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> Biserica Catolica Si Extraterestrii., "revelatia " acestei biseric despre aliens
mesaj 19 Nov 2009, 07:29 PM
Mesaj #1


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 5
Inscris: 7 November 09
Forumist Nr.: 15.279


Motto:" ...si sa iubesti extraterestrii, precum pe tine insuti."

Consider ca nu trebuie sa readucem in discutie faptul istoric dovedit ca biserica catolica a fost, aproape, 2 milenii la rand, personificarea institutionalizata a terorismului sub orice forma si a antiumanitarismului organizat la amanunt,franatorul indubitabil al progresului omenirii,institutia care a produs cele mai intinse si atroce genociduri din intreaga istorie cunoscuta(inclusiv epoca "clasica" a barbarismului),dar in acelasi timp trebuie recunoscut ca, capacitatea ei de a trece veacurile(intotdeauna prin foc si sabie) ramane demna de invidiat, nu insa si de urmat, atata timp cat scopurile sunt aceleasi: incercarea continua de a accede la conducerea, la stapanirea lumii, indiferent prin ce mijloace, mai corect spus, indiferent de tertipurile folosite, la aceasta data, forta bruta nefiind,totusi, uzitabila la modul direct,din multe motive, printre care si acela ca alte religii (definite oponente, sau chiar din cadrul crestinismului) au capacitati la fel de serioase de lupta, inclusiv arme atomice.Cea ce este de remarcat- mai recent- in cazul bisericii autonumite universale, este faptul ca de data aceasta "pentru a trece puntea, respectiva biserica se face frate si cu dracu'", explicit, biserica catolica este pe cale de a redeclara public la modul cel mai oficial si mai explicit(dar nu total), ca existenta extraterestrilor, este cu mult mai sigur un fapt, decat un mit iar de aici pana la a deveni atee, nu poate fi cale prea lunga(pare a fi o coincidenta prima lor declaratie -in acest sens- cateva zile in urma, si un raport al Ministrului Apararii Britanice -despre OZN-uri- depus recent la arhivele statului).Nu este nici un secret ca aceasta biserica, in decursul celor aprox. 2 mii de ani de evolutie ( nu pare a fi termenul potrivit,dar este), a fost institutia cea mai servita de geniile umanitatzii( din diverse motive: prozelitism, nevoie de protectie, 30 de arginti in plus, s.a.m.d.) artistice sau/si stiintifice , de unde -"paradoxal"- si puterea extrema exercitata de aceasta biserica si in acelasi timp si obliterarea profunda a progresului stiintific ( si social) al secolelor trecute ( in care biserica era si statul oficial sau "din umbra"), prin tinerea secreta a descoperirilor stiintifice (sau distrugerea celor care pareau periculoase) si folosirea acestora doar in scopuri personale si limitate public, deobicei pentru impresionarea maselor cu "puterile divine" cu care erau investite fetele bisericesti! Este indubitabil ca insasi prelati cu functii inalte erau ei insasi ganditori profunzi si (multi dintre ei) ajunsesera la concluzii ca - de exemplu - a lui Galileo Galilei, dar s-ar fi desfiintat pe ei insasi daca ar fi recunoscut-o,iar animalismul primitiv (care este prezent in noi toti, la unii mai exacerbat) le-a indus conceptia ca desi Dumnezeu nu exista, ei totusi sunt "cei alesi" si de aici prerogativele cu care s-au inconjurat in timp, cea ce a dus la constituirea unei caste care nu avea nici cea mai mica urma de respect pentru fiinta umana, de unde tratamentul apocaliptic impus (pe perioada istoriei) la sute de milioane de fiinte umane,care practic au "trait" iadul pe pamant si -mai mult ca sigur- au parasit aceasta lume cu mult, mult inainte decat cei care ii exploatau mai crunt decat pe animalele de povara si care - chiar doar de placere sau un oricare alt