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> Depresia, diagnostic, tratament, istorii personale
Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:34 PM
Mesaj #1

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

Un numar de postari pe Han mi-au dat impresia ca deschiderea unui topic despre depresie & ganduri negative & nemultumire fata de noi insine e destul de oportuna...Voi incepe sa postez cateva chestii in limba engleza despre diagnosticarea depresiei si tratamentul depresiei, urmand ca dup'aia sa las deschisa discutia/ dezbaterea cazurilor individuale... mwah1.gif
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:37 PM
Mesaj #2

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

material preluat de la Depression Alliance, UK

What are the typical symptoms of depression?

A depressive disorder is a "whole-body" illness, involving your body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. A depressive disorder is not a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help over 80% of those who suffer from depression. Bipolar depression includes periods of high or mania. Not everyone who is depressed or manic experiences every symptom. Some people experience a few symptoms, some many. Also, severity of symptoms varies with individuals.

Symptoms of Depression:

Persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" mood
Feelings of hopelessness, pessimism
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness
Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities that you once enjoyed, including sex
Insomnia, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping.
Appetite and/or weight loss or overeating and weight gain
Decreased energy. fatigue, being "slowed down"
Thoughts of death or suicide, suicide attempts
Restlessness, irritability
Difficulty concentrating, remembering, making decisions
Persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as headaches, digestive disorders, and chronic pain

Symptoms of Mania:

Inappropriate elation
Inappropriate irritability
Severe insomnia
Grandiose notions
Increased talking
Disconnected and racing thoughts
Increased sexual desire
Markedly increased energy
Poor judgment
Inappropriate social behavior

What are the diagnostic criteria for depression?

Depression comes in many forms and in many degrees. Below, you will find some of the most common depressive types, along with some of the diagnostic criteria from the DSM-III-R (the official diagnostic and statistical manual for psychiatric illnesses).

Major Depression:
This is a most serious type of depression. Many people with a major depression can not continue to function normally. The treatments for this are medication, psychotherapy and, in extreme cases, electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

Diagnostic criteria:

At least five of the following symptoms have been present during the same two-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood, or (2) loss of interest or pleasure (do not include symptoms that are clearly due to a physical condition, mood- incongruent delusions or hallucinations, incoherence, or marked loosening of associations).
depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated either by subjective account or observation by others
markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities most of the day, nearly every day (as indicated either by subjective account or observation by others of apathy most of the time)
significant weight loss or weight gain when not dieting (e.g. more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day
insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day
psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down)
fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely self- reproach or guilt about being sick)
diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others)
recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide

1. It cannot be established that an organic factor initiated and maintained the disturbance
2. The disturbance is not a normal reaction to the death of a loved one

At no time during the disturbance have there been delusions or hallucinations for as long as two weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms (i.e..- before the mood symptoms developed or after they have remitted).

Not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder

This is a mild, chronic depression which lasts for two years or longer. Most people with this disorder continue to function at work or school but often with the feeling that they are "just going through the motions." The person may not realize that they are depressed. Anti-depressants or psychotherapy can help.

Diagnostic criteria:

Depressed mood (or can be irritable mood in children and adolescents) for most of the day, more days than not, as indicated either by subjective account or observation by others, for at least two years (one year for children and adolescents)

Presence, while depressed, of at least two of the following:
poor appetite or overeating
insomnia or hypersomnia
low energy or fatigue
low self-esteem
poor concentration or difficult making decisions
feelings of hopelessness

During a two-year period (one-year for children and adolescents) of the disturbance, never without the symptoms in A for more than two months at a time.

No evidence of an unequivocal Major Depressive Episode during the first two years (one year for children and adolescents) of the disturbance.

Has never had a Manic Episode or an unequivocal Hypo manic Episode.

Not superimposed on a chronic psychotic disorder, such as Schizophrenia or Delusional Disorder.

It cannot be established that an organic factor initiated or maintained the disturbance, e.g., prolonged administration of an antihypertensive medication.

Adjustment Disorder with Depressed Mood:
This is the type of depression that results when a person has something bad happen to them that depresses them. For example, loss of one's job can cause this type of depression. It generally fades as time passes and the person gets over what ever it was that happened.

Diagnostic criteria:

A reaction to an identifiable psycho social stressor (or multiple stressors) that occurs within three months of onset of the stressor(s).

The maladaptive nature of the reaction is indicated by either of the following:
impairment in occupational (including school) functioning or in usual social activities or relationships with others

symptoms that are in excess of a normal and expectable reaction to the stressor(s)

The disturbance is not merely one instance of a pattern of overreaction to stress or an exacerbation of one of the mental disorders previously described (in the entire DSM).

The maladaptive reaction has persisted for no longer than six months.

The disturbance does not meet criteria for any specific mental disorder and does nor represent Uncomplicated Bereavement.
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:42 PM
Mesaj #3

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

CAUZELE DEPRESIEI (aceeasi sursa citata)

What causes depression?

The group of symptoms which doctors and therapists use to diagnose depression ("depressive symptoms"), which includes the important proviso that the symptoms have manifested for more than a few weeks and that they are interfering with normal life, are the result of an alteration in brain chemistry. This alteration is similar to temporary, normal variations in brain chemistry which can be triggered by illness, stress, frustration, or grief, but it differs in that it is self-sustaining and does not resolve itself upon removal of such triggering events (if any such trigger can be found at all, which is not always the case.)

Instead, the alteration continues, producing depressive symptoms and through those symptoms, enormous new stresses on the person: unhappiness, sleep disorders, lack of concentration, difficulty in doing one's job, inability to care for one's physical and emotional needs, strain on existing relationships with friends and family. These new stresses may be sufficient to act as triggers for continuing brain chemistry alteration, or they may simply prevent the resolution of the difficulties which may have triggered the initial alteration, or both.

The depressive brain chemistry alteration seems to be self-limiting in most cases: after one to three years, a more normal chemistry reappears, even without medical treatment. However, if the alteration is profound enough to cause suicidal impulses, a majority of untreated depressed people will in fact attempt suicide, and as many as 17% will eventually succeed. Therefore, depression must be thought of as a potentially fatal illness. Friends and relatives may be deceived by the casual way that profoundly depressed people speak of suicide or self-mutilation. They are not casual because they "don't really mean it"; they are casual because these things seem no worse than the mental pain they are already suffering. Any comment such as, "You'd be better off if I were gone," or "I wish I could just jump out a window," is the equivalent of a sudden high fever; the depressed person must be taken to a professional who can monitor their danger. A formulated plan, such as, "I'm going to jump in front of the next car that comes by," is the equivalent of sudden unconsciousness: an immediate medical emergency which may require hospitalization.

Depression can shut down the survival instinct or temporarily suppress it. Therefore, depressed suicidal thinking is not the same as the suicidal thinking of normal people who have reached a crisis point in their lives. Depressive suicides give less warning, need less time to plan, and are willing to attempt more painful and immediate means, such as jumping out of a moving car. They may also fight the impulse to suicide by compromising on self-injury -- cutting themselves with knives, for example, in an attempt to distract themselves from severe mental pain. Again, relatives and friends are likely to be astonished by how quickly such an impulse can appear and be acted upon.

What initiates the alteration in brain chemistry?

