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> The Empire Has No Principles, Only Interests.
mesaj 16 Jan 2024, 11:16 AM
Mesaj #71


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

"The “rules-based international order” has allowed our civilization to be controlled by the most powerful propaganda system ever devised, creating a mind-controlled dystopia of brainwashed gear-turners who are deceived into believing they are free."

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the incineration of Gaza, and the bombing of Yemeni forces who are trying to stop it.

The “rules-based international order” allowed hundreds of thousands of people to be killed by western-backed Saudi atrocities in Yemen.

The “rules-based international order” allowed NATO powers to knowingly provoke a world-threatening proxy war in Ukraine.

The “rules-based international order” allowed western powers and their regional partners to plunge Syria into a horrific civil war by flooding the nation with heavily armed fascistic extremist factions.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to invade and occupy a vast stretch of Syrian territory in order to control the nation’s natural resources and prevent reconstruction.

The “rules-based international order” allowed Libya to be turned into a chaotic hellscape after western-backed forces killed Gaddafi following a long-desired western regime change operation disguised as “humanitarian intervention”.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Iraq to destabilize an entire region resulting in millions of deaths following a campaign of deliberate lies and propaganda.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the invasion of Afghanistan and a decades-long occupation sustained by lies and corruption.

The “rules-based international order” allowed the imprisonment of Julian Assange for journalistic activities exposing US war crimes.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the planet to be circled by hundreds of US military bases, including in places where the people who live there vehemently oppose their presence like Okinawa, Iraq and Syria.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US and its allies to kill huge numbers of civilians with siege warfare tactics in nations like Yemen, Iraq and Venezuela.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to interfere in scores of elections around the world at will and forcibly topple inconvenient governments whenever it wants to.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed China to be surrounded by a rapidly increasing amount of US military bases and war machinery in preparation for a future conflict of unimaginable horror.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the US to plunge the world into a new cold war with rapidly-escalating brinkmanship against nuclear-armed Russia and China.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our civilization to be controlled by the most powerful propaganda system ever devised, creating a mind-controlled dystopia of brainwashed gear-turners who are deceived into believing they are free.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed unfathomable amounts of government malfeasance to be hidden behind an increasingly opaque wall of government secrecy.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the interests of ordinary human beings to be subordinated and subjected to the interests of billionaire corporations and sociopathic government agencies.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed the destruction of our ecosystem for the enrichment of powerful plutocrats.

The “rules-based international order” has allowed our planet to be dominated by an empire of extreme murderousness and depravity at the cost of nonstop bloodshed and ever-increasing tyranny.

If the “rules-based international order” has allowed all these things to happen, what kind of “rules” are we talking about exactly? And what kind of “order” do they sustain?

If this is what the “rules-based international order” looks like, would we not, perhaps, be better off without it?

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 16 Jan 2024, 11:17 AM

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mesaj 19 Jan 2024, 02:27 AM
Mesaj #72


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

When Yemen sets up a blockade to try and stop an active genocide, that’s terrorism, when the US imposes a blockade to secure its geostrategic interests that's rules-based international order.

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mesaj 22 Jan 2024, 01:09 AM
Mesaj #73


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Welcome to the empire

Where genocide is self-defense and peace rallies are genocide
Where war criminals are the victims and the hospitals are Hamas
Where calls for freedom are hateful and ceasefires are anti-semitic
Where civilians get called terrorists and real terrorists get Nobel Peace Prizes
Where the propaganda is journalism and the journalism is propaganda
Where the democracy is real and the apartheid is imaginary
Where the corporations are people and the people are corporate resources

Welcome to the empire

Whose bombs are humanitarian and whose provocations are invisible
Whose veterans are heroes and whose victims are forgotten
Whose wars are always just and whose enemies are always Hitler
Whose cause is always righteous and whose critics are always Russian
Whose sufferings are unforgivable and whose crimes are erased from history
Whose atrocities are always an unfortunate accident and whose enemies kill civilians for fun
Whose disastrous interventions are always innocent mistakes no matter how often they happen

Welcome to the empire

Ever the victim of unprovoked attacks from the people it has been strangling
Ever the shining city on a hill of human corpses
Ever the defender of the poor helpless plutocrats of Wall Street
Ever the savior of the families incinerated by missiles made by Raytheon
Ever the protector of natural resources in the soil of foreign nations
Ever the upholder of the rules-based order of a world with a boot on its throat

The empire loves you with a heart made of dollars and oil
The empire watches over you through your smartphone and your computer
The empire is your only friend
The empire is the only one who will ever love you

You can’t leave
You can’t get rid of the empire

If you get rid of the empire, this world could be taken over by tyrants

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 22 Jan 2024, 01:11 AM

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Promo Contextual
mesaj 22 Jan 2024, 01:09 AM
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mesaj 27 Jan 2024, 11:55 PM
Mesaj #74


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Israel murdering hundreds of people within 24 hours of the International Court of Justice declaring they may be committing genocide and that they must stop killing civilians, with full UK and US support, is the latest confirmation that the Western bloc is the world’s primary evil.

