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Versiune completa:Chef In Poiana
HanuAncutei.com - ARTA de a conversa > Odaia Prietenilor > Poiana lu' Iocan
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QUOTE (flori @ 27 Dec 2004, 06:58 PM)
Eu prefer crapul si cu berea sau mai bine un vin fiert da musai in Romania ca pe aici nu prea au gust!!!

Unde esti, flori? unsure.gif La noi acasa sunt de ex. crapii super si berea la fel. Durerea de cap insa nu... hh.gif
Si totusi imi plac porcii mai bine, mai ales aia tineri.
Si cei care se taie de Ignat, a la Ceausescu... rofl.gif
Cla, tu de care "acasa" vorbesti acuma? Ca crapii si berile sunt aici la "noi" bune...sau te referi acasa la Piata Verde?? sorry.gif

user posted image

Pana una-alta mai bag o portie....
A trecut un an... smile.gif O noua petrecere ? biggrin.gif
Eu sunt inca cu mainile pan' la cot in aluaturi, bradul nu e facut (dar IL AM! yay.gif), mai trebuie sa fac putina curatenie.. hh.gif Prin cluburi nu cred ca mai ajung cry.gif dar daca se lasa cu vreo mima pe la 2 dimineata laugh.gif you can count me in rofl.gif
Adica sa te numaram inauntru sau cum ? biggrin.gif
numarati-ma si pe mine inauntru. Da' din exterior. (nu incercati sa intelegeti, nici eu nu stiu ce am vrut sa zic rofl.gif)
QUOTE (genicon @ 24 Dec 2005, 10:07 PM)
numarati-ma si pe mine inauntru. Da' din exterior.

Pai daca ziceai sa te numere inauntru din interior se putea interpreta roflmao.gif
poTcule! tongue.gif
Ba, geni, e poTc doar daca s-a gandit la ce te-ai gandit si tu, deci si tu esti poTc. harhar.gif

Oare sunt poTc pentru ca mi-am imaginat la ce te-ai gandit ? roflmao.gif
Da' eu nu m-am gandit la nimic, asta e faza. Si, dumnezeu mi-e martor (impreuna cu toti cei care ma cunosc) ca eu in general nu ma gandesc la nimic... rofl.gif
Coane, mi se pare mie sau pana acum petrecerea noastra cam sucks? Si e cam gay, asa...

Parca vad ca pana maine devenim toti fani Courtney Cox, si urlam pe strada: "I love COX!" rofl.gif

Pai no, sa zicem ca e petrecerea burlacilor si dupa aia tragem la sorti, sa vedem pe care-l sacrificam. Io tin betele, asa ca nu particip la extragere. biggrin.gif
Si io o sa am treaba si nu vreau sa va retin rofl.gif ....Geni, nu te vad bine rofl.gif
Nu ca ar avea legatura, dar...

Barrie, your theme song is Born to Be Wild!

You are a mad man and your theme song is "Born to be Wild." You're the guy most likely to run out on the baseball diamond during a rain delay or bang on the penalty box at a hockey game. Either way, when your mug comes on the Jumbotron, the crowd goes nuts. Whether it's bungee jumping off a bridge, or ducking the ropes at a ski resort, you throw caution to the wind—or so it seems to others. But you know that it's not danger that you crave, but the excitement that comes with challenging your fears. That's why you've got no problem asking a total stranger to dance. You are an instant party, and your friends love you for the risks you take, because whether you show it or not, you're pretty much in control when you take them. So full speed ahead as you take the world in a love embrace. You know your birthright and Steppenwolf helps take you there.
Calin, your theme song is Back in Black!

You're a hard-core guy who knows what he wants and intends to get it. That's why your theme song is "Back in Black." Whether you're pumping iron, shooting pick-up hoops, or rounding up the boys for a night of havoc, AC/DC's metal classic is the perfect tune to get you fired up and blow your speakers out in the process. Your friends might think you're a little reckless sometimes, but you know where the limit is. If you're the loudest one in the room, or spill someone's drink with a fearless air guitar, it's nothing to be ashamed of. What's fun without a little mayhem thrown into the mix? So grab something leather, play drums on your desk, and yell at the moon. You've got some hell to raise and head banging to do. Let "Back in Black" accompany you to the edge and back

Din pacate n-am idee cum e melodia aia rofl.gif
Si mie tot "Back in Black" mi-a iesit spoton.gif
Eh, Geni, n-ai prins tu vremurile alea cool.gif tongue.gif
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