It can be either a psychological or a physical event. On the physical side, a hormonal change may provide the initial trigger: some women dip into depression briefly each month during their premenstrual phase; some find that the hormone balance created by oral contraceptives disposes them to depression; pregnancy, the end of pregnancy, and menopause have also been cited. Men's hormone levels fluctuate as deeply but less obviously.

It is well known that certain chronic illnesses have depression as a frequent consequence: some forms of heart disease, for example, and Parkinsonism. This seems to be the result of a chemical effect rather than a purely psychological one, since other, equally traumatic and serious illnesses don't show the same high risk of depression.

Is a tendency to depression inherited?

It seems there are some people whose brain chemistry is predisposed to the depressive response, and others who are at much lower risk of depression even if exposed to the same physical or psychological triggers. The genetic relations of manic-depressives are at a higher risk for unipolar depression than the population at large or their adopted/by marriage relations. There seems to be a link between high creativity and the gene for manic-depression: artists and writers often are not manic-depressive themselves, but have a family member who is. Studies of families in which members of each generation develop manic-depressive illness found that those with the illness have a somewhat different genetic make-up than those who do not get ill. However, the reverse is not true: not everybody with the genetic make-up that causes vulnerability to manic-depressive illness has the disorder. Apparently additional factors, possibly a stressful environment, are involved in its onset.

Major depression also seems to occur, generation after generation, in some families. However, depression can occur in people with no family history of any form of mental illness. And I would be reluctant to suggest that there is any human who is entirely immune to depression under all possible conditions.

Psychological triggers: many, if not most, people with depression can point to some incident or condition which they believe is responsible for their unhappiness. Of course, people with severe depression are prone to astonishingly virulent and inappropriate guilt and self-hatred.

The (genuine) life events that most often appear in connection with depression are various, but there is one distinguishing feature that appears in many cases, over and over: loss of self-determination, of empowerment, of self-confidence. More profoundly: a loss of self, of the abilities or activities that a person identifies with herself. Stereotypically: a man loses the job that had defined him to himself and others, whether that definition was "executive" or "breadwinner"; a woman who had spent her whole life preparing for and living the role of wife, supporter, caretaker, is suddenly left alone by divorce or death. In general, any life change, often caused by events beyond one's control, which damages the structure that gave life meaning.

The ability of a person to respond to such an event will depend on many factors, including genetic predisposition, support from friends, physical health, even the weather. It can also depend on internal psychological factors which may best be explored in talk therapy: why is the person's self-esteem so bound up in the position or state that has been lost? Can she find a new source of self-esteem? Therapy can be immensely helpful here.

Obviously, not everyone to whom this sort of event happens becomes depressed, and not every person who becomes depressed has had this sort of catastrophe befall them. In fact, if a person suffers a loss and then becomes depressed, it may well be that they weathered the loss in fine style and then succumbed to a much less obvious trigger, psychological or physical.

Some depressions may well be caused by a spontaneous aberration in brain chemistry, with no trigger that we can currently identify, just as a seizure or migraine may have an obvious trigger or be apparently spontaneous.

However, once the depressive state has set in, both physical and psychological problems will be generated in abundance. What faster way to lose a job or a spouse than to be too depressed to work or to communicate? What worse psychological state for coping with a blow to identity can there be than a chemically promoted, pathological self-hatred? And what can be worse for self-esteem than watching one's appearance and household disintegrate as one loses the motivation to shower, straighten up, wash dishes or laundry, or choose attractive clothes? Health deteriorates as well: some depressed people can't sleep or eat, others sleep constantly (a real help on the job!) and eat incessantly, sometimes in order to stay awake, sometimes because it's the only thing that gives a little pleasure or comfort. (Carbohydrates induce production of serotonin, so there may be an element of self-medication here); almost no one has the impulse to exercise or get fresh air and sunshine. Most if not all of these effects form feedback loops, increasing in magnitude and becoming triggers for further depression.

The question, "Is depression mostly physical or psychological," is rather beside the point. Depression may be triggered by either physical or psychological events. Most commonly, both seem to be involved, though it is often difficult to separate the two when one is talking about psychology and neurochemistry. But however it begins, depression quickly develops into a set of physical and psychological problems which feed on each other and grow. This is why a combination of physical and psychological intervention has been shown to give the best results for most patients, regardless of any classifications that doctors may have tried to impose on their depression and its cause.

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Promo Contextual
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:42 PM
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:46 PM
Mesaj #4

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757


On a day-to-day basis, separate from, or concurrently with therapy or medication, we all have our own methods for getting through the worst times as best we can. The following comments and ideas on what to do during depression were solicited from people in the alt.support.depression newsgroup. Sometimes these things work, sometimes they don't. Just keep trying them until you find some techniques that work for you.

* Write. Keep a journal. Somehow writing everything down helps keep the misery from running around in circles.

* Listen to your favorite "help" songs (a bunch of songs that have strong positive meaning for you)

* Read (anything and everything) Go to the library and check out fiction you've wanted to read for a long time; books about depression, spirituality, morality; biographies about people who suffered from depression but still did well with their lives (Winston Churchill and Martin Luther, to name two;).

* Sleep for a while

* Even when busy, remember to sleep. Notice if what you do before sleeping changes how you sleep.

* If you might be a danger to yourself, don't be alone. Find people. If that is not practical, call them up on the phone. If there is no one you feel you can call, suicide hotlines can be helpful, even if you're not quite that badly off yet.

* Hug someone or have someone hug you.

* Remember to eat. Notice if eating certain things (e.g. sugar or coffee) changes how you feel.

* Make yourself a fancy dinner, maybe invite someone over.

* Take a bath or a perfumed bubble bath.

* Mess around on the computer.

* Rent comedy videos.

* Go for a long walk

* Dancing. Alone in my house or out with a friend.

* Eat well. Try to alternate foods you like ( Maybe junk foods) with the stuff you know you should be eating.

* Spend some time playing with a child

* Buy yourself a gift

* Phone a friend

* Read the newspaper comics page

* Do something unexpectedly nice for someone

* Do something unexpectedly nice for yourself.

* Go outside and look at the sky.

* Get some exercise while you're out, but don't take it too seriously.

* Pulling weeds is nice, and so is digging in the dirt.

* Sing. If you are worried about responses from critical neighbors, go for a drive and sing as loud as you want in the car. There's something about the physical act of singing old favorites that's very soothing. Maybe the rhythmic breathing that singing enforces does something for you too. Lullabies are especially good.

* Pick a small easy task, like sweeping the floor, and do it.

* If you can meditate, it's really helpful. But when you're really down you may not be able to meditate. Your ability to meditate will return when the depression lifts. If you are unable to meditate, find some comforting reading and read it out loud.

* Feed yourself nourishing food.

* Bring in some flowers and look at them.

* Exercise, Sports. It is amazing how well some people can play sports even when feeling very miserable.

* Pick some action that is so small and specific you know you can do it in the present. This helps you feel better because you actually accomplish something, instead of getting caught up in abstract worries and huge ideas for change. For example say "hi" to someone new if you are trying to be more sociable. Or, clean up one side of a room if you are trying to regain control over your home.

* If you're anxious about something you're avoiding, try to get some support to face it.