Commemorating the Holocaust while cheerleading for the current holocaust is next-level dystopia.

It's been 24 hours since the ICJ ordered Israel to not kill or harm Palestinians and since then they have killed 174 innocent Palestinians.

GW Bush justifies invading Iraq with testimony by Ibn al-Shaykh Al-Libi, who was tortured into confession by CIA-trained Egyptian security services 2024: Biden justifies cutting UN aid to Gaza with testimony by Palestinian detainees tortured into confession by Israeli security services.

Israel Accuses The ICJ Of (You Guessed It) Antisemitism.
The International Court of Justice rejected Israel’s request to dismiss the genocide case brought against it by South Africa on Friday, ruling by a massive majority that the case shall proceed and instructing Israel to refrain from killing and harming Palestinians in the interim.

Many Palestine supporters have expressed dismay that the ICJ did not explicitly order a ceasefire, while many others (including South African officials) argue that the ruling is very positive and tantamount to a ceasefire order because it demands the end of harm to members of the protected group.

Imperial media are aggressively emphasising the absence of a ceasefire order in their headlines and many Israel apologists are framing that absence as a victory for their favorite ethnostate, but such performative chest-thumping is severely undercut by the way high-level Israeli officials are currently accusing the ICJ of antisemitism and saying Israel should ignore its rulings.

“The international court of justice went above and beyond when it granted South Africa’s antisemitic request to discuss the claim of genocide in Gaza, and now refuses to reject the petition outright,” complained Israeli defense minister Yoav Gallant in response to the ruling.

“The decision of the antisemitic court in The Hague proves what was already known: This court does not seek justice, but rather the persecution of Jewish people,” said Israeli national security minister Itamar Ben Gvir.

Ben Gvir also tweeted “Hague Schmague” immediately after the ruling was issued, which will probably go down in history as the most Israeli tweet of all time.

Everyone’s arguing about whether or not the ICJ’s ruling is helpful, and I don’t know enough one way or the other to be sure either way, but from where things stand right now it does seem unlikely to me that managers of the Israeli war machine would be getting this freaked out and whipping out their tired old “antisemitism” song and dance if there wasn’t something of substance to it.

International lawyer Francis Boyle, who won provisional measures against Yugoslavia at the ICJ in 1993, said the following of the ruling:

“This is a massive, overwhelming legal victory for the Republic of South Africa against Israel on behalf of the Palestinians. The U.N. General Assembly now can suspend Israel from participation in its activities as it did for South Africa and Yugoslavia. It can admit Palestine as a full member. And — especially since the International Criminal Court has been a farce — it can establish a tribunal to prosecute the highest level officials of the Israeli government, both civilian and military.”

So take that for whatever that’s worth to you. In any case the butchery in Gaza still urgently needs to be ended, and only time will tell whether Friday’s development had any major effect on the outcome of this horror.

But man what I wouldn’t have given to be a fly on the wall at the meetings they were having at the US State Department on Friday. It’s days like this that remind you why empire managers switched from talking about “international law” to using the meaningless phrase “rules-based international order”.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 27 Jan 2024, 11:58 PM

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mesaj 1 Feb 2024, 12:08 PM
Mesaj #75


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Biden is preparing a weeks-long bombing campaign against Iranian targets, tempting the nightmare scenario of a full-blown war with Iran, despite the public acknowledgement that there's no actual evidence Iran was behind the attack Biden is responding to.


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mesaj 1 Feb 2024, 12:12 PM
Mesaj #76


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Pentagon to Troops: ‘Get Ready To Fight In Gaza!

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mesaj 2 Feb 2024, 03:26 AM
Mesaj #77


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Belgium is one of the Western countries that has refused to cut funding to UNRWA. So Israel just bombed the office of the Belgian Agency for Development Cooperation in Gaza. This is a direct result of the impunity Washington has provided Israel.

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mesaj 2 Feb 2024, 03:29 AM
Mesaj #78


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Democrats Are Demented Genocidal War Sluts

President Biden is reportedly preparing to begin a new weeks-long bombing campaign in the middle east in retaliation for a drone attack which killed three US troops this past weekend. These strikes are expected to include Iranian targets, tempting the nightmare scenario of a full-blown war with Iran, despite the public acknowledgement that there’s no evidence Iran was behind the drone strike.

