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> Filme - Replici Celebre
mesaj 6 Oct 2003, 09:58 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.407
Inscris: 4 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 542

Filmul s-a terminat.
In minte raman imagini,..in suflet bucurie, tristete, incantare, sau deziluzie.
Alaturi de imagini raman replicile..
Inteligente, surprinzatoare sau amuzante..
Ce replici din filme v-au placut cel mai mult ?

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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 04:55 AM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 440
Inscris: 12 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 594

Robert De Niro in Casino:
"There's three ways to do things, the right way, the wrong way and the way that I do it"
"Running a casino is like robbing a bank with no cops around."

Mel Gibson in Braveheart:
"Every man dies, not every man really lives."

Si Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman:
"There isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit, there is no prosthetic for that."
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 11:46 AM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 12
Inscris: 6 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 923

robert de niro,in fatza oglinzii
" are you talking to me"? ( taxi driver)

al pacino,ca don michael corleone:
" i m gonna make him an offer he can't refuse"(godfather)

ving rahames,ca marsellus wallace :
"I'm gonna get medieval on your ass." ( pulp fiction) devil.gif

tot el:
" are you my nigga'?"

mr.pink & mr.white:
"- Is it bad?
-As opposed to good? "(reservoir dogs)

no guru no method no teacher

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+Quote Post
Promo Contextual
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 11:46 AM
Mesaj #


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Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 02:10 PM
Mesaj #4

Cronicar oPsedat

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 3.227
Inscris: 8 March 03
Din: Din sud
Forumist Nr.: 45

Replici care chiar au devenit celebre, desi... poate sunt intr-un fel... stupide:
Arnold in Terminator: "I'll be back!"
Nick Cage in Con Air: "In lumea asta am incredere in 2 persoane - una sunt eu, iar cealalta nu esti tu"
Revin cand imi amintesc ceva demn de mentionat.... wink.gif

Am incalcat cel putin 5 din 10 porunci/Ma pocaiesc la 90 de ani, pacatuiesc pana atunci

PreaoPsedatul genicon
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 02:38 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.407
Inscris: 4 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 542

Poate cea mai celebra: Pe aripile vantului :"Si maine este o zi!" - Scarlet O'Hara

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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 04:49 PM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 15
Inscris: 25 April 03
Forumist Nr.: 238

"Harley Davidson & Marlboro Man"

"My name is Harley! Harley Davidson!" (urmeaza zgomote infundate de pumni si picioare)

"Hey man I told you:don't *beep* with me!" (pistoale, pumni, binele invinge:D)

[Prima replica este surioara celebrei "My name is Bond! James Bond!"]
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 05:09 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 4.234
Inscris: 11 March 03
Forumist Nr.: 63

"Pe aici, prin Romania, sunt din ce in ce mai putini vorbitori de limba romana." (Dinica in Patul Conjugal)

Vreti sa vedeti ceva funny? Tastati alinalinuta in Yahoo.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 06:39 PM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 144
Inscris: 17 March 03
Forumist Nr.: 92

American Beauty
"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well, that's true of every day but one... the day you die. " - Lester

The Matrix
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. " - Morpheus

The Devil's Advocate
"Vanity, definitely my favorite sin." - John Milton
"Look but don't touch. Touch, but don't taste! Taste, don't swallow. " - John Milton

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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 06:52 PM
Mesaj #9


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 51
Inscris: 24 June 03
Forumist Nr.: 408

una care o gasim in toate filmele, mai putin cele mute: Yes smile.gif
ok, but serious..
Forest Gump (my fav. movie)
my mom always said life is like a box of choacolates.. you never know what you gonna get
run forest run..!!!
i gottaaa find bubaaaa!

South park:
and how would you like to suck my balls mister garrison?

You shit faced cockmaster!

donkey-rabbit shit eater

shut your fucking face uncle fucka/
you're a cocksucking sliking uncle fucka/
you're an uncle fucka yes it's true/
nobody fucks an uncle quite like you

I'll ba back


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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 09:13 PM
Mesaj #10


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 428
Inscris: 11 March 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 65

stiu aproape pe de'rost tot filmul Pulp Fiction si cele doua LOTR-uri aparute pana acum , dar nu cred ca are rost sa va insir romane......

o replica din Donnie Brasco pe care o repet si eu deseori ...prietenilor mei :

who am I ? I'm a spoke on a wheel...and so are you

si o replica pt. colectionara : "let me tell you something my friend...hope is a dangerous thing. hope can drive a man insane"

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>It's so easy to laugh. It's so easy to hate.</span>
It takes strength to be gentle and kind.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 10:56 PM
Mesaj #11

open minded

Grup: Membri SpecialPM
Mesaje: 1.049
Inscris: 25 September 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 840

QUOTE (genicon @ Oct 7 2003, 03:15 PM)
Arnold in Terminator: "I'll be back!"