* Getting Up. Many depressions are characterized by guilt, and lots of it. Many of the things that depressed people want to do because of their depressions (staying in bed, not going out) wind up making the depression worse because they end up causing depressed people to feel like they are screwing things up more and more. So if you've had six or seven hours of sleep, try to make yourself get out of bed the moment you wake up...you may not always succeed, but when you do, it's nice to have gotten a head start on the day.

* Cleaning the house. This worked for some people me in a big way. When depressions are at their worst, you may find yourself unable to do brain work, but you probably can do body things. One depressed person wrote, "So I spent two weeks cleaning my house, and I mean CLEANING: cupboards scrubbed, walls washed, stuff given away... throughout the two weeks, I kept on thinking "I'm not cleaning it right, this looks terrible, I don't even know how to clean properly", but at the end, I had this sparkling beautiful house!"

* Volunteer work. Doing volunteer work on a regular basis seems to keep the demons at bay, somewhat... it can help take the focus off of yourself and put it on people who may have larger problems (even though it doesn't always feel that way).

* In general, It is extremely important to try to understand if something you can't seem to accomplish is something you simply CAN'T do because you're depressed (write a computer program, be charming on a date), or whether its something you CAN do, but it's going to be hell (cleaning the house, going for a walk with a friend, getting out of bed). If it turns out to be something you can do, but don't want to, try to do it anyway. You will not always succeed, but try. And when you succeed, it will always amaze you to look back on it afterwards and say "I felt like such shit, but look how well I managed to...!" This last technique, by the way, usually works for body stuff only (cleaning, cooking, etc.). The brain stuff often winds up getting put off until after the depression lifts.

* Do not set yourself difficult goals or take on a great deal of responsibility.

* Break large tasks into many smaller ones, set some priorities, and do what you can, as you can.

* Do not expect too much from yourself. Unrealistic expectations will only increase feelings of failure, as they are impossible to meet. Perfectionism leads to increased depression.

* Try to be with other people, it is usually better than being alone.

* Participate in activities that may make you feel better. You might try mild exercise, going to a movie, a ball game, or participating in religious or social activities. Don't overdo it or get upset if your mood does not greatly improve right away. Feeling better takes time.

* Do not make any major life decisions, such as quitting your job or getting married or separated while depressed. The negative thinking that accompanies depression may lead to horribly wrong decisions. If pressured to make such a decision, explain that you will make the decision as soon as possible after the depression lifts. Remember you are not seeing yourself, the world, or the future in an objective way when you are depressed.

* While people may tell you to "snap out" of your depression, that is not possible. The recovery from depression usually requires antidepressant therapy and/or psychotherapy. You cannot simple make yourself "snap out" of the depression. Asking you to "snap out" of a depression makes as much sense as asking someone to "snap out" of diabetes or an under-active thyroid gland.

* Remember: Depression makes you have negative thoughts about yourself, about the world, the people in your life, and about the future. Remember that your negative thoughts are not a rational way to think of things. It is as if you are seeing yourself, the world, and the future through a fog of negativity. Do not accept your negative thinking as being true. It is part of the depression and will disappear as your depression responds to treatment. If your negative (hopeless) view of the future leads you to seriously consider suicide, be sure to tell your doctor about this and ask for help. Suicide would be an irreversible act based on your unrealistically hopeless thoughts.

* Remember that the feeling that nothing can make depression better is part of the illness of depression. Things are probably not nearly as hopeless as you think they are.

* If you are on medication:
a. Take the medication as directed. Keep taking it as directed for as long as directed.
b. Discuss with the doctor ahead of time what happens in case of unacceptable side-effects.
c. Don't stop taking medication or change dosage without discussing it with your doctor, unless you discussed it ahead of time.
d. Remember to check about mixing other things with medication. Ask the prescribing doctor, and/or the pharmacist and/or look it up in the Physician's Desk Reference. Redundancy is good.
e. Except in emergencies, it is a good idea to check what your insurance covers before receiving treatment.

* Do not rely on your doctor or therapist to know everything. Do some reading yourself. Some of what is available to read yourself may be wrong, but much of it will shed light on your disorder.

* Talk to your doctor if you think your medication is giving undesirable side-effects.

* Do ask them if you think an alternative treatment might be more appropriate for you.

* Do tell them anything you think it is important to know.

* Do feel free to seek out a second opinion from a different qualified medical professional if you feel that you cannot get what you need from the one you have.

* Skipping appointments, because you are "too sick to go to the doctor" is generally a bad idea..

* If you procrastinate, don't try to get everything done. Start by getting one thing done. Then get the next thing done. Handle one crisis at a time.

* If you are trying to remember too many things to do, it is okay to write them down. If you make lists of tasks, work on only one task at a time. Trying to do too many things can be too much. It can be helpful to have a short list of things to do "now" and a longer list of things you have decided not to worry about just yet. When you finish writing the long list, try to forget about it for a while.

* If you have a list of things to do, also keep a list of what you have accomplished too, and congratulate yourself each time you get something done. Don't take completed tasks off your to-do list. If you do, you will only have a list of uncompleted tasks. It's useful to have the crossed-off items visible so you can see what you have accomplished

* In general, drinking alcohol makes depression worse. Many cold remedies contain alcohol. Read the label. Being on medication may change how alcohol affects you.

* Books on the topic of "What to do during Depression": "A Reason to Live," Melody Beattie, Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, IL. 167 pages. This book focuses on reasons to choose life over suicide, but is still useful even if suicide isn't on your mind. In fact, it reads a lot like this portion of the FAQ. An excerpt:

* Do two things each day. In times of severe crisis, when you don't want to do anything, do two things each day. Depending on your physical and emotional condition, the two things could be taking a shower and making a phone call, or writing a letter and painting a room.

* Get a cat. Cats are clean and quiet, they are often permitted by landlords who won't allow dogs, they are warm and furry.

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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:51 PM
Mesaj #5

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

LISTA DEPRESIVILOR CELEBRI (aceeasi sursa citata)

Much of this list is taken from the book by Kay Redfield Jamison, "Touched With Fire; Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament." The Free Press (Macmillan), New York, 1993.

"This is meant to be an illustrative rather than a comprehensive list... Most of the writers, composers, and artists are American, British, European, Irish, or Russian; all are deceased... Many if not most of these writers, artists, and composers had other major problems as well, such as medical illnesses, alcoholism or drug addiction, or exceptionally difficult life circumstances. They are listed here as having suffered from a mood disorder because their mood symptoms predated their other conditions, because the nature and course of their mood and behavior symptoms were consistent with a diagnosis of an independently existing affective illness, and/or because their family histories of depression, manic-depressive illness, and suicide--coupled with their own symptoms--were sufficiently strong to warrant their inclusion." (from Touched With Fire...)