Antiwar’s Dave DeCamp explains:

“US officials told NBC News that the US is planning to launch a weeks-long bombing campaign in the Middle East in retaliation for the drone attack in northeast Jordan that killed three American soldiers.

“The officials said that the targets are expected to include Iranian targets outside of Iran, and the campaign will involve strikes and cyber operations. Other reports have said the US is considering targeting Iranians in Iraq and Syria or the Iranian navy.

“While the potential targets are not inside Iran, direct attacks on the Iranian military could provoke a full-blown war between the US and Iran. The US is considering taking this course of action even though the Pentagon admitted it has no evidence Iran was directly involved in the drone attack in Jordan.”

Iran threatened to “decisively respond” to any US attack, either upon the Islamic Republic itself or upon the nation’s “interests and nationals under any pretexts.”

So this looks to be yet another dramatic escalation in the middle east by the warmongering policies of the sitting US president, who has also been waging a new bombing campaign in Yemen and backing a genocide in Gaza of unbelievable savagery where starving Palestinians are now eating grass and drinking polluted water in a desperate attempt to survive. According to a memo obtained by The Intercept, US troops have been put on standby for possible involvement in Israel’s assault on Gaza as well.

In the midst of all that murderousness the Twitter account from this bloodthirsty ghoul of a president is posting cutesey tweets at Elmo from Sesame Street about the importance of emotional wellbeing, which is about the most dystopian thing you can possibly imagine.

“Our friend Elmo is right: We have to be there for each other, offer our help to a neighbor in need, and above all else, ask for help when we need it,” Biden tweeted during an active US-backed genocide.

Longtime Democratic Party leader Nancy Pelosi has been behaving even more freakishly. The former House Speaker said this past Sunday that people advocating a ceasefire in Gaza are promoting “Mr. Putin’s message,” claiming on no basis whatsoever that some pro-Palestine demonstrations are backed by Russia and should be investigated by the FBI.

In a video posted the very next day by antiwar activist group Code Pink, Pelosi is seen admonishing protesters against Biden’s Gaza genocide to “Go back to China where your headquarters is.” Pelosi’s demented accusation is presumably a reference to a New York Times smear piece which used sleazy insinuations to falsely imply a connection between Code Pink and the Chinese government without ever actually showing one to exist, and not even that smear piece ever claimed that Code Pink had a headquarters in China.

The “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party isn’t much better, with political pop stars like Bernie Sanders flailing all over the place to avoid advocating a ceasefire and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez saying she fully supports Biden despite his actions in Gaza and adamantly refusing to say if the president is backing a genocide.

A Democratic president engaging in genocide during a re-election year is highlighting the depravity of this warmongering capitalist party more starkly than anything else I can remember. Democrats frame themselves as responsible humanitarians who stand in opposition to the reckless murderousness and fascism of the Republican Party’s worst impulses, yet here they are openly falling all over themselves to justify mass atrocities driven by the racist feeding frenzy of a tyrannical far-right regime.

In reality the Democratic Party exists to promote the interests of the murderous US empire just as much as the Republican Party does. They might sometimes promote imperial interests in different ways, in the same way the left jab and the right cross are used differently in boxing. But just as a boxer uses jabs and crosses together to score a knockout blow, the empire uses the Democratic and Republican parties in conjunction to keep the imperial war machine trudging forward over human bodies, year after year and administration after administration.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 2 Feb 2024, 03:32 AM

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mesaj 2 Feb 2024, 04:02 AM
Mesaj #79


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

What the First Week of War With Iran Could Look Like

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mesaj 4 Feb 2024, 11:09 PM
Mesaj #80


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

US foreign policy is essentially one big long war against disobedience. Bombing, regime changing, starving and destabilizing any population anywhere on earth who dares to insist on its own self-sovereignty instead of letting itself be absorbed into the folds of the global empire.

They call different parts of it the Israel-Hamas War, the Iraq War, the Vietnam War, but really it's all the same war. One long operation to brutalize the global population into obedience and submission, generation after generation.

Biden isn't technically lying when he says the US does not seek conflict in the middle east. The US seeks DOMINATION in the middle east, and would prefer to receive that domination willingly from submissive subjects. Only when middle easterners refuse to submit is there conflict.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 4 Feb 2024, 11:10 PM

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mesaj 6 Feb 2024, 12:59 AM
Mesaj #81


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

If You Want to Understand Why the War on Drugs Failed, There is No Better Place to Look Than Arkansas When Clinton Was Governor

“Nose Like a Vacuum Cleaner”, Arkansas, Clinton, Mena, CIA, Army, Barry Seal... cel mai mare traficant ever (om al CIA)...

Ce făceau băieții cu avioanele militare? Cum ce? Cărau droguri normal...