Si in Terminator 3 zice "I am back!" smile.gif.

Simplitatea se invata greu.
user posted image
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 11:12 PM
Mesaj #12

open minded

Grup: Membri SpecialPM
Mesaje: 1.049
Inscris: 25 September 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 840

Sa va zic si eu cateva.. la modul organizat smile.gif.

O replica pentru Gabriel:
- Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. (Shawshank Redemption)

Una pentru ca viata e frumoasa:
- Buongiorno, Principessa! (La Vita E Bella)

Una pentru ca.. uneori nu ajunge sa fie frumoasa:
- I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand? (The Green Mile)

Eu raman ce-am fost: romantic:
- We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for. (Dead Poets Society)

Insa un romantic nu e condamnat sa traiasca in vis si resemnare:
- Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all. Thoreau said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation." Don't be resigned to that. Break out! (Dead Poets Society)

Poate uneori in revolta:
- It's just murder. All God's creatures do it. You look in the forests and you see species killing other species, our species killing all species including the forests, and we just call it industry, not murder. (Natural Born Killers)

Insa neaparat din cand in cand cu un zambet gratuit pe buze:
Reporter: How did you find America?
John: Turned left at Greenland.
Reporter: Has success changed your life?
George: Yes.
Reporter: Are you a mod, or a rocker?
Ringo: Um, no. I'm a mocker.
Reporter: Do you think these haircuts have come to stay?
Ringo: Well, this one has. You know, it's stuck on good and proper now.
Reporter: What would you call that hairstyle you're wearing?
George: Arthur.
Reporter: What do you call that collar?
Ringo: A collar.
Reporter: Do you often see you father?
Paul: No, actually were just close friends.
(A Hard Day's Night - da, cu cei 4 Beatles originali smile.gif)

Si in fine, o mostra de intelepciune simpla:
- Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?
- I didn't know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.
(Forrest Gump)

Simplitatea se invata greu.
user posted image
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+Quote Post
mesaj 7 Oct 2003, 11:25 PM
Mesaj #13

child in time

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 551
Inscris: 12 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 590

Mia Wallace si Vincent Vega in "Pulp Fiction":
M:Don't you hate that?
V:Hate what?
M:Uncomfortable silences. Why do we feel it's necessary to yak about bullshit in order to be comfortable?
V:I dunno that's a good question.
M:That's when you you've found somebody really special. When you can just shut the f*** up for a minute and comfortably share silence.

Morpheus in "Matrix":
Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream, how would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?

Si tot din "Matrix", probabil replica mea favorita din filme:
There is no spoon tongue.gif

"American Beauty", Lester Burnham:
Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once... and it's too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst. And then I remember... to relax, and not try to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain. And I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. Don't worry... you will someday.

Replica lui Forrest pe care a postat-o si rady...si...ma mai gandesc smile.gif

"In fapta, lumea-i visul sufletului nostru..."
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+Quote Post
mesaj 8 Oct 2003, 10:47 AM
Mesaj #14

© Care este

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.113
Inscris: 4 March 03
Din: Nici o Informatie
Forumist Nr.: 17

"Nu trage dom' Semaca, sint eu, Lascarica" --- Lascarica

"Luke...I am your father" --- Darth Vader

rofl.gif rofl.gif
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+Quote Post
mesaj 8 Oct 2003, 11:26 AM
Mesaj #15


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 537
Inscris: 5 October 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 914

As adauga sfarsitul din "Pisica alba, pisica neagra" (cu trimiteri la Casablanca) bineinteles cu accentul de rigoare:

...this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship... wink.gif

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+Quote Post
mesaj 8 Oct 2003, 11:27 AM
Mesaj #16


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.069
Inscris: 25 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 668

"I'll be back" biggrin.gif rolleyes.gif biggrin.gif
Cine o fi zis-o si pe asta ... laugh.gif
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+Quote Post
mesaj 10 Oct 2003, 10:38 AM
Mesaj #17

Cronicar oPsedat

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 3.227
Inscris: 8 March 03
Din: Din sud
Forumist Nr.: 45

Mi-am amintit o replica ce mi se pare geniala - Desperado, cand Banderas se duce in biserica:
"Forgive me, father, 'cuz I've sinned!" Raspunsul: "No shit!" biggrin.gif

Din "Echipa jamaicana de bob", replici repetate la nesfarsit:
"Are you dead, man?" "Yes!"