H = Asylum or psychiatric hospital
S = Suicide
SA = Suicide Attempt

**WRITERS:** Hans Christian Andersen, Honore de Balzac, James Barrie, William Faulkner (H), F. Scott Fitzgerald (H), Ernest Hemingway (H, S), Hermann Hesse (H, SA), Henrik Ibsen, Henry James, William James, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), Joseph Conrad (SA), Charles Dickens, Isak Dinesen (SA), Ralph Waldo Emerson, Herman Melville, Eugene O'Neill (H, SA), Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Leo Tolstoy, Tennessee Williams (H), Mary Wollstonecraft (SA), Virginia Woolf (H, S)

**COMPOSERS:** Hector Berlioz (SA), Anton Bruckner (H), George Frederic Handel, Gustav Holst, Charles Ives, Gustav Mahler, Modest Mussorgsky, Sergey Rachmaninoff, Giocchino Rossini, Robert Schumann (H, SA), Alexander Scriabin, Peter Tchaikovsky

**NONCLASSICAL COMPOSERS AND MUSICIANS:** Irving Berlin (H), Noel Coward, Stephen Foster, Charles Mingus (H), Charles Parker (H, SA), Cole Porter (H)

**POETS:** William Blake, Robert Burns, George Gordon, Lord Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Hart Crane (S) , Emily Dickinson, T.S. Eliot (H), Oliver Goldsmith, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Victor Hugo, Samuel Johnson, John Keats, Vachel Lindsay (S), James Russell Lowell, Robert Lowell (H), Edna St. Vincent Millay (H), Boris Pasternak (H), Sylvia Plath (H, S), Edgar Allan Poe (SA), Ezra Pound (H), Anne Sexton (H, S), Percy Bysshe Shelley (SA), Alfred, Lord Tennyson, Dylan Thomas, Walt Whitman

**ARTISTS:** Richard Dadd (H), Thomas Eakins, Paul Gauguin (SA), Vincent van Gogh (H, S), Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (H, S), Edward Lear, Michelangelo, Edvard Meunch (H), Georgia O'Keeffe (H), George Romney, Dante Gabriel Rossetti (SA)

**Confirmed Bipolars (still living):** Idi Amin, former dictator; Patty Duke (Anna Pearce), actor, writer; Connie Francis, actor, musician; Peter Gabriel, musician; Charles Haley, athlete (Dallas Cowboys); Kristy McNichols, actor; Spike Mulligan, comic actor; Abigail Padgett, mystery writer; Murray Pezim, financier (Canada); Charley Pride, musician; Axl Rose, musician; Ted Turner, entrepreneur, media giant (U.S.); Robin Williams, actor, comedian

**Confirmed Unipolars (still living):** Roseanne Arnold, actor, writer, comedienne (also has Multiple personality disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder); Dick Cavett, writer, media personality; Tony Dow, actor, director; Kitty Dukakis, Massachusetts first lady; William Styron, writer; James Taylor, musician; Mike Wallace, news anchor.

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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 08:56 PM
Mesaj #6

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

Click aici pentru a citi istoriile personale ale unor depresivi... mwah1.gif
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 09:09 PM
Mesaj #7

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

Cazul meu l-am prezentat in Jurnalul lui Nicodim. Multa vreme m-am suspectat de depresie, asa ca m-am documentat in detaliu in legatura cu problema asta si mi-am dat seama ca nu sufar...Era mai degraba vorba de o stare de nemultumire si ingrijorare cauzata de: a. adancirea mea in cinism vreme de doi ani (i.e. axare pe vazutul laturii negative a lucrurilor) si b. un sentiment de secatuire a resurselor de energie (legat de stresul si munca enorme de peste primavara-vara).

Acu' am cam iesit din prapastia energetica si imi incarc bateriile sa incep in forta 2004... spoton.gif

Care e povestea voastra?
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mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 09:19 PM
Mesaj #8


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Inscris: 14 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 985

Si eu sunt depresiv cateodata, chiar perioade mai lungi de 2 saptamani(se vede ca ma barbieresc mai rar nu zilnic), dar un rozar o rezolva partial. Meditatia e buna, vezi ce anume il doare pe suflet in acele momente si indeparteaza cauza. Iar daca nu ia litiu, rezolva destul de bine problema, insa nu trebuie abuzat caci poate produce moartea o doza prea mare. (1 tableta zilnic, desi nu recomand, psihiatrul o face, stiu la o prietena a ajutat)
Desi recomand meditatia si rugaciunea.
Daca citesti foarte multe despre o boala, atunci ajungi sa crezi ca o ai (se intampla adesea cu studentii de la medicina), cauta sa fii indiferent si va trece de la sine.
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 09:35 PM
Mesaj #9

Debutul Fulminant

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Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

Daca citesti foarte multe despre o boala, atunci ajungi sa crezi ca o ai (se intampla adesea cu studentii de la medicina), cauta sa fii indiferent si va trece de la sine.

- nu e adevarat...la mine a fost invers...credeam ca am depresie pana cand am citit materialele despre ce inseamna depresia adevarata...

- nu e deloc bine sa fii indiferent...problema la depresie este ca daca o lasi netratata se adanceste...creierul dezvolta patternuri de gandire depresiva care efectiv atrofiaza patternurile de gandire pozitiva. Terapia ortomoleculara e de multe ori necesara...unele persoane chiar s-au nascut cu un dezechilibru neurochimic si oricat de pozitiv s-ar screme sa gandeasca...tot la depresie ajung.
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 09:41 PM
Mesaj #10

Debutul Fulminant

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Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

- am uitat sa zic ca terapia ortomoleculara a pornit de la laureatul Nobel Linus Pauling...si se refera la a lua diverse substante care sa aduca creierul in stare neurochimica mai decenta...
E riscant sa iei chestii de-astea...totul tre' facut la sfatul medicului...Cred ca cel mai bine e sa te axezi pe chestii naturale...multivitamine + multiminerale + pilule pe baza de ulei de peste + energizante naturale gen Ginseng...+ renuntat la cafea, alcohol + consum masiv de apa si proteine + somn decent (peste 6 ore, dar sub 9 ore...)
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mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 09:45 PM
Mesaj #11

child in time

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 551
Inscris: 12 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 590

Hm...ciudat...ma batea gandul sa pun si eu niste intrebari asemantoare zilele trecute biggrin.gif ...la fel ca Nicodim, si eu m-am suspectat de depresie, anul trecut...si tot asa, am inceput sa ma documentez. La un moment dat, am gasit ceva...cred ca testul Hamilton se numea...desi trebuia completat de un cadru medical, l-am facut singura si in urma lui a reiesit ca aveam o depresie moderata, pasul urmator fiind cea severa. Si asta se intampla intr-o perioada in care deja ma simteam mai bine blink.gif Pana la urma, daca lucrurile nu sunt grave, depinde doar de noi sa ne revenim si sa trecem peste formele usoare ale depresiei, pana aceasta nu se agraveaza...pentru ca dincolo de un punct, nu cred ca e prea usor sa te descurci fara ajutor specializat sad.gif Asta am simtit-o la un punct pe pielea mea sad.gif

"In fapta, lumea-i visul sufletului nostru..."
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 10:00 PM
Mesaj #12

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

O carte de interes....click aici...

@Rose: eu sunt de principiu ca daca te asiguri ca ai un nivel energetic bun si daca lucrezi psihologic cu tine insuti (terapie cognitiva sa te axezi pe chestii pozitive) poti sa iesi din depresii medii si usoare...