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 6 Feb 2024, 01:05 AM

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mesaj 7 Feb 2024, 10:15 PM
Mesaj #82


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The Empire Depends On Our Unwillingness To Look At Its Crimes

U.S. foreign policy amounts to bombing, regime changing, starving and destabilizing any population anywhere on Earth who dares to insist on its own sovereignty.

Caitlin Johnstone: The War on Disobedience

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 7 Feb 2024, 10:18 PM

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mesaj 9 Feb 2024, 02:32 AM
Mesaj #83


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The US Keeps Bombing People While Saying It Doesn’t Want To Fight

One of the weirdest things happening in the world today is the way US officials keep insisting that they are not at war with the groups they’re dropping bombs on in the middle east, and that they do not seek conflict with the people they are attacking.

Shortly after another massive round of attacks on Houthi targets in Yemen, Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder told reporters on Monday that the US is not at war with the group.

“We don’t seek an escalation with the Houthis. We’re not at war with the Houthis. We’re not seeking to go to war with the Houthis,” Ryder said.

The day before, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told CNN’s State of the Union that “the United States also is not looking for a wider war in the middle east,” even as he refused to rule out direct attacks within Iran, and even as the US-backed war on Gaza has expanded to US bombing campaigns in Yemen, Syria and Iraq.

This is just days after President Biden released a statement saying “The United States does not seek conflict in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world” while the United States was in the process of dropping bombs on multiple middle eastern countries.

It’s just so surreal. It’s like someone running up to you and slinging punches at your face while screaming “I DO NOT WISH TO FIGHT! THIS IS NOT AN ASSAULT!” They wear a plastic smiling mask and pay lip service to peace while operating the single most aggressive and murderous power structure on this planet.

The empire has been doing this same freakish Nice Guy Axe Murderer schtick with Gaza. The Biden administration could force an end to Israel’s genocidal atrocities in the Gaza Strip at any time but are instead choosing to provide those atrocities with full unconditional support, and as they do this they’re simultaneously putting on a performance to suggest that they disapprove of Israel’s actions. The White House has expressed “concern” over the death and suffering of civilians in Gaza no fewer than twenty times as of this writing, yet has continued to back the Israeli onslaught without taking any concrete actions to make the death and suffering stop.

That’s what we’re seeing when Biden administration officials tell the press that Biden referred to Netanyahu as a “bad fucking guy”, or when Secretary of State Antony Blinken solemnly finger-wags at Israel saying the dehumanization of the October 7 attack “cannot be a license to dehumanize others.” They’re putting on a big show about opposing Israel’s crimes against humanity as though they are not enthusiastically facilitating those crimes. They’re acting like they’re a passive witness to the atrocities in Gaza when in reality they’re an active participant. They’re posing as the peacemaker while acting as the warmaker.

And now we learn that US military advisors have been deployed to Kinmen, a group of Taiwan-controlled islands so close to the Chinese mainland that in the late sixties giant loudspeakers were built there to blast anti-communist propaganda over the water into the PRC.

Contrast this move with a recent headline from The Times saying “China opens Antarctic base on America’s doorstep,” which will show up as self-evidently nonsensical to anyone who has ever looked at a globe. It’s taken as a given that the US is entitled to amass a military presence right on China’s coastline, but the idea of China establishing a presence literally anywhere on planet Earth is interpreted as extreme aggressions on “America’s doorstep”.

It’s almost a cliché at this point to say imagine if China did this to the US, but seriously. Imagine if China did this to the US. As one Twitter follower put it, at just three kilometers away the Kinmen islands are closer to mainland China than Martha’s Vineyard is to the coast of Massachusetts. If China came anywhere near amassing any kind of military presence that close to the United States, it would be considered an act of war and the US would attack immediately.

So the US is clearly the aggressor here. It has been rapidly surrounding China with war machinery in ways it would never permit itself to be surrounded by any rival nation, and doing so more and more aggressively by the day. But if at any point China decides that too many of its red lines have been crossed and it needs to act before it’s too late, the US will with absolute certainty have a melodramatic fit about China’s unprovoked attack on the poor innocent US military presence on its border.

That’s exactly what happened with Ukraine. The US was fully aware that it was acting in an extremely aggressive and provocative way on Russia’s western border and that it was playing very dangerous games sending weapons to Kyiv while expanding NATO and ramping up cold war aggressions, and so were many experts and analysts who spent years warning that the west’s actions would lead to war. Yet when Russia finally attacked, the entire western political-media class began bleating the word “unprovoked” in unison.

This is the kind of bizarre two-step you have to do if you want to be the global hegemon with all the violence and tyranny that necessarily comes with the job while also needing to present yourself as the nice guy. The US empire exists at an oddly contradictory point in history when our society no longer considers it acceptable to be a might-makes-right strongman dominator, and yet that’s precisely the sort of disposition you need to have when you’re an empire held together by endless military violence and the threat thereof.