Johnny Maguire: "Help me help you"

Si daca tot s-a vorbit despre Forest Gump: "Shit happens" wink.gif

Am incalcat cel putin 5 din 10 porunci/Ma pocaiesc la 90 de ani, pacatuiesc pana atunci

PreaoPsedatul genicon
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+Quote Post
mesaj 27 Oct 2003, 11:36 PM
Mesaj #18

Cea Mai Impaciuitoare Forumista din 2003

Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 2.395
Inscris: 25 April 03
Forumist Nr.: 240

Din The man from Elysian Fields, o replica pe care nu o voi uita curand. Mie mi se pare geniala. Sper sa nu fiu "amendata", asta e replica, n-am cum s-o indulcesc.

"F***ing is the last resort for impotent men..."

Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.
"An eye for an eye makes a blind world" - Ghandi
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+Quote Post
mesaj 2 Nov 2003, 07:38 PM
Mesaj #19


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 2.034
Inscris: 22 September 03
Din: brasov
Forumist Nr.: 824

agentul 007- lumea nu e de ajuns .

memento: -lumea nu se sfarseste cand inchizi ochii.

iubeste timpul si mie lasa-mi dorul
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+Quote Post
mesaj 2 Nov 2003, 07:49 PM
Mesaj #20

Cel Mai Bun Moderator :: Premiul 'ARTA de a conversa'

Grup: Moderator Global
Mesaje: 2.573
Inscris: 3 March 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 7

"In nemernicia mea, ca un ciine turbat, am muscat mina care m-a hranit ..." - Bastus (adica Gh. Dinica) in filmul Dacii (sau era Columna?) rolleyes.gif

Si, desigur, replica finala a regelui Arthur (sir Sean Connery) din First Knight (ca tot am pus-o la semnatura): "I command you now...to fight! Fight like you never fought before! Never Surrender! Never Surrender!"

Acest topic a fost editat de ypsilonalpha: 2 Nov 2003, 07:51 PM

This is my last act as your King. Do not be afraid. All things change. I am Arthur of Camelot and I command you now...to fight! Fight like you never fought before! Never Surrender! Never Surrender!
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+Quote Post
mesaj 6 Nov 2003, 08:04 PM
Mesaj #21


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 21
Inscris: 6 November 03
Forumist Nr.: 1.147

"There is no Spoon"
Neo-The Matrix

"Every man dies, not every man really lives!"

"We can't see beyond the choices we don't understand!"
The Oracle - The Matrix
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+Quote Post
mesaj 13 Nov 2003, 07:33 PM
Mesaj #22


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 44
Inscris: 31 May 03
Forumist Nr.: 354

O replica din "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen", apartinand agiotantului capitanului Nemo: "Call me Ishmael!"
Am ras de numa'

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+Quote Post
mesaj 14 Nov 2003, 09:18 PM
Mesaj #23


Grup: EmailInvalid
Mesaje: 49
Inscris: 30 September 03
Forumist Nr.: 879

Catrina, era un banc: James Bond intra intr-un bar si vrea sa agate o blonda. Se duce la ea si ii zice: "Bond. James Bond." la care blonda se intoarce:"Off.Fuck off!"

Replici celebre?
Stiu una din The Ring (cred ca e) :"Everyone will suffer..."
asta e singura pe care mi-o amintesc dar I'll be back with more... laugh.gif

Veni Vidi Vici!
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+Quote Post
mesaj 15 Nov 2003, 11:31 AM
Mesaj #24

child in time

Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 551
Inscris: 12 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 590

Unul din filmele mele preferate, "High Fidelity", si inceputul sau smile.gif :

"What came first: the music or the misery? People worry about kids playing with guns and watching violent videos that some sort of cultural violence will take them over. No one worries about kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of songs about heartbreak, pain, rejection, suffering and misery. Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable, or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?...'' (Rob Gordon)

Am lasat-o in engleza pentru ca suna mai bine...

