being seen to back one side or the other,” Miliband said. The West could consider embargoes or boycotts aimed at the Iranian government, as long as they do not harm the Iranian people, Havel said. Iran does “take public opinion into account. It is the same in all dictatorships, whether communist, Islamic, or other,” he added. Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 16 Jun 2009, 06:35 PM -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
16 Jun 2009, 06:49 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 17.291 Inscris: 9 December 06 Din: Din acest univers. Forumist Nr.: 9.062 |
marduk, am impresia ca timpul s-a comprimat in aceste zile. mai asistam la caderea unui "-ism". Conform CNN se poate sa asistam la prima "revolutie" care se foloseste de Internet sau de alte mijloace moderne IT, pentru discutiile si chemarile la manifestatii dintre protestatari. Vreau sa cred ca acest inceput este de bun augur si am impresia ca cineva de pe Han a deschis o discutie despre rolul Internetului in democratia viitorului. -------------------- "Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)
"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains) LINEDRONE |
16 Jun 2009, 06:52 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
internetul este doar o arma in lupta cu dictaturile. dar nu toti iranienii sunt stransi in piete de internet , tot mesaje transmise de la om la om domina.
altfel revoltele mureau in momentul in care netul a fost taiat. -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
16 Jun 2009, 07:11 PM
Cla Grup: Membri Mesaje: 16.123 Inscris: 7 May 04 Din: Noris Rock City Forumist Nr.: 3.415 |
Nici eu nu cred ca in Kurdistan au internet. Cred ce le zice prostu satului.
In orasele mari, ok, au, au si posibilitatea sa intre pe net, daca nu li se taie, ceea ce a si fost. -------------------- Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
16 Jun 2009, 07:15 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 18.844 Inscris: 30 January 04 Din: EU Forumist Nr.: 2.042 |
Directorul CIA: Dick Cheney mai vrea un atac terorist asupra Statelor Unite Nu ma pot abtine sa nu intreb : ce are s... cu prefectura aici ?! -------------------- Un prost gaseste intodeauna unul mai prost , care sa-l admire
Nicolas Boileau |
17 Jun 2009, 01:42 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
inceputul sfarsitului? asa se pare... It was quite extraordinary because it looked as if the military authorities in Tehran have either taken a decision not to go on supporting the very brutal militia - which is always associated with the presidency here - or individual soldiers have made up their own mind that they're tired of being associated with the kind of brutality that left seven dead yesterday - buried, by the way secretly by the police - and indeed the seven or eight students who were killed on the university campus 24 hours earlier. You've got to realise that what's happening at the moment is that the actual authorities are losing control of what's happening on the streets and that's very dangerous and damaging to them. It's clearly an Islamic protest against specifically the personality, the manner, the language of Ahmadinejad. They absolutely despise him but they do not hate or dislike the Islamic republic that they live in. sunt proteste in isfahan si in alte orase. Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 17 Jun 2009, 01:47 PM -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
17 Jun 2009, 02:00 PM
Cla Grup: Membri Mesaje: 16.123 Inscris: 7 May 04 Din: Noris Rock City Forumist Nr.: 3.415 |
Se-mpute misto. Ceausescu²
-------------------- Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
19 Jun 2009, 08:35 AM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 17.291 Inscris: 9 December 06 Din: Din acest univers. Forumist Nr.: 9.062 |
Un articol interesant despre romanii care traiesc in Iran.
-------------------- "Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)
"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains) LINEDRONE |
19 Jun 2009, 09:10 AM
Cla Grup: Membri Mesaje: 16.123 Inscris: 7 May 04 Din: Noris Rock City Forumist Nr.: 3.415 |
exergy e ciudat de linistita, tocmai in zilele astea, eu as fi curios ce ne-ar relata de la sursa...
-------------------- Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
19 Jun 2009, 09:31 AM
Cronicar Grup: Admin Mesaje: 5.083 Inscris: 26 December 05 Din: Bucuresti Forumist Nr.: 7.531 |
cum să scrie dacă o mulţime de canale de comunicare sunt blocate? şi altădată s-a plâns că accesul la net îi este restricţionat.