So you get weird nonsense like US officials bombing the shit out of the middle east while proclaiming they have no interest in war, and engaging in extremely reckless aggressions against nuclear-armed rivals while pretending they’re just innocent witnesses to unprovoked aggressions if those nations respond.

Their information interests require them to be the good guy, but their strategic interests require them to be the bad guy. You can already tell without looking that straddling these contradictory positions will result in absurdity, and looking at today’s headlines confirms it.


Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 9 Feb 2024, 02:33 AM

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mesaj 16 Feb 2024, 12:04 AM
Mesaj #84


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Westerners who don’t appreciate the extreme dysfunctionality of western civilization are like someone in an abusive marriage who hasn’t yet recognized that there’s a problem, or someone who had a violent and chaotic childhood who still thinks their home life was basically normal.

All of us understand that there are problems with our society, and most of us understand that a lot of of those problems are severe. But few westerners really get just how bad it is. How pervasively diseased it is.

In reality, we are living in a profoundly sick dystopia that is built on a foundation of human corpses and fueled by an endless river of human blood. Our news media are propaganda services, our entertainment is brainwashing, and our mainstream culture is social engineering, all built to keep us turning the gears of a vast globe-dominating empire.

There’s a widespread assumption throughout the western world that while things might not be perfect our society is certainly much better than what people experience in a nation like China, smugly believing ourselves to be a free society full of free thinkers and free people in contrast with those unfortunate thought-controlled communist conformists. In fact western civilization is one giant thought-controlled conformity machine where people’s minds are shaped by mass-scale psychological manipulation far more effectively than anywhere else in the world, exactly because westerners don’t know this is happening and believe they are free.

Western minds don’t like to be told this, because it goes against everything they’ve been trained to believe about their nation, their society, and their world. Obviously we are much freer here than those poor saps to the east; here in the west we are free to choose between 197 flavors of frosted breakfast cereal and 20,000 different superhero movies. We are free to choose between voting for warmongering capitalist authoritarian Democrats or warmongering capitalist authoritarian Republicans. We are free to sell our labor at a fraction of the value it generates to any exploitative ecocidal employer of our choosing. We are free to think whatever thoughts we’ve been trained to think by our education systems, mass media, and Silicon Valley algorithm manipulation. We are free to speak our minds, which have been shaped and conditioned to serve the interests of the powerful and never to say anything that falls outside the Overton window of acceptable opinion.

Sure there are outliers in the margins, westerners who’ve slipped outside the matrix of thought control and have gained the ability to traffick in unauthorized opinions — if you’re reading this you’re probably one of them. But our numbers are deliberately kept too small to have any political consequence, and if those numbers start getting too big for comfort we immediately see influence ops to sow division and confusion and herd people back toward the mainstream flock. Sure we in our small numbers are free to voice unauthorized opinions on marginal platforms where we can’t have much impact — we’re free to dig a hole in the ground and whisper whatever we want into it, too.

The single biggest obstacle to our freedom in the west is our widespread belief that we are free. Until we collectively realize we’re human livestock being continually herded into our respective gear-turning stations to keep the imperial juggernaut trudging ever forward on the world stage, we’ve got no chance to break free and bring the whole abusive system crashing down.

Until this is seen we’re like the wife who thinks it’s perfectly normal that her husband controls all her finances and dictates every aspect of her life, and who’d be shocked and angered if anyone tried to tell her that this is what an abusive relationship looks like. We’re like the man who insists he had a happy childhood despite remembering a lot of body trauma and screams.

The truth is all around us — we’re marinating in it 24/7/365. But we can’t see it, because it’s all we’ve ever known. We’ve been conditioned to think that this murderous ecocidal mind-controlled dystopia is normal, and we can’t imagine it being any other way. The prospect of ending it can actually feel scary and intimidating, just as it can for someone who’s thinking about fleeing an abusive relationship.

But real freedom is just on the other side of that fear. All we’ve got to do is become sufficiently conscious of what’s really going on here.


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mesaj 20 Feb 2024, 01:15 AM
Mesaj #85


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Lumea liberă, izolată de lume și de libertate

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mesaj 20 Feb 2024, 01:46 AM
Mesaj #86


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

This is the dystopia we were warned about. The main difference between this mind-controlled dystopia and the fictional dystopias in novels like 1984 is that in 1984 people knew they weren't living in a free society, whereas in this dystopia the people believe they are free.