Pentru a lucra cu tine insuti, carti utile ar fi cea de mai sus, dar si:
- Inteligenta Emotionala de Daniel Goleman
- Eficienta in sapte trepte de Steven Covey sau asa ceva
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mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 10:14 PM
Mesaj #13

child in time

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 551
Inscris: 12 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 590

Pai...depinde de fiecare smile.gif Eu nici acum nu stiu prea bine cum am iesit din starea aceea...pentru ca nu faceam nimic s-o combat, ba din contra...pe langa lipsa de vitamine, nopti nedormite, petrecute cu tigari si cola si multe alte obiceiuri proaste, nu lasam pe nimeni macar sa incerce sa m-ajute...chiar incercam din rasputeri sa ma izolez si sa-mi mentin doar gandurile negative...pana cand am zis ca pur si simplu nu se poate asa...
Daca vrei cu adevarat, treci peste asta...e o problema de auto-sugestie pana la urma...

"In fapta, lumea-i visul sufletului nostru..."
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mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 10:24 PM
Mesaj #14


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.851
Inscris: 14 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 985

Depresia, la persoanele depresive nu trebuie lasata.Ma refeream la cei cu depresie normala in conditii de stres, asa o depresie usoara endogena(parca asa-i zice la cea cauzata de timp)...
Depresia e cauzata in general de continutul scazut de Litiu din creier, dar mai mult din cauza scaderii accentuate a neurotransmitatorului 5-hidroxitriptamina(serotonina).

Testul Hamilton nu e relevant, cel mai bine e sa meregi la psihiatru si la psiholog.
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Nana Floare
mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 10:28 PM
Mesaj #15

Debutul Fulminant

Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 2.165
Inscris: 12 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 757

...cu observatia ca multi medici psihiatri...sunt cam dusi pe aratura...si sunt educati pe stil vechi (supradopaj cu pastile care te intoxica si dau dependenta...). Eu as verifica ceea ce ar recomanda ei cu alte surse de informatii, din Vest, unde exista cercetari masive in domeniul depresiei...
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mesaj 2 Dec 2003, 10:52 PM
Mesaj #16


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.851
Inscris: 14 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 985

Nu ma referam la psihiatrii din Vest, ca cei din Romania sunt jale.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 3 Dec 2003, 02:19 AM
Mesaj #17


Eu traiesc intr-o depresie continua de vreo cativa ani incoace...M-am regasit in multe din simtomele de mai sus, mai ales in cele ce erau trecute la depresia grava...Am fost o perioada la o psihologa foarte buna...M-a ajutat un pic..Insa , din pacate, nu a mai avut timp si de mine...Am mai incercat eu fo 2 doctori, dar nu m-am putut apropia de ei, exact asa cum ma apropiasem de ea...Ciudat...Singurul care a intuit chestia asta a fost Endless_Point ....El si-a dat seama ca mai aveam un pic si ma prabuseam...
Cert e ca intr-adevar e nevoie de ajutor din afara...Nu trece de la sine oricat te-ai chinui si oricat de mult ai vrea...Si te 'paleste' exact cand ti-e lumea mai draga...Si e tare ciudat ce ganduri trec prin cap atunci...Si cum nu te poti impotrivi lor....
Dar, ma scuzati, aici nu sunt la terapie biggrin.gif wub.gif
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SIAB 2003
mesaj 3 Dec 2003, 03:03 AM
Mesaj #18


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 44
Inscris: 17 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.007

Worst Things to Say to Someone Who Is Depressed


Version 1.7 April 29, 1995

Some people trivialize depression (often unintentionally) by dropping a platitude on a depressed person as if that is the one thing they needed to hear. While some of these thoughts have been helpful to some people (for example, some find that praying is very helpful), the context in which they are often said mitigates any intended benefit to the hearer. Platitudes don't cure depression.

Here is the list from contributors to a.s.d.:

0. "What's *your* problem?"

1. "Will you stop that constant whining? What makes you think that anyone cares?"

2. "Have you gotten tired yet of all this me-me-me stuff?"

3. "You just need to give yourself a kick in the rear."

4. "But it's all in your mind."

5. "I thought you were stronger than that."

6. "No one ever said life was fair."

7. "As you get stronger you won't have to wallow in it as much."

8. "Pull yourself up by your bootstraps."

9. "Do you feel better now?" (Usually said following a five minute conversation in which the speaker has asked me "what's wrong?" and "would you like to talk about it?" with the best of intentions, but absolutely no under- standing of depression as anything but an irrational sadness.)

10. "Why don't you just grow up?"

11. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself."

12. "There are a lot of people worse off than you?"

13. "You have it so good, why aren't you happy?"

14. "It's a beautiful day!"

15. "You have so many things to be thankful for, why are you depressed!"

16. "What do you have to be depressed about".

17. "Happiness is a choice"

18. "You think *you've* got problems..."

19. "Well at least it's not that bad."

20. "Maybe you should take vitamins for your stress."

21. "There is always somebody worse off than you are."

22. "Lighten up!"

23. "You should get off all those pills."

24. "You are what you think."

25. "Cheer up!"

26. "You're always feeling sorry for yourself."

27. "Why can't you just be normal?"

28. "Things aren't *that* bad, are they?"

29. "Have you been praying/reading the Bible?"

30. "You need to get out more."

31. "We have to get together some time." [Yeah, right!]

32. "Get a grip!"

33. "Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."

34. "Take a hot bath. That's what I always do when I'm upset."

35. "Well, everyone gets depressed sometimes!"

36. "Get a job!"

37. "Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone."

38. "You don't *look* depressed!"

39. "You're so selfish!"

40. "You never think of anyone but yourself."

41. "You're just looking for attention."

42. "Have you got PMS?"

43. "You'll be a better person because of it!"

44. "Everybody has a bad day now and then."

45. "You should buy nicer clothes to wear."

46. "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar."

47. "Why don't you smile more?"

48. "A person your age should be having the time of your life."

49. "The only one you're hurting is yourself."

50. "You can do anything you want if you just set your mind to it."

51. "This is a place of BUSINESS, not a HOSPITAL" --> after confiding to supervisor about my depression

52. "Depression is a symptom of your sin against God."

53. "You brought it on yourself"

54. "You can make the choice for depression and its effects, or against depression, it's all in YOUR hands."

55. "Get off your rear and do something." -or- "Just do it!"

56. "Why should I care?"

57. "Snap out of it, will you?"

58. "You *want* to feel this way."

59. "You have no reason to feel this way."

60. "Its your own fault."

61. "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."

62. "You're always worried about *your* problems."

63. "Your problems aren't that big."

64. "What are you worried about? You should be fine."

65. "Just don't think about it."

66. "Go Away."

67. "You don't have the ability to do it."

68. "Just wait a few weeks, it'll be over soon."

69. "Go out and have some fun!"

70. "You're making me depressed as well..."

71. "I just want to help you."

72. "The world out there is not that bad..."

73. "Just try a little harder!"

74. "Believe me, I know how you feel. I was depressed once for several days."

75. "You need a boy/girl-friend."

76. "You need a hobby."

77. "Just pull yourself together"

78. "You'd feel better if you went to church"

79. "I think your depression is a way of punishing us." ---My mother

80. "Sh*t or get off the pot."

81. "So, you're depressed. Aren't you always?"

82. "What you need is some real tragedy in your life to give you perspective."

83. "You're a writer, aren't you? Just think of all the good material you're getting out of this."