-------------------- pantha rhei
Universul Fractal The universe appears to be fractal, cyclic and self-regenerating. Implied is that it is eternal and infinite. |
19 Jun 2009, 11:51 AM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 4.959 Inscris: 9 August 05 Din: marginea viselor Forumist Nr.: 6.763 |
cum să scrie dacă o mulţime de canale de comunicare sunt blocate? şi altădată s-a plâns că accesul la net îi este restricţionat. , buna Erwin ... nu-mi este restrictionat netul, nici nu sunt blocate alte cai de comunicare, ca de exemplu reteaua de telefonie mobila. Mihai va poate adeveri spusele si va poate spune de cite ori am intrat zilele astea pe Han. Nu cred sa fi lipsit macar o zi. Am urmarit discutiile si de multe ori am avut impusul sa spun ceea ce se intimpla in realitate in Iran, nu ceea ce incearca sa arate presa internationala. Dar ca de obicei, voi fi acuzata ca ori tin partea regimului, ori lui Ahmadinejad, ori ca mi-e frica sau ca nu am libertatea sa spun ce cred despre situatia de aici. Imi amintesc de zilele din decembrie '89 de la noi. Eram in Piata Unirii din Iasi. Liniste totala. Citeva grupuri de oameni s-au strins intr-un cort improvizat in statia de tramvai din Unirii. Unul avea aparatul de radio reglat pe lungimea de unda de la Europa Libera. Ei tocmai relatau 'in direct' ce se intimpla in Romania, si pe un fond sonor plin de tipete si impuscaturi spuneau ca chiar in momentul de fata se trage in Piata Unirii din Iasi, care e blocata de tancuri astfel incit lumea sa nu poata iesi. Crede-ma, in piata erau doar doua masini de pompieri si o duba. In rest liniste si semiintuneric. Ne-am uitat unii la altii in timp ce ascultam 'stirea bomba' fara sa stim cum sa reactionam. Referitor la Iran ar fi multe de spus. Ceea ce se intimpla pe strada, bancile sparte, incendiile, magazinele tandari in zona centrala a orasului, sunt adevarate, la fel cum adevarate sunt si jafurile inarmate facute de 'grupuri de demonstranti' care au 'manifestat' in zona de sus a orasului, acolo unde traieste protipendata, strainii si cei cu situatie materiala foarte buna. E ciudat cum s-a ajuns in asemenea cartiere de lux in care nu exista absolut nici o institutie de stat. De fapt e o lupta la virf intre doua cercuri ale puterii. Vechea garda condusa de Rafsanjani, invinuita de coruptie economica si financiara, si noua garda condusa de Ahmadinezhad- care a promis ca va lupta cu coruptia si care are de gind sa propuna Parlamentului/Majilis un proiect de lege prin care sa se confiste averile personalitatilor politice care nu vor putea demonstra provenienta miliardelor ce le detin. Contracandidatul lui Ahmadinejad, Mousavi, e sprijinit puternic de Rafsanjani. Alaltaieri seara Faezeh Rafsanjani a tinut un mars si i-a indemnat pe sustinatori sa ceara noi alegeri. Ieri dimineata, studentii ce-l sprijina pe Ahmadinejad s-au strins in fata Curtii de Justitie si au cerut arestarea lui Mohsen si Faezeh, copii lui Rafsanjani. Showul continua. Inainte de alegeri au avut loc discutii televizate intre candidati. In fiecare seara se intilneau cite doi. Ar trebui ca intr-o zi cineva sa le traduca si sa le difuzeze la TV. Tot adevarul se afla in acele dialoguri incendiare care au catalizat masele si le-au polarizat in doua tabere. Participarea mare la vot a fost rezultatul acestor discutii. Lumea care l-a votat pe Ahmadinejad i-a acordat votul nu pentru ca ar fi intru-totul de acord cu politica lui ci pentru a taia accesul la putere al celor din gruparea lui Rafsanjani. Destul am povestit ... . Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 19 Jun 2009, 03:20 PM -------------------- *_*_*
Pierdut în Geometria Uitării Căutând Ipote(nu)zele Fericirii - Trecătorul -X- |
19 Jun 2009, 12:05 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
De fapt e o lupta la virf intre doua cercuri ale puterii. Vechea garda condusa de Rafsanjani, invinuita de coruptie economica si financiara, si noua garda condusa de Ahmadinezhad- care a promis ca va lupta cu coruptia si care are de gind sa propuna Parlamentului/Majilis un proiect de lege prin care sa se confiste averile personalitatilor politice care nu vor putea demonstra provenienta miliardelor ce le detin. Contracandidatul lui Ahmadinejad, Mousavi, e sprijinit puternic de Rafsanjani. Alaltaieri seara Faezeh Rafsanjani a tinut un mars si i-a indemnat pe sustinatori sa ceara noi alegeri. Ieri dimineata, studentii ce-l sprijina pe Ahmadinejad s-au strins in fata Curtii de Justitie si au cerut arestarea lui Mohsen si Faezeh, copii lui Rafsanjani. Showul continua. Inainte de alegeri au avut loc discutii televizate intre candidati. In fiecare seara se intilneau cite doi. Ar trebui ca intr-o zi cineva sa le traduca si sa le difuzeze la TV. Tot adevarul se afla in acele dialoguri incendiare care au catalizat masele si le-au polarizat in doua tabere. Participarea mare la vot a fost rezultatul acestor discutii. Lumea care l-a votat pe Ahmadinejad i-a acordat votul nu pentru ca ar fi intru-totul de acord cu politica lui ci pentru a taia accesul la putere al celor din gruparea lui Rafsanjani. Din cate am citit pe net, iti dau dreptate cand spui ca este o lupta intre tabara reformatoare si conservatoare. Scopul este preluarea puterii. Diferenta este ca mie mi pare repetarea clasica a anului 1989 de data aceasta in lumea islamica. Atunci , ca si acum, tabara comunista reformatoare si cea conservatoare s-au razboit crezand amandoua ca salveaza sistemul respectiv. Nu a trecut mai mult de un an si sistemul se prabusise. In noiembrie 89 cand a cazut zidul berlinului , povestea oficiala era ca acum comunistii respectau dreptul la liber alegere :est sau vest. In realitate, oricine avea ochi stia ca sistemul se prabusea sub propria greutate/PUTREZICIUNE. Faptul ca in tarile arabe se transmit imagini cu demonstratii de protest in inima republicii islamice , duce la prabusirea modelului teocratic peste tot in lumea musulmana. PS: in continuare cred ca occidentul nu intelege mentalitatea iraniana <> araba. Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 19 Jun 2009, 12:07 PM -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
19 Jun 2009, 12:24 PM
Cla Grup: Membri Mesaje: 16.123 Inscris: 7 May 04 Din: Noris Rock City Forumist Nr.: 3.415 |
Na uite, DANKE !! exergy, dupa asta am asteptat, în sfârsit un raspuns pertinent, eu demult nu mai cred ce ne toarna stirile mass-media sau TV.