In Orwell's dystopia people knew they weren't free and had to use doublethink to stay out of trouble with their rulers. In this dystopia people have no idea how pervasively they're being dominated by their rulers; they think they came up with their ideas, worldview and political positions on their own, when in reality those belief systems were constructed inside their skulls by a profoundly sophisticated propaganda machine without their even knowing it.

All mainstream and semi-mainstream political factions are owned and operated by the powerful, and propaganda is used to get the public subscribing to them to advance the interests of the powerful. Because the overwhelming majority of us have been manipulated into espousing one of these power-serving belief systems (they give you multiple choices depending on your ideological disposition), the more overtly totalitarian measures described by dystopian novelists are unnecessary. You don't need to cage a bird that has been tricked into believing it can't fly.

But make no mistake: our society is no more free than those in the dark futures imagined by storytellers. If our minds are not free, then we are not free. If we're being successfully manipulated into thinking, speaking, acting, voting, working and consuming in accordance with the wishes of the powerful, then we're just as locked down as we would be if we had chains around our necks. Collectively we could not be any more aligned with the will of the powerful than we already are, even if our brains were replaced with computer chips.

There is no more need for dystopian fiction, because the dystopia has already arrived. It's here. In fact, dystopian fiction is actually destructive because it causes people to imagine that dystopia is a threat that exists somewhere off in the future instead of right here and now all around us.

We don't need dystopian fiction for the same reason we wouldn't need imaginary swords-and-sorcery fantasy novels if we we lived in a world of wizards and dragons. People living in dystopian societies do not need dystopian fiction, they need dystopian facts. Dystopian journalism. Dystopian documentaries. Dystopian polemics. We just need true information and reality-based ideas to counter the lies and manipulation we're inundated with from day to day.

We cannot be free until we have used the power of our numbers to shrug off the control of our dystopian overlords, and we'll never do that as long as a critical majority of us are unable to see how profoundly unfree we really are. There's no escaping the mind control matrix of imperial propaganda until you can see the lines of code it is made of.

Our most important task then, at this point in history, is to keep pointing out those lines of code for as many people as possible, in as many ways as we can think of. The one advantage to this type of dystopia is that our rulers need to maintain their nice-guy free society image in order to preserve the illusion that we are free, so they can't just come out and start imprisoning everyone who spotlights the myriad ways we are enslaved by lies and propaganda. They'll never grant us a major mainstream platform on which to do this, but we can operate within the margins, waking up one person at a time to the reality of what's going on.

So go around spreading the truth. Fighting the propaganda. Weakening public trust in the mass media and the political constructs it manufactures consent for. Highlighting the depravity and murderousness of the empire. Everything you do on this front makes a difference, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. The propaganda machine is the linchpin of their power. It's what holds the empire together. Without the ability to manipulate the public at mass scale, our rulers cannot rule.

Once people are no longer buying into power-serving narratives, we will gain the ability to begin working toward the creation of a truth-based society that works for everyone. But this will never happen as long as we are being successfully manipulated into believing this model for human civilization is acceptable and serves our interests. The very first step is un-jacking our brains from the propaganda matrix.


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mesaj 20 Feb 2024, 01:52 AM
Mesaj #87


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

How the CIA Destabilizes the World

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mesaj 20 Feb 2024, 02:11 AM
Mesaj #88


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Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Collateral Murder - Julian Assange

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mesaj 21 Feb 2024, 10:29 PM
Mesaj #89


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Julian Assange speaking in 2011: "The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of the US and Europe through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is an endless war, not a successful war"

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mesaj 27 Feb 2024, 03:25 AM
Mesaj #90


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Caitlin Johnstone: He Burned Himself Alive to Turn Eyes to Gaza

Aaron Bushnell:

“Many of us like to ask ourselves, ‘What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?’

“The answer is, you’re doing it. Right now.”

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 27 Feb 2024, 03:27 AM

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mesaj 28 Feb 2024, 12:51 AM
Mesaj #91


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The Secret Military History of Monsanto (Bayer)

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mesaj 28 Feb 2024, 12:55 AM
Mesaj #92


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Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The American Colony Called Germany

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mesaj 24 Mar 2024, 12:21 AM
Mesaj #93


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Humanity doesn’t just need to escape from the mental prison of imperial indoctrination. It needs to escape from the heart prison as well.

I’m always talking here about the need to fight empire propaganda to help the public awaken to the fact that everything we’ve been trained to believe about the world is a lie, because that insight taking root in sufficient numbers would be the first step toward the revolutionary changes our world so desperately needs.

But large numbers of people opening their eyes to the reality of mass-scale psychological manipulation by the powerful would by itself be insufficient, because people need not only to see the truth — they also need to care.