84. This one is best executed with an evangelical-style handshake,i.e. one of my hands is imprisoned by two belonging to a beefy person who thinks he has a lot more charisma than I do: "Our thoughts and prayers are with you." This has actually happened to me. Bitten-back response: "Who are 'our'? And don't do me any favors, schmuck."

85. "Have you tried camomile tea?"

86. "So, you're depressed. Aren't you always?"

87. "You will be ok, just hang in there, it will pass." "This too shall pass." - Ann Landers

88. "Oh, perk up!"

89. "Try not being so depressed."

90. "Quit whining. Go out and help people and you won't have time to brood..."

91. "Go out and get some fresh air... that always makes me feel better."

92. "You have to take up your bed and carry on."

93. "Why don't you give up going to these quacks (ie doctors) and throw out those pills, then you'll feel better."

94. "Well, we all have our cross to bear."

95. "You should join band or chorus or something. That way you won't be thinking about yourself so much."

96. "You change your mind."

97. "You're useless."

98. "Nobody is responsible for your depression."

99. "You don't like feeling that way? So, change it."

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SIAB 2003
mesaj 3 Dec 2003, 03:05 AM
Mesaj #19


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 44
Inscris: 17 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.007

Best Things to Say To Someone Who is Depressed


Version 1.2 (April 29, 1995)

It is most tempting, when you find out someone is depressed, to attempt to immediately fix the problem. However, until the depressed person has given you permission to be their therapist (as a friend or professional), the following responses are more likely to help.

The things that didn't make me feel worse are words which
1) acknowledge my depression for what it is (No 'it's just a phase')
2) give me permission to feel depressed (No 'but why should you be sad?')

Here is the list from contributors to a.s.d.:

1. "I love you!"

2. "I Care"

3. "You're not alone in this"

4. "I'm not going to leave/abandon you"

5. "Do you want a hug?"

6. "I love you (if you mean it)."

7. "It will pass, we can ride it out together."

8. "When all this is over, I'll still be here (if you mean it) and so will you."

9. "Don't say anything, just hold my hand and listen while I cry."

10. "All I want to do know is give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on.."

11. "Hey, you're not crazy!"

12. "May the strength of the past reflect in your future."

13. "God does not play dice with the universe." - A. Einstein

14. "A miracle is simply a do-it-yourself project." - S. Leek

15. "We are not primarily on earth to see through one another, but to see one another through" - (from someone's sig)

16. "If the human brain were simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it." - a codeveloper of Prozac, quoted from "Listening to Prozac"

17. "You have so many extraordinary gifts--how can you expect to live an ordinary life?" - from the movie "Little Women" (Marmee to Jo)

18. "I understand your pain and I empathize"

19. "I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I am not going to leave you. I am going to take care of myself so you don't need to worry that your pain might hurt me."

20. "I listen to you talk about it, and I can't imagine what it's like for you. I just can't imagine how hard it must be."

21. "I can't really fully understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion."

22. "You are important to me."

23. "If you need a friend..... (and mean it)"

Acest topic a fost editat de SIAB 2003: 3 Dec 2003, 03:06 AM
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mesaj 28 Dec 2003, 09:45 PM
Mesaj #20


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 266
Inscris: 12 May 03
Din: Bistrita
Forumist Nr.: 284

ma, era sa ma ia cu depresia cand am vazut canatzu ala de posturi in limba engleza.

io zic ca diagnosticarea si tratarea unei astfel de stari apartine exclusivi specialistilor, si anume psihiatri, psihologi, etc.
accept si tratamentele alternative, gen hipnoza, homeopatie, cristaloterapie, cu conditie prezentei unei forme subacute, nicidecum acute.

Acest topic a fost editat de oaspetele: 28 Dec 2003, 09:45 PM
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mesaj 29 Dec 2003, 01:17 AM
Mesaj #21


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.347
Inscris: 8 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 944

Combinind doua ziceri din batrani (adaptate putin):"peshtele de la ..cap(psihic) se strica" si "pana la ...psiholog te manaca ..oamenii", as concluziona ca autoeducatia gandirii personale in sensul "inhibitiei de protectie" te poate ajuta sa depasesti singur starile de alunecare in depresie. Sa tii cont de gandirea ta, pozitiva, sa dai la spate tot balastul de intrigi,mizerii ,barfe cu care esti inconjurat si care nu iti apartin ci cad in responsabilitatea celor care le practica; sa nu pici in plasa orgoliului marunt care sa-ti intunece judecata; sa-ti urmezi calea ignorind pe cei care-ti intind nada; sa traiesti sub deviza "ajuta-te singur", pana la proba unui "umar" loaial alaturi !Nimic nu este nerezolvabil,cat de grave ni s-ar parea anumite situatii ! Si mai este ceva, consider ineficiente lamentarile ca si laudele fata de ceilalti! Marile dureri sunt mute, se zice !Cam asta,in mare ! Nu este greu, dar necesita exercitiu si vointa ! 42.gif xmas.gif

"Cānd crezi că ai toate răspunsurile, viaţa schimbă toate īntrebările." Bob Marley ?!
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mesaj 12 Mar 2004, 02:44 PM
Mesaj #22


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 1.854
Inscris: 4 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.365

Pentru Afrodita...
Ai spus la un moment dat ca mai aveai putin si te prabuseai.
Si ce e rau in a te prabusi? DAca e sa fii trist, negru, uracios, plin de draci pe tine si pe ceilalti, fii pana la capat.
Daca iti spui ca "nu e bine", "nu e momentul", "ce o sa zica colegul, mama, prietenul....?", doar amani deznodamantul, si iti mai faci si iluzii ca "esti rezolvat"....
Cusatura nu se poate face pana nu iese tot puroiul.
De exemplu eu mai am puroi in mine. Stiu ca nu sunt vindecat. Am trait la un moment dat insa o chestie uimitoare. Eram singur acasa, si ma simteam foarte prost, psihic mai ales. Nu aveam chef de nimic. Imi venea sa urlu pur si simplu. Si la un moment dat mi'am zis: ok, nu pot face nimic, nu stiu de ce ma simt asa, atunci o sa stau si o sa privesc spectacolul!. In cateva minute imi venea sa rad. A fost ceva incredibil. MAgic as putea spune. Asa ca acum nu ma tem sa ma prabusesc. Cu cat ma prabusesc mai repede cu atat mai bine....