capriciu- ii ucideau fara judecata sau motivatie explanatorie, nu de putine ori, dupa torturari indelungi si elaborate pana la nivel de "arta",acum, imposibil de imaginat.Intr-adevar biserica catolica, mai mult decat altele, a avut acces la stiinta in toate domeniile si a folosit acest apanaj fara nici un fel de retinere, insa doar pentru atingerea propiilor scopuri.Totusi , se pare, ca in ultimii ani , biserica ( papa si inaltii prelati care conduc cea ce este cea mai deceptiva organizatie,vreodata pe pamant) au ajuns la concluzia ca " diavolul se poate infatisa intr-un stalp de lumina" adica (avand in vedere indubitabila evolutzie planetara) ar fi un lucru folositor institutiei daca - cu tact, tatonari si perseverenta in slow-motion- se va dezvalui maselor cea ce ei stiau de mult : ca nu suntem singuri in acest univers si ca Dumnezeu, cel putin cel clasic, de departe , este doar o fantasmagorie, o iluzie, precum si masinaria Isus, puse in circulatie doar cu scopuri de "binefacere si de protectie" a gloatelor (oitele) de a nu se rani pe ele insasi, prin inexistenta unei raportari la cele doua perpetue sisteme de referinta , bine si rau (pozitiv si negativ) sau Dumnezeu si Satana; altfel zis, s-a preferat si perpetuat o minciuna gigantica in locul unui adevar natural si care ar fi fost mult mai usor de acceptat de "oite", insa acest lucru - cum am zis- i-ar fi desfintat pe impostorii autonumiti "unsii Domnului", adica si ei ar fi fost oameni obisnuitzi, ar fi trebuit sa munceasca, sa apara in fata justitiei pentru orice mica greseala,accesul lor la facilitati deosebite ( de lux) ar fi fost egal cu al oricarui alt muritor de rand, iar accesul lor la femei tinere si frumoase( iar in cazul lor specific, accesul si la copii si de 6 ani, de ambele sexe) ar fi fost limitat de propiile caracteristici personale, cat si de puterea economica posedata.Este evident ca aceasta biserica are o organizare de exceptie, bazata pe studii stiintifice si experiente verificate, altfel nu se poate explica cum o asa institutie, cu o istorie teribil de vicioasa, poate exista ca stat in stat (statul Vatican, "smuls" in 1929 de la Marele Duce), existand chiar in inima unei tari, tara care a adus omenirii unele (foarte multe) dintre cele mai mai mari descoperiri si inventii(ca sa nu amintim si de artele frumoase), care -in final- au fost si sunt baza progresului in toate domeniile. Sa nu uitam ca Biblia ramane o carte "desteapta" si ca undeva zice ca " diavolul a fost aruncat pe pamant" , nu sub pamant (cum este intepretarea populara) ci pe pamant, intrebarea imediata ar fi " unde, cine este acest diavol?" Raspunsul a fost gasit, de mult, tot de Biblie, insa acest diavol,(care este "tatal minciunii"; citat tot din Biblie) este omul care vrea sa fie diavol, omul care se pune singur deasupra semenilor sai si ii minte (sustinut si cu amenintari) ca el este trimisul unei puteri extraordinare, cosmice, care va avea grija de cei care i se supun si-i va pedepsi aspru pe cei care nu o fac iar aceasta supunere trebuie manifestata in primul rand prin "aducerea de daruri"(materiale;bani) iar de la cei care nu se supun, aceste "daruri" for fi luate cu dea sila.Acestia sunt preotii ,indiferent de denominatiune,insa in varful acestei piramide diabolice, catolicii au fost si inca sunt in varf.Din pacate, inca multi oameni considera si gasesc ca este glamorous sa devii catolic, desi dupa propile "fapte de arme", istorice, aderarea la aceasta religie coincide cu a gira istoria crimei religioase, motivatie care a dus -in tari cu traditii catolice profunde- ca milioane de cetateni,inteligenti,cu real bun simt si o doza mai mare de curaj, sa se dezica complet de aceasta religie sau sa devina nepracticanti.Totusi, pana una alta, "prinzand vantul",mai marii bisericii vor incerca (si vor reusi) cea ce doar in cele mai negre cosmaruri ale fanaticilor religiosi se poate intampla: acestia dupa ani si ani de pregatire a terenului vor transforma biserica intr-o societate ateista "bazata pe adevaruri stiintifice observate si dovedite de sute de ani",etc.etc.Candva, credeam ca "trezirea este aproape" adica masele inteleg in sfarsit ca religia nu este decat o inselatorie; totusi, aceasta trezire nu este atat de aproape, sau oricum nu poate fi adusa la acea limita fara aportul bisericii insasi, adica a inaltilor prelati care -cum se intrevede- din exact aceleasi motive(dorinta de putere, bani si onoruri) se vor tranforma in atei si odata cu ei si biserica, cea ce va aduce din nou sub lumina reflectoarelor un alt adevar enuntat de Biblie :"Orice imparatie va fi distrusa din interiorul ei insasi".Cel putin de data aceasta , "paganii ateisti"(cei ramasi fideli religiei) nu vor fi arsi pe rug ci doar priviti cu compasiunea aratata copiilor retardati mental, iar biserica devenita Templul Ratiunii, va avea reala sansa ca de aceasta data sa savureze intreg tortul, nu numai cireasa din varf.Totusi, "distrugerea imparatiei" va fi doar o alta iluzie, biserica se va transforma intr-o institutie de cele mai sofisticate stiinte(astronomie, astrologie, ufologie,etc.) pentru ca aceasta biserica are agentii secrete raspandite in intreaga lume si chiar multzi agenti ai diferitelor state (cu acces la descoperiri de ultima ora in stiinte) ,-datorita credintei lor- sau transformat in dublu agenti(si ai bisericii) si furnizeaza Vaticanului informatii extraordinar de acurate si valoroase,iar acesta (Vaticanul) procesandu-le a inteles clar ca ei nu pot fi gasiti "descoperiti" la un atac al extraterestrilor(sau ceva de acest gen, care implica existenta altor entitati biologice inteligente,de pe alte planete) si prin aceste demersuri isi protejeaza continuitatea credibilitatii si accesul la putere.Maestri ai psihologiei de masa, ei stiu ca majoritatea credinciosilor vor tipa:"Si noi am crezut asta!Suntem cu voi!", aceasta doar pentru asi proteja ego-ul lor ranit adanc ca au fost victima unei inselaciuni milenare, prin aceasta imediata adeziune la exact contrariu a ce credeau pana acum, le va da senzatia ca ,chiar, nu au fost atat de amarnic inselati si ii va proteja sa nu cada in insanitate(nu chiar pe toti)Nu m-ar mira ca in mai putin de 20 de ani, in scolile catolice sa se introduca obiectul "Biologia Cosmica",o cale rezonabila de a acomoda teologia catolica(si in general , cea pamanteasca) cu existenta structurilor biologice (si inteligente) de pe alte corpuri ceresti.In cea ce priveste cealalalta parte a "baricadei", ateii, rationalistii, skepticii,et.e.tc.(adica cei care macar au avut dubii despre existenta divinitatii atotputernice), este mai mult decat clar ca a venit momentul ca toate aceste curente si organizatii disparate ar trebui sa stranga randurile, sa formeze un front comun , altfel biserica catolica le va fura chiar si "crezul" lor, adica identitatea(Sa nu uitam niciodata una din replicile din The Matrix:"Timpul este intotdeauna impotriva noastra"). Concluzia este ca Vaticanul stia de existenta extraterestrilor cu cel putin 50 de ani in urma, iar faptul ca abia acum desconspira singuri acest lucru este un semn- si chiar un semnal de alarma- ca anumite evenimente "fantastice" sunt pe cale de a se produce intr-un viitor nu prea indepartat.Evenimentele se aglomereaza... se apropie timpul de pe urma?
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mesaj 19 Nov 2009, 07:37 PM
Mesaj #2