Realizing the depravity and immense human suffering the US-centralized empire is responsible for creates an opportunity to respond to this insight with horror and begin resisting it — but it is only an opportunity. At that juncture it’s still possible for someone to realize that we’re not being told the truth about what’s happening in the world, but decide to play along with the lies anyway, either because the existing world order has made them wealthy, or because they are too indoctrinated with support for western power structures, or because they ideologically support Israel, or because they’re afraid of the changes and upheaval that would come with an overturning of the status quo, or because they are intellectually and morally lazy, or some other selfish reason.

Realizing that you’ve been indoctrinated into accepting a pernicious status quo unlocks an important door within yourself, but just because that door is opened doesn’t mean you have to walk through it. Walking through it requires another kind of awakening — an awakening of the heart.

Really no amount of knowledge or intellectual insight will ever set us free as a species in and of itself. You could upload the sum total of human knowledge into the brain of everyone on earth — including even government secrets that aren’t public knowledge — but unless this is accompanied by a collective opening of the heart, it wouldn’t make any difference. Unless people can find it within themselves to care deeply about the horrific things our rulers have been doing to our fellow human beings, no amount of knowledge about those things will catalyze real change.

And there are plenty of people who know but don’t care. The most powerful government agencies in the world are run by people who know terrible secrets about our ruling power structures that we ordinary members of the public are not allowed to know, but because their loyalty is to the empire and not to humanity, they don’t care about the moral implications of what they know or the human suffering the empire is responsible for.

So the demand of this moment in history is not just to understand, but to care. Not just to know what’s wrong with the world, but to feel it. Not just to awaken on the level of the head, but to awaken on the level of the heart as well. Not just to value our own personal understanding, but to value humanity as a whole.

Knowledge of the truth can lead to a profound compassion for the victims of the globe-spanning power structure which rules over us and a determination to oppose its cruelty — that’s why said power structure pours so much energy into keeping everyone propagandized. But it doesn’t necessarily need to lead to such compassion. The light of truth can stop its expansion at the gates of the heart, unless there’s some willingness from somewhere deep inside us to throw those gates open.

Ultimately humanity just needs to wake up, on every level. We need to liberate ourselves from the shackles of propaganda. We need to liberate ourselves from the shackles on our hearts. We need to liberate ourselves from the shackles of the ego. We need to liberate ourselves from the shackles of the dualistic perspective which obfuscates the oneness of all of reality from our vision.

That’s what’s being asked of us at this juncture. To wake all the way up and become a conscious species. That’s the only way we’ll ever be able to move about on this planet in a healthy and harmonious way.

And we’ll either rise to the occasion or we won’t. We’ll either wake up, or we’ll destroy ourselves. I believe we have the freedom as a species to go either way.


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mesaj 24 Mar 2024, 09:02 PM
Mesaj #94


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The Empire Doesn't Hide Its Worst Deeds, It Just Manipulates How People Think About Them

The worst actions of your government happen not in secrecy, but right out in the open under the narrative cover of mass media propaganda. The western empire doesn't hide its worst deeds, it just manipulates the way people think about them.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 24 Mar 2024, 09:02 PM

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mesaj 24 Mar 2024, 09:26 PM
Mesaj #95


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

How Western Media Built the Case for Genocide

From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalized accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are serving as propagandists, writes Jonathan Cook.

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mesaj 26 Mar 2024, 02:48 AM
Mesaj #96


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 16.107
Inscris: 7 May 04
Din: Noris Rock City
Forumist Nr.: 3.415

QUOTE(shapeshifter @ 27 Feb 2024, 11:55 PM) *

Sa nu uitam ca dronele americane sunt circulate din Ramstein, Germania, americanii înca mai sunt aici si arunca bombe unde le pasa, de parca ar fi un joc la computer, nu conteaza câti oameni mor.
Ca sa zica mai târziu: Sorry, nu-i vina noastra, asta vine din Germania, cum au facut-o cu Libia.
Asta e la fel ca în România cu schingiuirile din puscariile lor, unde CIA zice ca "Noi nu-s de vina", la fel ca în Guantanamo.

Talk to me, we call it an empire

Acest topic a fost editat de Cla: 26 Mar 2024, 03:20 AM

Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
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mesaj 26 Mar 2024, 11:48 PM
Mesaj #97


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

They lied about decapitated babies so that they could kill babies.
They lied about rape so that they could rape.
They lied about Hamas using civilians as human shields so that they could use civilians as human targets.
They lie about being victims so that they can victimize.

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mesaj 27 Mar 2024, 07:55 PM
Mesaj #98


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 16.107
Inscris: 7 May 04
Din: Noris Rock City
Forumist Nr.: 3.415

Yes, they lie toata ziua si niciodata nu ei sunt de vina.

Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
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mesaj 2 Apr 2024, 08:53 PM
Mesaj #99


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Israel Keeps Getting More Murderous

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mesaj 5 Apr 2024, 08:59 PM
Mesaj #100


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

The "human shields" lie has been conclusively, irrefutably debunked. Civilians aren't getting killed because Hamas hides behind them, civilians are getting killed because the IDF waits until Hamas are around civilians to attack them.

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mesaj 6 Apr 2024, 09:08 PM
Mesaj #101


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 16.107
Inscris: 7 May 04
Din: Noris Rock City
Forumist Nr.: 3.415

Traduce te rog "irrefutably".

Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
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mesaj 8 Apr 2024, 11:29 AM
Mesaj #102


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 16.107
Inscris: 7 May 04
Din: Noris Rock City
Forumist Nr.: 3.415

QUOTE(Cla @ 6 Apr 2024, 09:08 PM) *
"Politica este poate singura meserie pentru care se crede ca nu este necesara nici o pregatire." (Robert Louis Stevenson)

Hmm, nu chiar, în viata urmatoare voi fi Meteorolog, daca mâine ploua sau nu, nu e vina mea, ci a norilor.
La politica e la fel: Sa nu stii ce si cum faci, dar sa stii de afaceri si sa fii bun cu papagalul.

Cea mai buna inventie e dormitul, de c�nd au fost obositii.
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mesaj 17 Apr 2024, 12:55 PM
Mesaj #103


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

A Brief History of Kill Lists, from Langley to Lavender

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mesaj 17 Apr 2024, 10:13 PM
Mesaj #104


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Foreign Affairs writes about the "hidden history" of diplomacy that could have ended the war.
It was not "hidden"! The media refused to report on verifiable facts & smeared anyone who discussed it as "Putinists" and "propagandists"
Why did the media fail to report on the following:
- On the first day after Russia invaded, Zelensky confirmed that Moscow contacted them to negotiate peace based on neutrality
- On the third day after the invasion, both Moscow and Kiev confirmed negotiations would start based on restoring Ukrainian neutrality.
- The US spokesperson, Ned Price, argued the US could not support the peace negotiations as this war was much greater than Ukraine
- The Israeli and Turkish mediators at the negotiations confirmed they were close to an agreement as Russia would compromise on everything besides neutrality / end of NATO expansionism, but the US and UK blocked it as they saw an opportunity to weaken Russia by fighting with Ukrainians
- The head of Zelensky's political party confirms there was a deal, and the former advisor of Zelensky also confirms there was a deal but the Americans could get the Russians and Ukrainians to fight each other.
- Ukrainian ambassador Chalyi who participated in the peace negotiations argues Putin "tried everything" to get a peace agreement and they were very close to a deal before it was postponed
- General Harald Kujat, former head of the German Army and Chairman of the NATO Military Committee, argues a deal reached before the US and UK sabotaged it by telling Zelensky they would not support the peace agreement but would give him all the weapons he needed to defeat Russia on the battlefield. According to Kujat, the US and UK saw an opportunity to kill Russians and thus weaken a strategic rival

This has been an amazing propaganda campaign, appealing to the best in humanity to do the worst. They provoked a war and sabotaged all paths to peace to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian, and they sold it to the public as "supporting" and "helping" Ukraine. Almost every "pro-Ukrainian" policy since the coup in 2014 failed to have support from the majority of Ukrainians and always ended in tragedy for their nation.
- The only reason we are now allowed to speak about the negotiations is that NATO has run out of Ukrainians and the war is lost. The public must therefore be prepared for a settlement after two years of claiming that Ukraine is winning while refusing to even sit down and talk with Russia. Absolutely disgusting and shameful!

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mesaj 17 Apr 2024, 10:15 PM
Mesaj #105


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 6 November 05
Forumist Nr.: 7.211

Ce nu spune nimeni în Occident din cauza propagandei amerloce: loviturile iraniene special gândite au atins cele mai mari două baze aeriene ale IDF, Ramon și Nevatim, situate în imediata apropiere a principalului centru nuclear al Israelului din Dimona. Aici, probabil, nu numai că au fost dezvoltate armele atomice ale țării, dar se află și principala lor unitate de depozitare.

Faptul că rachetele iraniene au lovit pistele cu o precizie uimitoare, și nu serviciile tehnice ale bazelor aeriene, a fost, de asemenea, făcut aparent intenționat. Făcând cratere din beton deosebit de puternic și gros, destinate, printre altele, să primească avioane cargo super-grele și bombardiere strategice din Statele Unite, iranienii au demonstrat că ar putea la fel de ușor să spargă apărarea reactorului Dimona și poate chiar plafoanele depozitelor nucleare.

Acest topic a fost editat de shapeshifter: 17 Apr 2024, 10:16 PM

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