QUOTE(Blakut @ 23 Apr 2008, 05:53 PM)
Pana acum erai de alta parere.
Despre formarea galaxiilor nu vad decat niste simulari care au fost marite pana la nivel galactic. Deci nici o dovada concreta. Astept si eu niste observatii in natura ale filamentelor intergalactice.
Despre traiectoriile ciudate de pe siteul ala de propaganda (ca stiintific nu e) citez atat:
100.000km? Asta e o nimica toata. Dupa ce ambele nave au parcurs sute de milioane de kilometri, astia vor sa ne convinga de uriasa devaitie de 100.000 de km... cauzata de forte electrice. Pai sigur, daca sursele tale sunt toate de pe site-uri gen "Electric universe" nu ma mira... as vrea insa sa vad niste surse de informare neutre.
Vreau sa vad si eu predictiile neasteptate si precise.
Mai sa fie? Doar n-ai inceput in sfarsit sa te documentezi?
Un lucru nu inteleg. Care e motivul pentru care postezi pe subiectul asta? Evident nu esti interesat de subiect si e clar ca ai cautat pe net doar citate care nu sustin aceasta teorie. N-am vazut nici macar un nume in spatele citatelor tale. Crede-ma ca sunt multi care nu pot vedea alta teorie decat cea gravitationala si nu si-ar schimba parerea din mai multe motive. Unul e mare si lat: ignoranta. Un al doilea: si-ar pierde slujba, fondurile. Altul: discriminarea in societate.
Majoritatea nu ar putea trece de aceste lucruri. In UE, asta daca chiar ai studia problema, vei gasi cercetatori care au intampinat aceleasi probleme, pornind de la cercetari si descoperiri individuale, au fost pur si simplu ignorate pentru simplul fapt ca nu corespundea cu teorile existente (nu e vb. de cei care voi pomeni in continuare).
Birkeland (nominalizat de 7 ori pt. Nobel) a patit acelasi lucru acum 100 ani cand a zis ca intre pamant si soare exista curenti electrici care creaza fenomenele cunoscute sub numele de aurora boreala. Acum NASA ii da dreptate, a fost EXACT ceea ce a prezis. De ce a trebuit sa treaca multe zeci de ani? Pentru ca unii nu pot accepta decat cand li se serveste pe farfurie sau au motivele lor.
Alfvén (care a luat premiul nobel pentru studiul plasmei si a fenomenelor electrice ce au loc in interiorul acesteia!) spune ca acei curenti exista la un nivel mult mai mare decat se accepta in prezent. Sunt convins ca la un moment dat si acest lucru va fi inteles si acceptat de comunitatea stiintifica.
Am zis de vreo 2 ori inainte ca nu exclud fortele gravitationale. Era de ajuns sa citesti.
Lucararile respective erau pt. Erwin, sunt sigur ca se va uita mai mult decat la poze. Sunt lucrari stiintifice, documentate, macar puteai citi concluziile.
In cateva spune foarte clar despre modelul unor curenti electrici la o magnitudine mult mai mare.
Nu uita ca multe studii de genul asta se fac aproape pe cont propriu, uriasele fonduri alocate cercetarii spatiului dispar in alte gauri negre...
Ce sa zic, 100000 de kilometrii e o nimica toata, nu?
Daca era asa cei de la NASA nu-si puneau atatea intrebari.
Predictii? Modelul UE nu s-a sfarsit odata cu Alfvén, sunt tot mai multi cercetatori ce studiaza aceste fenomene.
Uite, chiar predictii facute de sustinatorii UE:
- "We didn't expect it to have a hot spot at the north," said Teanby of the University of Oxford. (Saturn) - EU da, chiar zica ca mai exista unul si la polul sud
- "for well over 10 years, Thornhill argued that Venus showed substantial evidence of electrical interaction with its environment, and that lightning on Venus was expected in an electric universe" - acum sunt fulgere pe Venus
- probabil ai auzit de misiunea Deep Impact: In October 2001, after the announcement of NASA's 2005 Deep Impact mission, Thornhill wrote:
"Given the erroneous standard model of comets it is an interesting exercise to imagine what surprises are in store for astronomers if the plan is successful. The electrical model suggests the likelihood of an electrical discharge between the comet nucleus and the copper projectile, particularly if the comet is actively flaring at the time. The projectile will approach too quickly for a slow electrical discharge to occur. So the energetic effects of the encounter should exceed that of a simple physical impact, in the same way that was seen with comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 at Jupiter."