"In fapta, lumea-i visul sufletului nostru..."
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+Quote Post
mesaj 24 Nov 2003, 07:15 PM
Mesaj #25


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.766
Inscris: 25 August 03
Forumist Nr.: 671

Dito. Ghost

I'm hanging on your words /Living on your breath
Feeling with your skin /Will I always be here ?!

Iarta-ti mereu dusmanii. Nimic nu-i supara mai tare.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 26 Nov 2003, 10:01 PM
Mesaj #26


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 669
Inscris: 13 July 03
Din: Romania, Galatz -anul 6003
Forumist Nr.: 455

O replica celebra, ce apartine filmului Nasul (Mario Puzo), partea I, este printre favoritele mele.

"There's nothing personal, just business." ("Nu este nimic personal, doar afaceri.")


Acest topic a fost editat de Copernic: 26 Nov 2003, 10:03 PM

Citeste Regulamentul Hanului!
Sprijiniti emanciparea Femeii!
<Iubirea este singurul act rational. Las-o sa intre in tine.>
.'.Animus In Consulendo Liber.'.
.'.Deus Meumque Jus.'.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 Nov 2003, 07:28 PM
Mesaj #27


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 669
Inscris: 13 July 03
Din: Romania, Galatz -anul 6003
Forumist Nr.: 455

Yronick, vrei sa ne explici care ar fi acele replici celebre?

Citeste Regulamentul Hanului!
Sprijiniti emanciparea Femeii!
<Iubirea este singurul act rational. Las-o sa intre in tine.>
.'.Animus In Consulendo Liber.'.
.'.Deus Meumque Jus.'.
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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 Nov 2003, 10:03 PM
Mesaj #28


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.347
Inscris: 8 October 03
Forumist Nr.: 944

Am revazut de curand " La rasarit de Eden" cu James Dean. O replica a lui Call (etichetat "oaia neagra" a familiei) catre tatal lui :
M-ai iertat , dar nu m-ai iubit niciodata!
Teribil film !

"Cānd crezi că ai toate răspunsurile, viaţa schimbă toate īntrebările." Bob Marley ?!
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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 Nov 2003, 01:33 PM
Mesaj #29


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 537
Inscris: 5 October 03
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 914

@yronick, Copernic : Eu am retinut una singura:

"Hello Clarice!" evil.gif ... si asta mai mult pentru ca o parodiaza Jim Carrey in "Dumb and Dummer"... (parca)

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+Quote Post
mesaj 11 Jan 2004, 01:04 AM
Mesaj #30


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 120
Inscris: 8 January 04
Forumist Nr.: 1.746

Din "Cool Hand Luke" : "Nobody can eat 50 eggs".
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+Quote Post
mesaj 11 Jan 2004, 01:55 AM
Mesaj #31


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 103
Inscris: 6 January 04
Din: punctul din cheia sol
Forumist Nr.: 1.723

Imi cer scuze, nu am apucat sa citesc tot topicul, probabil s-a amintit deja de cel putin una dintre monoloagele mele:

Din Devil's Advocate:

John Milton: Eddie Barzoon! Eddie Barzoon! Ha! I nursed him through two divorces, a cocaine rehab, and a pregnant receptionist. God's creature, right? God's special creature? Ha! And I've warned him, Kevin, I've warned him every step of the way. Watching him bounce around like a fucking game, like a wind-up toy! Like 250 pounds of self-serving greed on wheels! The next thousand years is right around the corner, Kevin, and Eddie Barzoon--take a good look. Because he's the poster child for the next millennium! These people, it's no mystery where they come from. You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it could split atoms with its desire, you build egos the size of cathedrals, fiberopticly connect the world to every-eager-impulse, grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green gold-played fantasies until every human becomes an aspiring emperor! Becomes his own God! Where can you go from there? And as for scrambling from one deal to the next, who's got his eye on the planet? As the air thickens, the water sours, even the bees honey takes on the metallic taste of radioactivity--and it just keeps coming! And it just keeps coming! Faster and faster! There's no chance to think, to prepare, it's `buy futures, sell futures' when there is no future!! We've got a runaway train, boy!! We've got a billion Eddie Barzoons all jogging into the future. Every one of them reading to fist-fuck God's ex-planet, lick their fingers clean as they reach out with their pristine cybernetic keyboards to total up their billable hours!! And then it hits home! It's a little late in the game to buy out now!! Your belly's too full, your dick is sore, your eyes are bloodshot, and you're screaming for someone to help!! But guess what? There's no one there!! You're all alone, Eddie!! [ironic]You're God's special little creature!!
Maybe it's true. Maybe God threw the dice once too often. Maybe He let us all down.

Acelasi film, cea mai "earth-shattering" scena:

Kevin Lomax: What do you want from me?
John Milton: I want you to be yourself. Y'know, boy, guilt is like a bag of fucking bricks. All you gotta do is set it down.....Who are you carrying all those bricks for anyway? God? Is that it? God? Well, I'll tell ya, lemme give you a little inside information about God. God likes to watch. He's a prankster. Think about it. He gives man instincts! He gives this extraordinary gift and then--what does he do? I swear--for his own amusement--his own private cosmic gag reel--he sets the rules in opposition. It's the goof of all time! Look. But don't touch! Touch. But don't taste! Taste. Don't swallow! [razand] And while you're jumping from one foot to the next, he's laughing his sick fucking ass off!! He's a tight ass, he's a sadist, he's an absentee landlord!! Worship that never!
Kevin: Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven, is that it?
Milton: Why not? I'm here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began! [urland] I've nurtured every sensation Man has been inspired to have! I cared about what he wanted and I never judged him. Why? Because I never rejected him. In spite of all his imperfections, I'm a fan of man!!
[Mai calm] I'm a humanist. Maybe the last humanist. Who, in their right mind, Kevin, could possibly deny the 20th century was entirely mine? All of it, Kevin, all of it! Mine! I'm peaking here! It's my time now. It's our time.

Ar merita sa citez tot filmul, insa daca tot am inceput cu chestii mai serioase, hai s-o tin tot asa. Din Shrek:

Shrek: I'm not the one with the problem, the world seems to have a problem with me!

stii sa soptesti?
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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 May 2004, 03:25 PM
Mesaj #32


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 151
Inscris: 26 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.638

QUOTE (cameron @ 7 Oct 2003, 03:40 PM)
Poate cea mai celebra: Pe aripile vantului :"Si maine este o zi!" - Scarlet O'Hara
IMO mai cunoscuta e replica din final: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn!

din replicile lui Jim Carrey:
  • B-E-A-utiful. (Bruce Almighty)
  • Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! (the Truman Show)
  • I've had better. [after having had s*x] (Liar Liar)
  • Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. And you must be the Monopoly guy! Thanks for the free parking! (Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls)
  • Tell the fat lady she's on in five. (Batman Forever)
  • Mary... I desperately wanna make love to a school boy. (Dumb & Dumber)
  • SSSSSSMOKIN! / Somebody stop me! (the Mask)
  • If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer. (Ace Ventura: Pet Detective)
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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 May 2004, 03:57 PM
Mesaj #33


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 287
Inscris: 24 December 03
Din: DreamLand
Forumist Nr.: 1.600

citez dupa ureche, dintr-un film cu traficanti; daca eprea vulgar imi cer scuze, dar mie mi-a placut mult cum suna:

un negru smecher: mad.gif Yo, where is Mike??
un subaltern: hh.gif In the downtown, takin' care of some bussiness, something personal..
un negru smecher: 50.gif U better tell that mother fucker to get his ass here quick, and take care of his shit in his own mother fuckin' time!!

rofl.gif rofl.gif
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+Quote Post
mesaj 29 May 2004, 06:18 PM
Mesaj #34


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 223
Inscris: 26 March 04
Forumist Nr.: 2.770


"Do you smell that, son? Napalm.. I love the smell of napalm in the morning."

Razboiul este pace, libertatea este sclavie, ignoranta este putere.

"Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto"- Terentiu
(Om sunt si nimic omenesc nu-mi este strain)

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+Quote Post
mesaj 30 May 2004, 10:34 AM
Mesaj #35


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 890
Inscris: 5 May 04
Din: Bucuresti
Forumist Nr.: 3.372

Robin Williams: Michael Jackson's claiming racism, I'm like "Honey, you gotta pick a race first.
Jim Carrey: Is this Heaven ? "Bruce Almighty"
Robin Williams: They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts. Full of hormones, just like you. Invincible, just like you feel. The world is their oyster. They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you, their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable? Because, you see gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen, you hear it? - - Carpe - - hear it? - - Carpe, carpe diem, seize the day boys, make your lives extraordinary. "Dead poets Society"

[ Cad in notiunea de genunchi
si ma rog de voi
nu ma lasati singur si prada ...]

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