4/5 din populatia in lume cunoaste saracia.
i cant express myself in Romanian. so 4/5 of the world is considered "poor" economically.
your question is very curious. do u think poor countries are uninteresting, life is so terrible there that no "rich" man would love to live there?
so about....
very nice people that u wont find anywhere else in Occident. no stress, calm life. chaleur humaine, u know what i mean?
old civilization, the Daco-Romans, Vlad Tepes, Stefan Cel Mare, Walachia&Moldova...
Romania is nr 1 in Europe for the preservation of its nature= the country the most natural in Europe.
Bucharest is a modern European large capital with everything a westerner would need.
there is economical growth. consumer spending exploded. there is peace, no terrorism, no civil war.
its a "democracy". yes they are corrupted. but u know, France is also at the bottom in corruption level rankings, even our president should be in jail at the moment.
its poor. but EU in 2007. already 2 million workers abroad bring money home. Romania will annex in the coming years the republic of Moldova (+ 1 million workers abroad). Romania according to experts will become leader in Europe in the IT sector.
the language, close to Italian, but based on French, latin and slavic, is wonderful, extremely poetic and Romanians all love their language.
i also love the architecture, not the Ceaucescu one, but the villas the houses, all that is anterior and posterior to the communist era. and here in Romania, everything that is new, is more beautiful than in France, they need so many years to achieve the modernization but the result will be amazing, Romanians will come back home, Gypsies move west (yes i hope) and my kids will grow up in an excellent environment, in Romania.
an exemple of foreigners that love Romania:
"Enrico Perini
65-70 milioane de dolari
Varsta: 36 de ani
Starea civila: casatorit, doi copii
Domiciliul: Bucuresti
Descriere: In lumea oamenilor de afaceri, se spune despre Perini ca este mai roman decat toti romanii. Chiar el se simte mai mult roman decat italian. Iubesc aceasta tara pentru ca mi-a dat posibilitatea sa ma dezvolt. Cand merg in strainatate spun ca sunt roman, si nu italian, spune el. Enrico Perini s-a nascut in localitatea Gavardo din Italia si a venit pentru prima oara in Romania in 1992, intr-o calatorie de afaceri. La vremea aceea, el avea un business in tara sa de origine si dorea sa achizitioneze de pe piata romaneasca profile din otel, pentru a le comercializa in Italia. “Insa din cumparator am devenit vanzator”, isi aminteste Perini. A observat ca pe piata romaneasca este cerere de instalatii sanitare. A dezvoltat imediat o afacere in acest domeniu. A infiintat societatea Romstal, in care Perini detine si astazi 51%, impreuna cu un partener roman, Ovidiu Henter, si o firma din Italia. Cetatenia romana a dobandit-o in 1998. In prezent, Romstal este lider de piata in comercializarea produselor din domeniul instalatiilor sanitare. Aceasta companie detine pachetul majoritar la alte sapte societati importante, printre care Valrom (fabrica de tevi si profile din plastic), Romstal Leasing (societate cu activitati de creditare pe baza de contract) si Valplast, fabrica de tevi. Cifra de afaceri totala pe intreg grupul de firme Romstal a fost anul trecut de 100 milioane euro, inregistrand o rata de profit de 10%. Romstal este de curand si reprezentant Mercedes in trei orase din Romania." Capital Magazine 2003
i must add, i see my own interest right now, its not bc the neighbour is not happy, that u have to be the same. Romanians are poor economically but rich in many other ways. in France 10% of the pop live under the level of subsistance, which means 6 million "Romanians". 10% official unemployement rate, 20% in reality. young cant leave home too in FR bc everything is too expensive, i mean rent a flat, pay for a car... in France 5000 euros a year for a car, 3500 euros a year for a studio, the mini net income is 900 a month.... so lots of French eat noodles daily and cant afford meat. the gap is great between France and Romania but still not so huge in fact and it will reduce faster than people think.
"Son métier est d’ouvrir les portes et pourtant... Depuis trois mois, Luc n’a plus qu’un bulletin de paie à montrer aux bailleurs. Celui d’un serrurier, travailleur en bâtiment de 45 ans, s’élevant à 1200 euros net par mois. Manifestement, cela ne suffit pas. «Je me suis séparé de mon amie il y a trois mois, raconte-t-il. Avec nos deux salaires, nous étions locataires d’un appartement de 75 m2, à Nayssons, à une trentaine de kilomètres au sud de Lyon. En cachant notre rupture, nous avons réussi à trouver un nouveau logement à mon ex-compagne, sur la garantie de nos deux revenus. Mais moi, je suis encore obligé de me faire héberger chez les uns et les autres. Les locations sont rares. Les bailleurs demandent un salaire trois fois supérieur au loyer. Il ne va bientôt me rester que deux possibilités: m’éloigner encore de Lyon et de mon employeur ou bien aller vivre aux Minguettes, ce que je ne souhaite pas du tout.» "
1200 euros net a month, cant afford to rent a studio alone. he would have to live with Arabs, its like living with Gypsies here.
"Italians protest at inflation, blaming euro
16 September 2003
"Everything has become dearer since they introduced the euro," said one demonstrating pensioner: "Food, shoes, rents are rocketing up."
"There's no price control, that's the problem," said another: "My pension is 400 euros (450 dollars), my rent is 250 euros (280 dollars). When I've paid the gas and electricity, I've hardly anything left for food."
The official exchange rate for the old Italian currency, the lira, against the euro is 2,000 lire per euro, but consumers say the euro now has the purchasing power of only 1,000 lire. "
German Italians and French are very fine with their ridiculous growth, big inflation, and high unemployement. they are discovering how people live in Eastern Europe since the fall of communism. no job and prices too high for their salaries, rents in particular.
Western Europe is not a paradise, Eastern Europe is not hell. be glad to be in Canada, the situation in FR is different.
i just heard, a Romanian family living in one room, working like slaves all day long, their kids educated in the middle of arabs and blacks. is that a life? they just sacrifice for a future, that i hope they will have in Romania in 10 or 15 years.
oh i forgot, never mind, dont see any offense, i am just optimistic. and i love Romania