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 4.054
Inscris: 25 October 06
Din: pe plaja
Forumist Nr.: 8.842

Si omuletii aia din interiorul pamantului ce parere au de teoria asta?

rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

passionate about latin america

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mesaj 19 Nov 2009, 07:45 PM
Mesaj #3


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.047
Inscris: 24 October 08
Forumist Nr.: 12.188

WOW! N-am citit nimic de Dan Brown (desi am vazut si eu filmul), insa am impresia ca tu l-ai citit. Si l-ai luat prea in serios.
Si referitor la prima ta afirmatie: sa stii ca eu ma simt tentat sa pun in discutie "faptul istoric dovedit..." dar sunt cam obosit in seara asta.

Las cabezas frías de la flor están lloviendo sobre mi corazón. Hoyo
del Oh de la ruina, cueva feroz del naufragado.
Usted tragó todo, como distancia. Como el mar, como tiempo. ¡En
usted todo se hundió!

^^^so not true!
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Promo Contextual
mesaj 19 Nov 2009, 07:45 PM
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turbo trabant
mesaj 20 Nov 2009, 01:57 PM
Mesaj #4


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

e clar ca biserica catolica colaboreaza cu extraterestrii . de fapt sunt anumite zvonuri despre papa cum ca prea seamana cu stolojan.

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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mesaj 20 Nov 2009, 06:26 PM
Mesaj #5


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 5
Inscris: 7 November 09
Forumist Nr.: 15.279

1) daca te referi la omuletii de sub pamant, "Invadatorii"(sau creatorii) "Citadelei Sfaramate"nu stiu ce vor zice, ei au fost nevinovati (nu ca ar avea sideroza cerebrala) , au fost folositi doar ca scule de taiat carbonul semi-hard, marele Satan (Aghiuta cel imbatranit de zile) este inca pe pamant , razand de il popolo care va vota din nou pe careva din ciracii sai...
Daca te referi insa la cei "adevarati" nu pot decat sa-i vad bagand coceni sub cazan, sa mentina temp. la macar 666 C si fumand narghilele cu pucioasa, in timp ce dracuiesc de mama focului! Mai abitir chiar decat baba Ioana(din Rascoala) in secundele imediate dinaintea executarii dublului salt: caderea la pamant si inaltarea la ceruri !

2)Dan Brown este un tip destept care stie pe ce mizeaza cand scrie o asa carte! Iar filmul m-a cam plictisit, de fapt profesori de istoria artei(la colegii serioase) si chiar inalti prelati din gruparea conservatoare Opus Dei, au ajuns la concluzia comuna ca filmul este un "muzeu al erorilor".Cand am facut afirmatiile de mai sus , citisem declaratia monsegniorului Funes, astronomul (si astrologul) sef al Vaticanului, care stie ce spune.

30Somnul este un fel de moarte temporara:paradoxul este ca, cu cat dormim mai mult (totusi rezonabil) cu atat traim mai mult .
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mesaj 20 Nov 2009, 07:10 PM
Mesaj #6


Grup: Musterii
Mesaje: 5
Inscris: 7 November 09
Forumist Nr.: 15.279

BORN TO KILL [anyone!]Drugged and Dangerous »The Sadistic Irish Catholic Church
Posted by terres on May 21, 2009

Satanic Church Rocked by a Major Scandal, Again!

Isn’t it time the Church were permanently closed, its practices made illegal and its proponents, the Pope, Bishops, priests … incarcerated for crimes against humanity?
Irish Priests Beat and Raped Thousands of Children
Once again Vatican spent millions of dollars, again, aided by the Irish government, to delay for nine years a 2,575-page report on the lives of thousands forced into sexual, physical and mental abuse.

“Campaigners for the abused believe that a measure of justice may finally be arriving – despite the church’s best efforts to keep the past a secret,” one report said.

The Commission to Inquire Into Child Abuse report has revealed that for more than sixty years, from about 1930s to 1990s, “thousands of Irish children suffered soul-crushing lives of forced labor, beatings and molestation in spartan institutions run by Roman Catholic religious orders.”

“Bastards” and Truants: NO Human Rights!
“Most of the children were ordered into church care because of school truancy, petty crimes or because they were the offspring of unwed mothers. Many faced regimes of terror involving ritual beatings and intimidation. But until the investigation came along, thousands of survivors said they had nowhere safe to tell their stories – because swathes of Irish Catholic society sought to label them liars.”

The commission collected oral evidence from about 1,000 victims now in their 50s to 70s, most of whom “traveled back to Ireland from as far away as the United States and Australia – who described childhoods of terror and intimidation.”

The Christian Brothers from Hell
“The Christian Brothers delayed the investigation for more than a year with a lawsuit that successfully defended their members’ right to anonymity in all references in the report – even in cases where individual Christian Brothers have already been convicted of sexual and physical attacks on children.”

“The Catholic Church’s practice of protecting the sexual predators in their parishes and schools, rather than the children who suffered at their hands, has fanned several waves of outrage in once-devout Ireland starting in the mid-1990s.”

Sexual abuse was endemic in boys’ institutions and girls were preyed on by sexual predators who were able to operate unhindered.

“The damage done to the church’s reputation here has exceeded, in scope and political impact, even what happened in the United States, which suffered its own wave of abuse-cover-up scandals in the past decade.”

“Ireland’s first major pedophile-priest scandal, in 1994, triggered the collapse of a government. In 1999 former Prime Minister Bertie Ahern issued an apology for the state’s failure over decades to defend children’s rights in church-run facilities.”

“Ahern established both the fact-finding commission and a panel that has already paid out damages averaging nearly €65,000 each to 12,000 abuse victims. The taxpayer, not the church, has footed most of that bill.”

“The depth and duration of the abuse endured by our children in these institutions beggars belief,” said Maeve Lewis, executive director of an abuse-victims support group called One in Four, AP said.

The Commission interviewed 1,090 men and women who were housed in 216 institutions including children’s homes, hospitals and schools. They told of scavenging for food from waste bins and animal feed, of floggings, scaldings and being held under water. There were underwear inspections and in one case, a boy was forced to lick excrement from a priest’s shoe. Report

A Church fit for Tony Blair
The Victims are now angered because the 9-year report despite its “damning” findings will not bring about prosecutions.

This is in part because the Christian Brothers [from Hell] “successfully sued the commission in 2004 to keep the identities of all of its members, dead or alive, unnamed in the report.” BBC said.

The five-volume, 9-year study finds that “church officials encouraged ritual beatings and consistently shielded their orders’ pedophiles from arrest amid a ‘culture of self-serving secrecy.’”

“The commission found that sexual abuse was ‘endemic’ in boys’ institutions,” and that the church leaders were fully aware of what was going on. A report said.

Thousands of pedophile priests have molested minors in the US since 1950, and the church has paid more than $2 billion in damages.
And the Church doctrine remains UNCHANGED!
Smite everyone who has a different religion because we don’t want the flocks going around wondering why there are so many shepherds!
Slay all the indigenous people in the world because that’s how we can suppress spirituality, eliminate sustainable lifestyles and ensure “end times!” Besides, wee need their lands.
Torture and burn all of their intellectuals at stake because we don’t like anyone asking questions or sowing the seeds of doubt in the sheeple’s mind!
Forbid the flocks to plan their family and encourage them to f*ck like rabbits. The more children the merrier!
Sodomize all of their children because that’s the only way we can ensure there would be enough new recruits in every generation to perpetuate the lie.
Oh, and don’t worry about paying off damages. I’ll provide an endless supply of money . . .

For more on this story see:

Ireland braces for report on Catholic child abuse
Irish abused ‘cheated of justice’
Related Links:

I feel your pain, Pope tells abuse victims [but the charade must go on!]
Canada and its Churches are Accused of Genocide
Catholic Father From Hell!
The Devil’s Church
See also links on following page:

The Satanic Church of Unholy Trinity: The Roman Catholic Church of Sexual Abuse, Mental Cruelty and Physical Torture
The following is an incomplete list of Roman Catholic Church sex scandals since 1995, but does NOT include the crime of genocide they committed in Canada, the Canadian Holocaust.

Roman Catholic Church sex scandals

(Reuters) – An Irish report Wednesday detailed decades of child abuse in Catholic-run state schools and orphanages. Following are details of other sexual abuse scandals that have rocked the Roman Catholic Church around the world.AUSTRALIA – 2008 – In July 2008 Pope Benedict during a visit to Australia apologized for sexual abuse by clergy, condemning it as “evil” and saying abusers should be brought to justice. The comments are believed to be the first time the pope has specifically apologized for sexual abuse by clergy and stated clearly that abusers should be brought to justice.

– At that time there had been 107 convictions for sexual abuse in the Catholic Church there.

AUSTRIA – 1995 – The archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer, was forced to retire after allegations that he had molested a schoolboy 20 years earlier.

- July 2004 – Austrian News magazine Profil ran pictures of priests kissing and groping seminarians studying for the priesthood at a Roman Catholic seminary in the St. Poelten diocese.

BRITAIN – July 2000 – The head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales, Archbishop Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, acknowledged he had made a mistake while in a previous post in the 1980s by allowing a pedophile to continue working as a priest. The priest at the center of the controversy, Father Michael Hill, was jailed in 1997 for abusing nine boys over a 20-year period.

FRANCE – March 2000 – A court sentenced Abbot Jean-Lucien Maurel to 10 years in prison for raping and sexually abusing three boys. The assaults dated to 1994-96, when Maurel was head of a school in the southern French department of Aveyron.

IRELAND – April 2002 – Brendan Comiskey, one of Ireland’s best-known priests, resigned as Bishop of Ferns over the way he had dealt with allegations of sexual abuse against a priest of his diocese, Father Sean Fortune. Fortune committed suicide in 1999 while facing 66 charges of sexual abuse.

March 2009 – John Magee, bishop of Cloyne in the south of Ireland since 1987, under fire for his handling of reports of sexual abuse in his diocese, quit his daily duties to deal with the inquiry.

POLAND – March 2002 – Archbishop Juliusz Paetz quit following accusations, which he denied, of sexually molesting young priests.

UNITED STATES – 2002 – Boston’s Cardinal Bernard Law, the most senior Roman Catholic official in the United States, resigned over his handling of clergy sexual abuse.

– 2002 – The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops directed each diocese to promptly investigate all allegations of sexual abuse.

– September 2003 – Boston Archdiocese agreed to pay up to $85 million to settle lawsuits filed by hundreds of people who said they were sexually abused by clergy.

– February 2004 – Independent researchers commissioned by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a report on alleged priestly sexual abuse of children in the United States. It said a total of 10,667 people accused priests of child sexual abuse from 1950 through 2002. More than 17 percent of accusers had siblings who were also allegedly abused. Among accusers, 46.9 percent said they had been abused numerous times.

– In a speech delivered shortly before he was elected pope, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger said the Church had to clean out the “filth” in its ranks.

– In July 2007, the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles agreed to pay $660 million to 500 victims of sexual abuse dating as far back as the 1940s in the largest compensation deal of its kind.

– In August 2008, Chicago’s Roman Catholic archdiocese announced it would pay $12.7 million to settle 16 claims of sexual abuse involving 10 former priests and a school principal. The Chicago church has settled more than 100 cases.

– In April 2008 Pope Benedict met victims of sexual abuse by priests during his visit to the United States in an effort to heal the scars. The U.S. Church has paid some $2 billion in settlement to victims since the scandal first broke in 1992.

Sources: Reuters/United States Conference of Catholic Bishops – (Writing by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit; editing by Mark Trevelyan) © Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved.


Acest topic a fost editat de ZPleb: 20 Nov 2009, 07:12 PM
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mesaj 20 Nov 2009, 10:15 PM
Mesaj #7


Grup: Moderator
Mesaje: 4.054
Inscris: 25 October 06
Din: pe plaja
Forumist Nr.: 8.842

Cre'ca am fost prea subtila. hmm.gif

passionate about latin america

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turbo trabant
mesaj 20 Nov 2009, 10:38 PM
Mesaj #8


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 7.773
Inscris: 27 December 08
Din: za great milky way
Forumist Nr.: 12.719

auzi dar de astia ai lui alah nu ai nimic? is mai haiosi astia in cearsafuri si cu fundul in sus pe pres.

"scule de taiat carbonu semi-hard". s-o mai inmuiat carbonul ala hard ca de cand cu incalzirea globala.....

Romanii, ca popor, sunt prosti. Nu va chinuiti sa raspundeti, considerati posturile drept opera unui dusman al poporului.

Ba, ia faceti liniste si ordine, ce dreacu!
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mesaj 21 Nov 2009, 10:00 AM
Mesaj #9


Grup: Membri
Mesaje: 1.047
Inscris: 24 October 08
Forumist Nr.: 12.188

[the boat has arrived at the Do Lung bridge, which is a combat zone]
Chef: Lance, hey Lance. What do you think?
Lance: It's beautiful.
Chef: What's the matter with you? You're acting kinda weird.
Lance: Hey, you know that last tab of acid I was saving? I dropped it.
Chef: You dropped acid?... Far out.

Las cabezas frías de la flor están lloviendo sobre mi corazón. Hoyo
del Oh de la ruina, cueva feroz del naufragado.
Usted tragó todo, como distancia. Como el mar, como tiempo. ¡En
usted todo se hundió!

^^^so not true!
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