Pentru tine: Îti doresc tie si dragului tau sot sa aveti o viata frumoasa. Fara gluma, crede-ma... -------------------- Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
19 Jun 2009, 12:24 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
post separat ca merita: echivalentul discursului din balcon al lui ceausescu. Iran's supreme leader on Friday rejected opposition claims that last week's presidential elections were rigged, describing President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's win as "definitive" and calling for an end to days of protest. Situatia a devenit exploziva acum. Sa vedem. -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
19 Jun 2009, 12:28 PM
Cla Grup: Membri Mesaje: 16.123 Inscris: 7 May 04 Din: Noris Rock City Forumist Nr.: 3.415 |
QUOTE(turbo trabant) Diferenta este ca mie mi pare repetarea clasica a anului 1989 de data aceasta in lumea islamica. Da... eu astept... sunt obisnuit sa astept, si de-aia o sa vad ce si cum se prabuseste... wart's ab!! -------------------- Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
19 Jun 2009, 12:31 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 4.959 Inscris: 9 August 05 Din: marginea viselor Forumist Nr.: 6.763 |
Tarile arabe nu au vazut niciodata cu ochi buni Iranul.
Asta unu la mina. Si mai pune la socoteala razboiul psihologic purtat pe seama schimbarii denumirii "Golful Persic" in "Golful Arab". (vezi aici rolul Angliei ) Doi la mina, tine cont ca ele sunt conduse de emiri sau familii aristocratice ce guverneaza in stil totalitar din tata in fiu si care la rindul lor se tem sa nu cada regimul din tarile lor. Deci ce prilej mai bun se poate gasi pentru a demonstra arabilor ca presedintele si alegerile presidentiale nu reprezinta un lucru bun si doar Emirul, Sultanul, Padisahul, Regele .... este persoana care poate asigura stabilitatea? Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 19 Jun 2009, 03:29 PM -------------------- *_*_*
Pierdut în Geometria Uitării Căutând Ipote(nu)zele Fericirii - Trecătorul -X- |
19 Jun 2009, 12:40 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
Tarile arabe nu au vazut niciodata cu ochi buni Iranul. Asta unu la mina. Si mai pune la socoteala razboiul psihologic purtat pe seama schimbarii denumirii "Golful Persic" in "Golful Arab", (vezi aici rolul Angliei ) Doi la mina, tine cont ca ele sunt guvernate de emiri sau familii aristocratice care guverneaza in stil totalitar din tata in fiu si care la rindul lor se tem sa nu casa regimul din tarile lor. Deci ce prilej mai bun se poate gasi pentru a demonstra arabilor ca presedintele si alegerile presidentiale nu reprezinta un lucru bun si doar Emirul, Sultanul, Padisahul, Regele .... este persoana care poate asigura stabilitatea. Nici Iranul nu ii vede bine pe arabi Emirii aia , sultanii lui peste, toti aveau "inspiratie divina" , firul rosu cu Mahomed. Cand bietii supusi pacatosi ies in strada si indraznesc sa critice voia lui Allah (parca asa s-a zis de votul asta pe canale oficiale) , toti emirii lui peste prajit au o mica problema: they are next. Un fel de todor jivkovi dupa ce honecker a avut o mica "problema" Din afara, nu e nici o diferenta intre ayatollah si sah. Absolut nici una , se pliaza sistemul perfect pe o mentalitate care cere un lider absolut. Ceea ce e naspa ca acum nu se mai vrea/poate acel lider absolut si niste halate albe "sfinte" tremura pe niste fundulete "sfinte". Sa nu intelegi ca am ceva cu religia dar am ce am cu teocratia, orice se termina in "cratie" de fapt. -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
19 Jun 2009, 01:00 PM
Cronicar Grup: Moderator Mesaje: 22.306 Inscris: 8 March 04 Din: Bucuresti Forumist Nr.: 2.507 |
orice se termina in "cratie" de fapt. Si democratia tot asa se termina. -------------------- |
19 Jun 2009, 01:13 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
Si democratia tot asa se termina. my bad ai dreptate am uitat . ma gandeam la plutocratie, autocratie sau chiar birocratie. Si acum dupa discursul cu "va mai dam 100 lei la alocatia de credincios" asteptam reactia boborul protestator. Acest topic a fost editat de turbo trabant: 19 Jun 2009, 01:13 PM -------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
19 Jun 2009, 01:42 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 4.959 Inscris: 9 August 05 Din: marginea viselor Forumist Nr.: 6.763 |
Pentru cei interesati voi posta traducerea dialogului dintre Mousavi si Ahmadinejad, dialog de dinainte de alegeri transmis in direct de televiziunea iraniana.