Twenty-four hours before the impact event, in collaboration with the Thunderbolts.info group, Thornhill predicted that an electrical "flash" might precede the impact and explosion, and that the explosion would be far more energetic than NASA anticipated. And this is precisely what happened on July 4, 2005, much to the astonishment of NASA and astronomers around the world.
In plus nu s-au inregistrat cresteri ale nivelului de apa dupa impact si nici gheata nu s-a descoperit in nucleul acesteia.
- proprietati ale vulcanilor de pe Io au fost descrise precis inainte ca sonda sa treaca deasupra lor uimandu-i din nou pe cercetatori prin lipsa expliccatiilor la ceea ce au descoperit, lucruri din nou descrise inainte de sustinatorii UE: faptul ca acest satelit al lui Jupiter interactioneaza electric cu acesta
- gasesti acestea detaliate si mai multe in link-ul urmator
http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/...n_confirmed.htmProbabil ai auzit si de misiunea Stardust:
“the Stardust material resembles chondritic meteorites from the asteroid belt”
http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/...ctric_comet.htmDust Devils - Marte
"It can now be stated with confidence that massive dust storms on Mars are fed by great congregations of "dust devils"—confirming our claim registered some 18 months ago."
http://www.thunderbolts.info/tpod/2007/arc...5dustdevils.htmSigur gasesti mai multe, sunt doar cateva. Dar restul poti sa le gasesti si singur.
Daca te mai pot ajuta cu alte informatii, cu placere, iar daca tot le-ai cerut astept opinia ta cu parere la aceste predictii.
Pe langa raspunsul pt. Blakut inca ceva:
Diferenta intre modelul traditional si cel al universului electric.
Imi cer scuze ca postez atata text aici dar asa ma asigur ca este citit:
* Comets are composed of undifferentiated “protoplanetary debris” -- dust and ices left over from the formation of the solar system billions of years ago.
* Radiant heat from the Sun sublimates the ices. The vapor expands around the nucleus to form the coma and is swept back by the solar wind to form the tail.
* Over repeated passages around the Sun, solar heat vaporizes surface ice and leaves a “rind” of dust.
* Where heat penetrates the surface of a blackened, shallow crust, pockets of gas form. Where the pressure breaks through the surface, energetic jets form.
* Comets are debris produced during violent electrical interactions of planets and moons in an earlier phase of solar system history. Comets are similar to asteroids, and their composition varies. Most comets should be homogeneous -- their interiors will have the same composition as their surfaces. They are simply “asteroids on eccentric orbits.”
* Comets follow their elongated paths within a weak electrical field centered on the Sun. In approaching the Sun, a charge imbalance develops between the nucleus and the higher voltage and charge density near the Sun. Growing electrical stresses initiate discharges and the formation of a glowing plasma sheath, appearing as the coma and tail.
* The observed jets of comets are electric arc discharges to the nucleus, producing “electrical discharge machining” (EDM) of the surface. The excavated material is accelerated into space along the jets’ observed filamentary arcs.
* Intermittent and wandering arcs erode the surface and burn it black, leaving the distinctive scarring patterns of electric discharges.
* The jets' explode from cometary nuclei at supersonic speeds and retain their coherent structure for hundreds of thousands of miles. The collimation of such jets is a well-documented attribute of plasma discharge.
* The tails of comets reveal well-defined filaments extending up to tens of millions of miles without dissipating in the vacuum of space. This “violation” of neutral gas behavior in a vacuum is to be expected of a plasma discharge within the ambient electric field of the Sun.
* It is the electric force that holds the spherical cometary coma in place as the comet races around the Sun. The diameter of the visible coma will often reach millions of miles. And the visible coma is surrounded by an even larger and more “improbable” spherical envelope of fluorescing hydrogen visible in ultraviolet light.
* The primary distinction between comet and asteroid surfaces is that electrical arcing and “electrostatic cleaning” of the comet nucleus will leave little or no dust or debris on the surface during the active phase, even if a shallow layer of dust may be attracted back to the nucleus electrostatically as the comet becomes dormant in its retreat to more remote regions.
http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/...ctric_comet.htmSi cate ceva despre Big Bang Boom that never happend
si redshift care n-are nici o treaba cu distanta: