QUOTE(phili @ 13 Mar 2008, 02:59 PM)
Draga maracine, ai inteles foarte bine despre ce e vorba. Ceretarile despre care vorbesti, cu puii de mari primate cu par pe cap si fara par, comparatia profilelor la puii de cimpanzeu si la om, astea reprezinta cercetari vechi. Asta se cheama neotenie, adica pastrarea caracterelor de nou nascut, embrion la adult ( neotenie si pedomorfism). Ideile, nu chiar in forma asta, vin incepand din secolul al XIX-lea de la Saint Hillaire, care a inventat termenul neotenie. Acest cercetator a vazut pui de urangutan in gradina zoologica, si a observat cat de diferit e de adult. Oamenii care descoperisera schelete de pui si de adult credeau ca sunt alte specii!!! Neotenia e considerata un factor implicat in umanizare. Omul e un primat neoten, de-aia are creierul mare, n-are blana etc.
Ceea ce ai citit tu se numeste biologia dezvoltarii, iar ideile extraordinare, pe care le-ai inteles, vin de la inceputul secolului XX, de prin 1922, inainte de Morgan si descoperirea mutatiilor. Teoria lui Darwin era in impas, desi nimeni nu se gandea ca nu e evolutie, dar mecanismele credeau ca sunt altele. Dupa descoperirea mutatiilor, variabilitatea, obiectul selectiei lui Darwin, avea suport fizic in mutatii. Asa ca a explodat sinteza moderna, noua teorie evolutionista, pe cand cercetarile de biologia dezvoltarii au fost uitate.
Daca vrei amanunte exista o carte romaneasca recenta, absolut originala, Civilizatia foametei/ o alta abordare a umanizarii", care e adepta biologiei dezvoltarii, mai mult explica de unde vine neotenia, la nivel biochimic, cu comparatie cu alte specii. Cartea, cum ii spune numele, e despre evolutie, umanizare si explica tot felul de caractere omenesti prin prisma biologiei dezvoltarii. Mai mult, arata ce factor de mediu a dus la umanizare. Cred ca te-ar interesa.
Neotenia a avut un rol major in aparitia omului, la fel poate si fuziunea cromozomiala, insa ramane de stabilit cum au evoluat lucrurile.
Fuziunea cromozomului 2, 2 ', de la antropoide si rearanjarea a alti cativa cromozomi !
48 – 46 cromozomi
It is assumed that in humans two chromosomes fused to produce a total of 46, because most gorillas also have 48.
When you take the two chromosomes that chimps and gorillas have, and put them end to end beside chromosome number 2 of humans, the banding pattern is almost identical. Click on this link to see a diagram of this:
http://www.indiana.edu/~ensiweb/lessons/chr.bk1.htmlWhat you are looking at is a diagram of chromosomes 1-4 with the human
chromosome on the left and the chimpanzee chromosome on the right.
Note that for chromosome 2, humans have one long one, but the chimp has two short ones there. This also shows only one of each chromosome for each species, so when you add the other set, that gives humans 46 and chimps 48.
Comparison of the Human and Great Ape Chromosomes as Evidence for Common Ancestry
When one looks at the chromosomes of humans and the living great apes (orangutan, gorilla, and chimpanzee), it is immediately apparent that there is a great deal of similarity between the number and overall appearance of the chromosomes across the four different species. Yes, there are differences (and I will be addressing these), but the overall similarity is striking. The four species have a similar number of chromosomes, with the apes all having 24 pairs, and humans having 23 pairs. References 1 and 2 each contain high resolution photomicrographs and diagrams showing the similarity of the chromosomes between the four species (ref. 1 only covers humans and chimpanzees, ref. 2 covers all 4 species). Furthermore, these diagrams show the similarity of the chromosomes in that every one of 1,000 nonheterochromatic G-bands has been accounted for in the four species. That means that each non-heterochromatic band has been located in each species. (I hope to add a scan of the full sets of chromosomes for all four species in the very near future. In the meantime I'll have to make do with a couple of examples of the most rearranged chromosomes that Don Lindsay has posted.)
Creationists will be quick to point out that despite the similarities, there are differences in the chromosomal banding patterns and the number of chromosomes. Furthermore, they will claim that the similarities are due to a common designer rather than common ancestry. Let's address the differences first, and then we will see if we can tease apart the conflicting scenarios of common ancestry vs. a common designer.
The following observations can be made about similarities and differences among the four species. Except for differences in non genetic heterochromatin, chromosomes 6, 13, 19, 21, 22, and X have identical banding patterns in all four species. Chromosomes 3, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20, and Y look the same in three of the four species (those three being gorilla, chimps, and humans), and chromosomes 1, 2p, 2q, 5, 7 - 10, 12, and 16 are alike in two species. Chromosomes 4 and 17 are different among all 4 species.
Most of the chromosomal differences among the four species involve inversions - localities on the chromosome that have been inverted, or swapped end for end. This is a relatively common occurrence among many species, and has been documented in humans (Ref. 8 ). An inversion usually does not reduce fertility, as in the case I have referenced. Don Lindsay provides a diagram of the chromosome 5 inversion between chimpanzees and humans scanned from ref. 1. Note how all of the bands between the two chromosomes will line up perfectly if you flip the middle piece of either of the two chromosomes between the p14.I and q14.I marks. The similarity of the marks will include a match for position, number, and intensity (depth of staining). Similar rearrangements to this can explain all of the approximately 1000 non-heterochromatic bands observed among each of the four species for these three properties (band position, number, and intensity).
Other types of rearrangements include a few translocations (parts swapped among the chromosomes), and the presence or absence of nucleolar organizers. All of these differences are described in ref. 2 and can be observed to be occurring in modern populations. The biggest single chromosomal rearrangement among the four species is the unique number of chromosomes (23 pairs) found in humans as opposed to the apes (24 pairs). Examining this difference will allow us to see some of the differences expected between common ancestry as opposed to a common designer and address the second creationist objection listed above. There are two potential naturalistic explanations for the difference in chromosome numbers - either a fusion of two separate chromosomes occurred in the human line, or a fission of a chromosome occurred among the apes. The evidence favors a fusion event in the human line. One could imagine that the fusion is only an apparent artifact of the work of a designer or the work of nature (due to common ancestry). The common ancestry scenario presents two predictions. Since the chromosomes were apparently joined end to end, and the ends of chromosomes (called the telomere ) have a distinctive structure from the rest of the chromosome, there may be evidence of this structure in the middle of human chromosome 2 where the fusion apparently occurred. Also, since both of the chromosomes that hypothetically were fused had a centromere (the distinctive central part of the chromosome), we should see some evidence of two centromeres.
Human Chromosome 2 and its analogs in the apes - from Yunis, J. J., Prakash, O., The origin of man: a chromosomal pictorial legacy. Science, Vol 215, 19 March 1982, pp. 1525 - 1530