Mi-a provocat efectiv greata felul in care Ahmadinejad l-a lovit pe Mousavi. S-a luat de sotia lui, or asta, intr-o societate de religie majoritar islamica, este un lucru de neconceput. (a se vedea pasajele unde este pomenit numele Zahra Rahnavard, sotia lui Mousavi) Select Excerpts of Debate between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad & Mir Hossein Moussavi on Wednesday June 3rd, 2009 First Segment Comments made & issues raised by Ahmadinejad: 1) "First off, I want to state my displeasure with the unprecedented campaign to belittle the accomplishments and achievements of my government and to lob baseless criticisms against my administration. This is unprecedented in post-revolutionary times. I think this is because my rivals are not in a position to compete with my administration's successes, especially in the services we have provided." 2) "I personally didn't want to get into these debates. I have tolerated the attacks and criticisms for four years. I have forgiven all the personal attacks against me. I have said several times that I have forgiven everyone. But the insults on the people, the nation, their choice, their intelligence and their interests, I cannot ignore or disregard. I am not allowed to do that." 3) "It is not just Mr. Moussavi running against me. There are three successive governments acting in unison against me. It's Mr. Mousavi, Mr. Hashemi (Rafsanjani) and Mr. Khatami all working together against me. Behind the scenes it is Mr. Hashemi (Rafsanjani) who is the pulling the strings. Hashemi, Khatami and now Mousavi are all against my government. 4) These past three governments have moved off the revolutionary track and distanced themes from the ideals of the revolution. Not that they didn't serve as well, they did. But little by little, they felt free to consider themselves the masters of the people and the revolution." 5) "During the early months of my administration, Hashemi (Rafsanjani) sent a message to one of the kings of one of our neighboring states basically saying to them: Don't worry, this government will collapse in six months." 6) "During the last election, my opponent had help and support from within and also from the outside." 7) "We have made great strides scientifically, technologically, politically, especially in foreign affairs. Today Iran is the dearest among nations. But all these accomplishments are ignored and for four years the most heavy-handed tactics and lies have been leveled against this government, especially in the past three months." 8) "I said jokingly it is good thing I'm running otherwise the other 3 candidates wouldn't have much to say. This race is 3 people against one. They are all after power." First Segment Comments made & issues raised by Moussavi: 1) I would have liked nothing better than Mr. Ahmadinejad to have succeeded during the last four years so I wouldn't have had to enter the race. Unfortunately, I do not have such confidence." 2) "Mr. Khatami and Mr. Rafsanjani are great political figures and can answer for themselves." 3) "I have always loved Iran. I would have liked Iran to become the number one power in the region in different arenas and to be a role model for the world. This is what the revolution was all about." 4) "For solving the problems facing the country and to take Iran where it deserves, two types of management systems can be practiced. One relies on adventurism and ostentatious behavior, is sloganeering and delusional, is shallow and extremist, relies on superstition, contradictory statements and non-transparency, is egotistical and acts above the law, and conceals the truth. The other method relies on prudence, expertise, honesty, transparency, respecting the law, foresight, wisdom and justice. If we want a more powerful Iran to emerge, the second method is exceedingly superior." 5) "The main reason I came forward is because I fear for the future of this country." 6) "There is a gap between the slogans and actions. The government's slogans are not in line with facts and realities." 7) "With much fanfare, we arrested 15 British Marines and sailors, accused them of espionage, said they should be executed, and then in a complete reversal, put brand new suits on them and you (Ahmadinejad) bid farewell to them personally as if they were our honored official guests. Did this serve the prestige of our country? This was an embarrassing episode that harmed our standing internationally." 8) "You (Ahmadinejad) went to Iraq and falsely claimed that American troops were trying to kidnap you, even though the U.S military refueled your aircraft free of charge and then you went to a part of Iraq occupied by the Americans and took pictures with U.S. soldiers. You made similar unfounded claims about kidnapping after your trip to Italy." 9) "You (Ahmadinejad) practically begged the Saudis to invite you there. Your government's foreign policy has done great damage to the reputation of our country." 10) "You (Ahmadinejad) unwisely raised the issue of the Holocaust, which cost us so dearly." 11) "If I had not seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believe it. You went to Geneva, Switzerland for the Durban Conference, and your incendiary remarks promoted dozens of diplomats and ambassadors to walk out while you were speaking." Second Segment Comments made & issues raised by Ahmadinejad: 1) "Thank you very much, Mr. Moussavi. If this is your judgment based on the evidence, you really need to reevaluate. I'm telling you this in a friendly way. I like you. This kind of judgment based on faulty information, well, this is really shameful." 2) "About the British sailors, Mr. Blair officially apologized to us and promised to change their behavior and policies vis a vis Iran. The letter is available in the Foreign Ministry. Freeing the sailors was one of the most beautiful things for the Islamic Republic. It showed we could separate the people from their government." 3) "Concerning the Holocaust, Mr. Moussavi's comments are not based on reality. I just asked two questions about the Holocaust—just two questions. Some say Iran was disgraced. How is it we were disgraced? We can't wait for the enemy to come knocking at our door and then confronting them. We shouldn't accept their formulas. We wouldn't have had a revolution otherwise. We don't want to play by their rules. Today the threat on Iran has been forever lifted. This is all due to the resistance of the great Iranian nation." 4) "On the issue of 'Occupied Palestine', when he was Prime Minister, Mr. Moussavi said in no uncertain terms that the 'Zionist regime' should be 'erased from the map'." 