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mesaj 13 Mar 2004, 06:04 AM
Mesaj #23


Pai daca e pt mine sa-ti raspund biggrin.gif Nu la prabusirea asta ma refeream...Ci la cea definitiva...Cand simteam ca nebunia se imbina cu realitatea...Realitate ce era tot mai deformata...Si din ce in ce mai putina...Eram la limita dintre normalitate si nebunie...Si stiu ca pot cade iar...Dar sper ca nu voi mai fi atat de low ca alte dati...Si oricum mereu ma ridic... wink.gif
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mesaj 5 Apr 2004, 12:55 PM
Mesaj #24


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 214
Inscris: 18 March 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 2.645

Eu am observat ca iesind in parcuri, in afara oraselor,unde totul e verde acum, iti bucura privirea culorile, pomii infloriti, ... a practica jocuri usoare, copilaresti, a lasa toata munca si grijile de-o parte face minuni.
Cateva ore sa poti sa te desprinzi de gri-ul zilnic e mai mult decat benefic. Iar daca te incarci energetic si te intorci cu gandul la clipele pe care le-ai trait poti prelungi starea de bine pana la o noua evadare. rofl.gif

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mesaj 5 Apr 2004, 03:04 PM
Mesaj #25


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.849
Inscris: 30 March 04
Din: Timisoara
Forumist Nr.: 2.824

Tot ce nu ne omoara ne intareste....
Ca tot omul normal am fost si eu deprimat, si mi se mai intampla si acum din cand in cand. Am descoperit insa cateva chestii care m-au ajutat si care inca ma mai ajuta sa ma mentin. Per ansamblu ar fi cam 3 obiective de atins:
1. Mentinerea ceasului biologic
2. Mentinerea unui nivel normal de serotonina
3. Limpezirea gandurilor

Sa incepem cu primul punct:
1. Dupa cum se stie fiecare are un ceas biologic, care ne da tactul dupa care corpul nostru functioneaza. Daca se deregleaza...stie toata lumea ce se intampla. Cum putem sa-l reglam? Foarte simplu: prin culcatul, trezitul si mancatul la ore fixe. Astfel corpul nu mai trebuie sa ghiceasca ora de culcare si de mancare, si va fi intotdeauna pregatit pentru "actiunea" respectiva. In plus, un somn bun de 7-8 ore pe noapte cred ca e mai mult decat binevenit.

2. Serotonina mai este numita si hormonul fericirii, iar daca nu se secreta in cantitati suficiente apar gandurile negre, starile de anxietate samd. Plimbarile si sportul favorizeaza secretia de serotonina, asa ca nu vad ce ne-ar impiedica sa le facem. Pe mine m-au ajutat foarte foarte mult in episodul numit strainatate, cand eram la pamant cu psihicul.
Nu tine de punctul 2. dar acum mi-am amintit ca magneziul face si el bine la creier. Se poate face si o cura de pastile (magne B6), dar eu prefer sa mananc curmale, alune si nuci care au cel mai mare continut de magneziu dintre toate alimentele.

3. Limpezirea gandurilor...usor de spus, greu de facut, dar nimic nu este imposibil pe lumea asta wink.gif
Deprimarea poate sa vina de multe ori, daca nu de cele mai multe ori din cauza unor ganduri care ne macina zile, saptamani sau luni in sir. Eu unul incerc sa discut cu nevasta si/sau prietenii despre problemele pe care le am, si de cele mai multe ori am depasit situatia. Daca te inchizi in tine nu faci altceva decat sa intri intr-un cerc vicios... Daca totusi nu te ajuta, incearca un psiholog. E greu de gasit un psiholog bun, de aceea cred ca e bine sa se incerce vreo 2-3, iar apoi sa alegi pe cel care ti se potriveste cel mai bine.
Daca gandurile negre si anxietatea dureaza cateva luni, ar fi bine de consultat un psihiatru, pentru ca stiti vorba aia: e mult mai usor sa previi decat sa vindeci. In plus, trebuie sa cautati motivul care v-a adus in starea asta si sa-l indepartati. O sa fie greu, dar o data descoperit, problema e pe jumate rezolvata.

Tot ce v-am spus mai sus e probat pe propria piele! Dupa cum v-am spus am avut o perioada in viata mea in care am fost foarte deprimat dar am sperat si m-am uitat si la altii sa vad ce-au facut. Ca exemplu il am pe bunicul nevesti-mi care la un moment dat era sa dea coltul. Pentru el un moment de cotitura si de atunci s-a pus batranul pe treaba. Acum e cel mai sanatos om din casa si omul cu mintea cea mai matura si clara. Eu unul il invidiez!

dar hai ca v-am plictisit destul....

Suntem ceea ce gāndim. (Buddha)
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mesaj 6 Apr 2004, 12:06 AM
Mesaj #26


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 341
Inscris: 5 April 04
Forumist Nr.: 2.926

Best Thing to Do When You Are Depressed

Eu am incercat acupunctura. Acum cativa ani aveam nevoie de o rezolvare rapida si fara efort, eram deprimat si aveam si ceva probleme cu somnul. Citisem undeva ca acupunctura rezolva d'astea si m-am dus fara prea mare incredere. Dupa prima sedinta am dormit cu nu am dormit vreodata in viata mea de cand am pus capul pe perna pana dimineata, a doua zi aveam deja zambetul pe buze si ma amuzam cat de bine dispus sunt. Am urmat tratamentul vreo 2 saptamani, daca imi aduc bine aminte, si mi-am revenit complet.

Aud si uit. Vad si imi amintesc. Fac si inteleg.
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mesaj 6 Apr 2004, 12:24 PM
Mesaj #27


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.894
Inscris: 7 December 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.410

Bun venit la Han, amenophis ! smile.gif

Intr-adevar, prin acupunctura poti rezolva in mod surprinzator diferite probleme ... medicale. Despre depresie inca nu stiam. Multumesc pentru idee, in numele celor ce poate vor afla in pagina asta o cale de a scapa de ea. smile.gif

... incertitude in certitude ... independence in dependence ... insight in sight ...
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mesaj 6 Apr 2004, 12:51 PM
Mesaj #28


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 341
Inscris: 5 April 04
Forumist Nr.: 2.926

Salut calfa ! smile.gif

Aud si uit. Vad si imi amintesc. Fac si inteleg.
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mesaj 16 Apr 2004, 10:44 AM
Mesaj #29


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 49
Inscris: 12 September 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 755

Buna, dragilor!!

Am citit multe informatii despre depresie, dar cel mai bine va povestesc despre mine insami......

Am avut multe probleme in viata, de la intreruperea facultatii din motive materiale, pana la pierderea bunicii si a matusii in 6 luni, care au culminat cu un divort din motive de infidelitate - el. Am avut puterea sa merg mai departe, sa ma ridic de unde cazusem, sa fiu eu cea de odinioara - vesela, exuberanta, fericita. Poate ca va intrebati cum am reusit? simplu..... prin rugaciuni, prin citirea Psalmilor, mers la biserica si vorbit cu Divinitatea; plimbari cu prietenele care m-au inconjurat de afectiune si fericire, sau prin a face lucruri zilnice care, poate sunt marunte, dar pot insemna mult.... sa-ti oferi o mica bucurie (o carte buna, un film de colectie, un CD cu muzica ambientala, horticultura etc.etc.etc).

Va dau un sfat: NU apelati la ajutorul antidepresivelor, caci creeaza dependenta, sau in cel mai bun caz mergeti la un psihiatru, care oricum tot cu antidepresive sau tranchilizante trateaza aceasta boala, care nu doare. Se instaleaza lent, dar sigur.....mai degraba apelati cu incredere la un psiholog, caci el vorbeste sufletului nostru, el este cel care e trist, si nu organismul. In aceste boli ale sistemului nervos, de fapt simptome mai mult sau mai putin vizibile - tristete exagerata, anxietate (teama fara motiv), angoase, agorafobie (teama de societate), depresie etc. cea mai importanta forma de terapie o constituie comunicarea (cu psihologul, prietenii, rudele, oricine pe care-l putem considera prieten...).

Va mai scriu cand voi avea timp,

Sanatate si multe bucurii, ah: sa fiti iubiti, iubind - daruiti, daruind - primiti....