5) "On the nuclear issue, the suspension agreed to by the previous administration was humiliating and a capitulation. But now we have 7,000 spinning and functioning centrifuges. Back then, we cooperated with the U.S. on Afghanistan and what we got in return was inclusion in the 'axis of evil'. But by the end of Bush's term, even he had to admit that the U.S. government was not pursuing a policy of 'regime change' on Iran. Now which foreign policy was a source of shame and which is a source of pride and has made Iran stronger? Second Segment Comments made & issues raised by Moussavi: 1) "Regarding Palestine, the Muslims, Jews and Christians in that land should all vote a in a free and fair election and decide the future of that country, which also would be in line with the position of the international community. Through our radicalism and extremism, we have made Israel stronger. Prior to the Durban conference in Switzerland, the Europeans were about to issue a resolution condemning Israel's atrocities in Gaza, but because of your statements, the resolution was put on the backburner." 2) "I want to use an example of how your policies are extremist. On the one hand, you say that Israel should be done away with and you deny the Holocaust, and on the other, one of your vice presidents says that the people of Israel are our friends." 3) "Your radical policies have created economic instability and industrial insecurity, have made our passports less credible around the world and caused humiliation for Iranians throughout the world. Does your government feel any responsibility toward the Iranian nation?" 4) "Your foreign policy has cost this nation dearly. I feel for the Iranian nation. Your government's policies have exacted terrible pain and suffering on the people of this country." 5) "Your policies are responsible for turning all artists, intellectuals and most of the youth against the system and the government. You are dividing the nation between 'insiders' and 'outsiders'." Third Segment Comments made & issues raised by Ahmadinejad: "I'm really disappointed at you Mr. Moussavi. The points you are raising are based on faulty information and assumptions. Why do not think only those who gather around you are people. When I travel to various cities hundreds of thousands come to hear me speak. They are also people. It is you who is dividing the people. Third Segment Comments made & issues raised by Moussavi: "I want to address the government's stubbornness and inflexibility. Your government refuses to implement Majlis (Parliament) ratifications. It has unilaterally disbanded a number of highly-important councils such as the Money & Credit Council. The reason is because you want all the power to yourself and don't want anyone to interfere. This is one of the reasons we are grappling with an inflation rate of 25%. Moreover, you have done away with the Management and Planning Organization, one of the most venerable institutions in the country. You and your government have a long track-record of running away from the law and acting the way you please. This is why I feel danger. One of the primary reason I entered the race was to put a stop to this lack of respect for the law." Fourth Segment Comments made & issues raised by Ahmadinejad: "If you believe we are acting illegally, you should file a complaint at the special court for government employees. You want to talk about illegal activity? Let me tell you about it. Illegal is when your friends and supporters become wealthy through shady deals and questionable practices. Friends and supporters who are now worth billions. Friends and supporters like Mr. (Gholam-Hossein) Karbaschi (former mayor of Tehran), Mr. Nateq-Nouri (former parliamentary speaker) and his son, Mr. Hashemi (Rafsanjani) and his sons, etc. Illegality is a woman whom you know very well (Ahmadinejad was referring to Moussavi's wife Zahra Rahnavard) who became an assistant professor, a full professor and then university president without proper qualifications and criteria. This is what I call illegal." Fourth Segment Comments made & issues raised by Moussavi: 1) "Your attitude displayed here in this debate is precisely what I have a problem with. I'm trying to have a civil debate and conversation with you about your actions, decisions and policy-making and what is your response; to go to the courts and sue your government. This is what leads to dictatorship. He complains why they call him a dictator. I didn't say you are a dictator. I am saying your ways lead to dictatorship." 2) "You have named a number of individuals and accused them of corruption. They are not here to defend themselves. This is a crime. It is apparent you have nothing against me and all you can do is try to connect me with the previous two governments and its officials. It has nothing to do with me or my record." 3) "I'm not defending anyone here but myself, but I fully understand why so many people are angry at you. 50 million people are watching this right now and you make wild accusations, name names and accuse their children, wives and families. It is absolutely your responsibility. It is the judiciary's responsibility. We are devout Muslims who believe in God. It is immoral to accuse people without any accountability. " 4) "You wave my wife's picture and file in front of my face and accuse her of this and that. For your information, she is the most important female intellectual in this country. She worked tirelessly for 10 long years for her PhD in Political Science and all the relevant documentation is available. This is yet another problem I have with you and your government. Instead of attending to the people's problems, your government is too busy conspiring against others. 5) "I had no motivation for getting into politics again. During most of the last four years I didn't say anything either. But I saw how you are placing the nation in danger. 6) "You see, I say all of these things because I care. The reason behind all of our problems such as inflation, unemployment, addiction, immorality is the wrongheaded domestic and foreign policies pursued by the current administration. Why do you think we don't have a single close friend among the countries of the region?" 7) "In my short remaining time, I want to once again stress on a point I previously alluded to. Your management style is unstable, ostentatious, spur-of-the-moment, rushed, slogan-driven, superstitious and delusional. We constantly hear how Israel is about to fall. Based on such false statements, the country's foreign policy is set. No wonder the country has veered off course and into a ditch. What else could one call this but arrogance and having no respect for the law?" 8) "In the coming days, I will speak more and in detail about the lack of depth, extremism and radicalism as well as the unlawful behavior and attitude of the government, but for now, I want to relay the following message to the nation: I have always been one of you and shall always be with the people. The people should not be treated like beggars. The government's responsibility is to create jobs and promote industries and manufacturing, not dependency." Compiled and translated by Tehran Bureau Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 19 Jun 2009, 01:52 PM -------------------- *_*_*
Pierdut în Geometria Uitării Căutând Ipote(nu)zele Fericirii - Trecătorul -X- |
19 Jun 2009, 02:08 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 7.773 Inscris: 27 December 08 Din: za great milky way Forumist Nr.: 12.719 |
exergy33, multam fain !
-------------------- Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.
Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu! |
20 Jun 2009, 07:30 AM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 17.291 Inscris: 9 December 06 Din: Din acest univers. Forumist Nr.: 9.062 |
QUOTE de multe ori am avut impusul sa spun ceea ce se intimpla in realitate in Iran, nu ceea ce incearca sa arate presa internationala. cine te retine, sa ne spui ce se intampla in realitate in Iran? de ce crezi ca ceea ce arata presa internationala nu reprezinta realitatea? QUOTE voi fi acuzata ca ori tin partea regimului, ori lui Ahmadinejad, daca nu-ti exprimi parerea este normal ca unii dintre interlocutori sa perceapa asta ca fiind partinire sau frica. QUOTE Imi amintesc de zilele din decembrie '89 de la noi. Poate ca exista asemanari, desi eu cred ca in Iran avem de aface mai degraba cu revolta unei parti a populatiei, indreptata impotriva clerului, pentru laicizarea tarii. QUOTE E ciudat cum s-a ajuns in asemenea cartiere de lux in care nu exista absolut nici o institutie de stat. nu este nicio cidatenie, este ceva bine pus la punct tocmai pentru a submina si denigra actiunile demonstrantilor, a indrepta atentia internationala asupra altor aspecte decat cele reale, chestia asta se numeste diversiune si este condusa de oamenii guvernului. QUOTE un proiect de lege prin care sa se confiste averile personalitatilor politice care nu vor putea demonstra provenienta miliardelor ce le detin. crezi ca Mousavi si Rafsanjani sunt mai bogati decat ayatolahii? eu nu cred, cum ar putea fi asa cand tara este condusa de ceva timp de Ahmadinejad, iar daca cei doi ar fi furat inainte, erau de mult la puscarie, avand in vedere reformele initiate de Ahmadinejad la venirea sa la putere. QUOTE Lumea care l-a votat pe Ahmadinejad i-a acordat votul nu pentru ca ar fi intru-totul de acord cu politica lui ci pentru a taia accesul la putere al celor din gruparea lui Rafsanjani. Lui Ahmadinejad cine ii ingradeste accesul la putere, islamizarea tarii si exacerbarea increderii nationale prin programele economice, nucleare, cultural religioase vor duce in cele din urma la izolarea totala a Iranului asa cum s-a intamplat si cu Irak sau Libia. Deci ce prilej mai bun se poate gasi pentru a demonstra arabilor ca presedintele si alegerile presidentiale nu reprezinta un lucru bun si doar Emirul, Sultanul, Padisahul, Regele .... este persoana care poate asigura stabilitatea? Dar ce ti se pare ca Iordania nu are stabilitate sau emiratele din Golf nu o duc bine? sau este vorba de ingerinta americanilor, evreilor, crestinilor care sustin acele regimuri arabe "democratice" stabile? Acest topic a fost editat de marduk: 20 Jun 2009, 09:56 AM -------------------- "Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)
"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains) LINEDRONE |
20 Jun 2009, 10:41 AM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 17.291 Inscris: 9 December 06 Din: Din acest univers. Forumist Nr.: 9.062 |
„Utilizarea forţei în stradă este o greşeală, vreau să i se pună capăt” Un mesaj cat se poate de clar, exista si alte metode de utilizare a fortei impotriva demonstrantilor. Acest topic a fost editat de marduk: 20 Jun 2009, 10:43 AM -------------------- "Problema cu lumea este că proștii și fanaticii sunt întotdeauna așa de siguri pe ei, în timp ce oamenii înțelepți sunt atât de plini de îndoieli." (Bertrand Russell)
"A fi tolerant nu inseamnă a tolera intoleranţa altora" (Jules Romains) LINEDRONE |
20 Jun 2009, 10:47 AM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 18.844 Inscris: 30 January 04 Din: EU Forumist Nr.: 2.042 |
Tarile arabe nu au vazut niciodata cu ochi buni Iranul. Asta-i opinia unui iranian. Un arab spune invers intodeauna. tine cont ca ele sunt conduse de emiri sau familii aristocratice ce guverneaza in stil totalitar din tata in fiu si care la rindul lor se tem sa nu cada regimul din tarile lor. Deci ce prilej mai bun se poate gasi pentru a demonstra arabilor ca presedintele si alegerile presidentiale nu reprezinta un lucru bun si doar Emirul, Sultanul, Padisahul, Regele .... este persoana care poate asigura stabilitatea? Adica minciuna aia dictata de ayatolahul suprem este democratie ? Ayatolah care decide ce-i negru si ce-i alb ?! Superpopa ala care decide viata de zi cu zi a iranienilor simpli ? Am vorbit cu iranieni tineri , traitori in Iran, care mi-au spus ( intre patru ochi ) ca regimul lor actual este mai rau decat o dictatura fascisto-comunista ! Un iranian tinar (care nu canta in struna ayatolahilor si politiei lor secrete ) , nu poate in veci obtine viza de iesire sa calatoreasca in vreo tara araba din regiunea Golfului. De ce ? Ca sa nu se molipseasca cumva de "instabilitatea" de acolo din : Qatar, Dubai, Abu-Dhabi, Oman, Kuweit In nicio tara araba oamenii nu se plang ca au ratie de benzina pentru masina ( cartela la trei zile ) ,ca nu isi pot deschide un cont in dolari la banca, ca-i urmaresc politia secreta sa vada ce afaceri fac , ca sa-i spioneze daca citesc Coranul de nu stiu cate ori, s.a.m.d. In nicio tara araba n-am auzit de executii publice prin spanzurare cu macaraua, sau de condamnarea la moarte a unor copii minori, etc. Nici chiar in fost tara a Shahinshahului ! Care a ramas in urma cu vreo cativa zeci de ani. Dar care vre bombe nucleare. Nu tara, ci regimul actual. -------------------- Un prost gaseste intodeauna unul mai prost , care sa-l admire
Nicolas Boileau |
20 Jun 2009, 03:07 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 4.959 Inscris: 9 August 05 Din: marginea viselor Forumist Nr.: 6.763 |
Povestea cu benzina suna cam asa :
Iranul subventioneaza benzina pe care o vinde populatiei. Pretul de vinzare al unui litru de benzina e mai mic decit pretul unui litru de apa plata sau apa minerala imbuteliata in sticle de plastic. Ca sa fiu mai exacta trebuie sa spun ca un litru de benzina fara plumb (standard) costa 100 toumani= 1000 riali, iar la ora actuala 1$=940 toumani= 9400 riali. Benzina Premium se vinde cu 15 centi litrul. Iranul nu produce cantitatea necesara de benzina pentru consumul interior, desi produce 4.2 mil de barili pe zi. QUOTE Gasoline Rationing Has Saved Iran Over $8.5Bn Iran’s ‘smart card’ gasoline rationing scheme, introduced in June 2007, has succeeded in reducing the country’s consumption by one-third to around 64mn litres/day (400,000 b/d), according to Deputy Minister of Petroleum Noureddin Shahnazizadeh. He told Mehr News Agency on 26 May that Iran imported 35mn litres/day (220,000 b/d) of gasoline to meet demand before rationing, adding that by reducing imports the government has saved “over $8.5bn of Iran’s foreign exchange during the past 22 months.”$8.5Bn/ In anul financiar 2006, anul solar iranian, Iranul a importat benzina in valoare de 2.8 miliarde dolari. Aceasta benzina, plus cantitatea produsa in interior, au asigurat un consum mediu de 67 milioane de litri pe zi. Deci 67 mil Lit/day. Ratia de benzina nu este o data la trei zile. Este lunara si se poate lua in avans pe trei luni. Deci lunar orice iranian are dreptul sa ia pentru masina lui cantitatea de 300 litri cu pretul de 9-10 centi litrul. (300Lx10 centi=3000centi=30$) La liber poate lua cit vrea. Pretul benzinei la liber este triplu fata de pretul subventionat, adica in jur de 27 de centi litrul. Proiectul de cartelizare a fost propus pentru a reduce pierderile pe care le inregistra statul deoarece o treime din benzina subventionala era dusa de traficantii de combustibili in tarile vecine: Pakistan si Turcia in primul rind, dar si in Irak, Afganistan si Azerbaijan. Chiar si cu pret de contrabanda, benzina iraniana se vindea la o jumatate din pretul benzinei irakiene. Cred ca deja e foarte clar cit de ieftina e benzina in Iran. Mai multe informatii aici. QUOTE Daily consumption of gasoline, very highly subsidised in Iran, stands at between 70 to 80 billion litres a day, more than one-third of which has to be imported. Consumption has been increasing by ten percent (annually) over the past few years. The average fuel consumption in Iran, 10.75 litres, is four times more than in the European Union. The price of gasoline stands at nearly 9 cents per litre, less than one-fifth its price in neighbouring countries like Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The huge difference has resulted in a thriving contraband trade of 40 million barrels of fuel annually to those countries by small-time smugglers and organised bands alike, Fars News Agency reported on Nov. 4. Ca sa va faceti o idee voi da o singura comparatie, comparatie care a facut 'valuri' la o conferinta OPEC. In anul 2006, Iranul cu o populatie de 70-80 mil locuitori a consumat tot atita benzina in