Cu bine

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mesaj 16 Apr 2004, 03:57 PM
Mesaj #30


Ei bine, eu am invatat pe propria piele o lectie: in momentul in care apar, atunci trebuiesc rezolvate problemele...In special cele ale sufletului...Daca unele probleme materiale mai sufera amanare , sufletul nu o poate suferi...

Se fac 5 ani acusi de cand au inceput problemele cele mari in viata mea...Nu am avut cu cine le discuta,nu a fost nimeni langa mine care sa ma invete ce sa fac cu sufletul meu...Pana si mama imi era prea departe pt astfel de probleme,pt ca ea nici pe ale ei nu le rezolvase, darmite pe ale mele?! Acum, nici o plimbare si nici o chestie simpla si buna pt suflet nu ma mai poate scoate din starea asta...In momentele astea as avea nevoie de o pauza...Lunga...Si de un psiholog bun..Desi,mai nou am descoperit ca si eu imi pot fi un psiholog bun..Eu si cu jurnalul de-acasa,plus iubitul ce ma sustine si ma intelege...

Depresia trebuie recunoscuta si acceptata ca boala a sufletului inca din primele ei faze..Altfel,daca iti reprimi sentimentele si durerile, vor veni peste tine cand te astepti mai putin si viata intr-adevar ti se va para un iad...Nu e nici o rusine sa fii depresiv,mai ales in zilele noastre..unele statistici spun ca 3 din 5 femei sufera de depresie in forma medie sau usoara, asa ca..Asta e..Viata e grea, necazurile nu vin niciodata singure....

Sincer,nu stiu cum am sa imi rezolv problemele astea singura...In Bucuresti nu am dat nici macar peste un cabinet de cosmetica bun,darmite un psiholog! Si decat sa tot aman rezolvarea,mai bine incerc singura...Incetul cu incetul ceva ceva reusesc...Poate daca as avea timp numai pt mine sa fac plimbarile si alte dragalasenii necesare , poate mi-ar fi mai usor..De asta zic:cand simtiti ca ceva nu e in ordine,seara,tarziu (sau,ma rog,cand va simtiti voi bine) luati-va un ragaz de 30 minute de vorbit cu sufletul vostru..Vedeti ce-l doare,de ce si cum poate fi rezolvat...O depresie trece mult mai usor cand e in faza incipienta decat dupa ce-a stat atata la "copt" smile.gif

Nu stiu daca v-am ajutat cu ceva sau v-am incurcat..Dar am simtit ca trebuie sa va zic si din experienta mea cate ceva...Mai ales ca la mine toata treaba e inca "fierbinte" biggrin.gif
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mesaj 19 Apr 2004, 10:46 PM
Mesaj #31


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.930
Inscris: 3 November 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.126

Afro - ne-ai ajutat nu ne-ai incurcat. Pe mine cel putin m-ai ajutat. M-ai ajutat pentru ca mi-am dat seama mai bine despre ce urmeaza sa scriu. Stiu cat e de important pentru tine ca sufletelul sa fie fara nori pe cer wink.gif Mi-a soptit mie o viorea smile.gif
Acuma: am avut si eu o depresie serioasa in urma cu un an si ceva. Deci "ma laud" ca stiu despre ce se vorbeste in propozitie. Si a mea a fost nasoala rau de tot. Nu am fost bun de nimic 2 saptamani - am rusit sa bag groaza in toata lumea din jurul meu. Problema mea cea mai mare a fost ca nu am vrut sa discut cu cei care voiau sa ma aculte. Iar cei care voiam eu sa ma asculte - nu prea erau dispusi sa ma asculte. Am facut o depresie si dintr-o cauza despre care vorbea asa de la fix Afro mai sus - mi-am reprimat sentimente si trairi foarte profunde si am crezut ca am rezulvat problemele in felul asta. Si m-am simtit excelent chiar pentru cateva luni de zile (!!!!!) Dupa aceea m-a lovit - si cand m-a lovit m-a lovit asa de tare ca m-a doborat. Nu am mai putut iesi din starea asta si am avut cele mai negre ganduri din viata mea atunci. Am crezut literalmente ca nu mai ies din cacao. Cum am iesit? Cum am reusit? Nu stiu. Singur - fara sa-mi dau seama. Am avut noroc - cred. Mi-am invinuit toti prietenii apropiati atunci - intr-o oarecare masura aveam si dreptate. Eu nu as fi lasat pe nimeni in starea in care eram eu atunci fara sa incerc sa-l ajut.

Nu prea stiu daca cel mai bine e sa mergi la un psiholog bun sau la un preot cand ai de-astea. Mai ales daca e vorba de o imbolnavire a sufletului. Fiecare cum simte. Insa ma gandesc ca sunt unii care merg mai usor la un preot decat la psiholog. E clar ca in Romania mai exista idei dupa care daca mergi la psiholog esti damnat - esti deja terminat si orice ai face - si orice ti-ar zice psihologul - ti s-a pus deja eticheta de catre societate. Din pacate asa e la noi. Insa daca sunteti careva intr-o situatie similara celei in care am fost eu - cereti ajutor - nu va lasati - nu faceti cum am facut eu. Cred ca am avut bafta mare. Puteam ajunge foarte rau si sunt perfect constient de asta.
Cred ca a fost o scurta perioada in care mi-am pierdut speranta.....

"Marile fericiri ie mute...."
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mesaj 20 Apr 2004, 09:01 AM
Mesaj #32


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.849
Inscris: 30 March 04
Din: Timisoara
Forumist Nr.: 2.824

Cu siguranta, fiecare dintre noi a avut momente grele in viata, asa ca nu disperati pentru ca e o chestie normala pana la un anumit punct, si vorba "tot ce nu ne omoara ne-ntareste" cred ca e binevenita. Deci nu va speriati de depresii, incercati sa vedeti de unde vin ele, si daca este descoperita cauza, imposibil sa nu scapati de ele.

Suntem ceea ce gāndim. (Buddha)
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mesaj 20 Apr 2004, 12:21 PM
Mesaj #33


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.930
Inscris: 3 November 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.126

Absolut ca tot ce nu ne omoara ne intareste. Dar e foarte greu cateodata sa treci de acea perioada. Si prapastia e foarte aproape cateodata.

PS era sa scriu "tot ce ne omoara ne intareste" rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

"Marile fericiri ie mute...."
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mesaj 20 Apr 2004, 12:32 PM
Mesaj #34


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.849
Inscris: 30 March 04
Din: Timisoara
Forumist Nr.: 2.824

Si prapastia e foarte aproape cateodata.

Mie-mi spui....numai ca eu aveam ca si termen de comparatie nivelul marii biggrin.gif Intr-adevar, este foarte greu sa iesi din starea aia, dar trebuie sa lupti ... de fapt toata viata asta e o lupta, si nu trebuie sa ne dam batuti niciodata...

Suntem ceea ce gāndim. (Buddha)
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mesaj 20 Apr 2004, 02:15 PM
Mesaj #35


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.930
Inscris: 3 November 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.126

Ce bine suna - "Trebuie sa ne luptam tot timpul si sa nu ne dam batuti". Doamne de-as putea tine minte tot timpul chestia asta si sa ma gandesc la ea cand nu iese ceva. As fi un optimist atunci? blink.gif

"Marile fericiri ie mute...."
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