transport cit a consumat China cu o populatie ce depaseste 1 miliard. Am ris cu lacrimi la afirmatia ca iranienii nu-si pot deschide cont in valuta. Hai sa fim seriosi ... dar mai ales sinceri. Toate bancile din Iran au sectie de valuta. L-as invita pe cel ce afirma astfel de aberatii sa vina in cel mai prapadit oras din Iran, la cea mai prapadita banca, si sa stea citeva ore linga ghiseile de valuta ca sa vada cine vine pe acolo. Probabil ca-i vor cadea plombele cind va vedea cum merge treaba ... dar mai ales ce tarani au dolari si euro cu zecile de mii. Sa nu uit sa amintesc si de cartele in valuta ce pot fi incasate de la automatele stradale. Exemplificare : QUOTE The above accounts may be opened in thefollowing currencies:
(sublinierea in rosu imi apartine) Acest topic a fost editat de exergy33: 20 Jun 2009, 03:34 PM -------------------- *_*_*
Pierdut în Geometria Uitării Căutând Ipote(nu)zele Fericirii - Trecătorul -X- |
20 Jun 2009, 03:35 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 18.844 Inscris: 30 January 04 Din: EU Forumist Nr.: 2.042 |
Propaganda d-asta ieftina faceau si activistii ceausisti. Care explicau strainatatii cat de bine o duc romanii. Ca nu exista o rationalizare a benzinii, ca au conturi in valuta, ca pot calatori in strainatate fara probleme, ca exista libertate de opinie, etc.
-------------------- Un prost gaseste intodeauna unul mai prost , care sa-l admire
Nicolas Boileau |
20 Jun 2009, 03:59 PM
Cronicar Grup: Admin Mesaje: 5.083 Inscris: 26 December 05 Din: Bucuresti Forumist Nr.: 7.531 |
Hai măi March, că eşti moş contra la orice! Adu şi tu ceva dovezi concrete, nu numai speculaţii din ziare de scandal.
-------------------- pantha rhei
Universul Fractal The universe appears to be fractal, cyclic and self-regenerating. Implied is that it is eternal and infinite. |
20 Jun 2009, 04:04 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 18.844 Inscris: 30 January 04 Din: EU Forumist Nr.: 2.042 |
Hai măi March, că eşti moş contra la orice! Adu şi tu ceva dovezi concrete, nu numai speculaţii din ziare de scandal. Tu esti pe post de avocat , sau ce ? Zi ceva despre Iran daca cunosti. Pentru cei care vor sa fie la curent zilnic cu situatia din Iran sa citeasca aici ( este ceea ce Europa Libera era pentru dictatura ceausista ). Acest topic a fost editat de March: 20 Jun 2009, 04:16 PM -------------------- Un prost gaseste intodeauna unul mai prost , care sa-l admire
Nicolas Boileau |
20 Jun 2009, 04:30 PM
Cla Grup: Membri Mesaje: 16.123 Inscris: 7 May 04 Din: Noris Rock City Forumist Nr.: 3.415 |
[quote name='exergy33' date='20 Jun 2009, 03:07 PM' post='653413
Ca sa fiu mai exacta trebuie sa spun ca un litru de benzina fara plumb (standard) costa 100 toumani= 1000 riali, iar la ora actuala 1$=940 toumani= 9400 riali. Benzina Premium se vinde cu 15 centi litrul. Iranul nu produce cantitatea necesara de benzina pentru consumul interior, desi produce 4.2 mil de barili pe zi. [/quote] Pai nu-i fain? Se bucura America de asta si îi mai si zice "The Axxis of Evil". Caca-m-as în capul lor... -------------------- Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
20 Jun 2009, 08:23 PM
Domnitor Grup: Membri Mesaje: 18.844 Inscris: 30 January 04 Din: EU Forumist Nr.: 2.042 |
Fareed Zakaria : One of the first things that strikes me is we are watching the fall of Islamic theocracy....I mean that this is the end of the ideology that lay at the basis of the Iranian regime.
....When the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, declared the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a "divine assessment," he was indicating it was divinely sanctioned. But no one bought it.....Something very important has been laid bare in Iran today --- legitimacy does not flow from divine authority but from popular support....... If senior clerics dispute Khamenei's divine assessment and argue that the Guardian Council is wrong, it is a death blow to the basic premise behind the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is as if a senior Soviet leader had said in 1980 that Karl Marx was not the right guide to economic policy. Cititi aici aceasta pertinenta analiza asupra celor ce se intampla in aceste zile in Iran. -------------------- Un prost gaseste intodeauna unul mai prost , care sa-l admire
Nicolas Boileau |
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