QUOTE(SORIN @ 5 Feb 2009, 01:14 AM)
Cu asa afirmatie poate sa-ti fie rusine
Rusine poate sa-ti fie tie...ti-ai dat arama pe fata!
Dar nu ma mir....cine traieste in un loc unde pt. bucata de paine "sterpelita" de foame, un copil ramane fara o mana, nu poate decat sa creada ca altii ii impusca in cap!
Atunci sa vina cineva neutru si sa explice cum se face ca inchisorile din Iran sunt pline de hoti recidivisti cu ambele miini intregi.
TEHRAN - A thief convicted of multiple robberies had four fingers amputated in public in west Iran today, the official IRNA news agency reported.
The 46-year-old, named as F Hosseini, had committed 22 offences, mostly involving opening safes, a judicial official in the western city of Kermanshah said.
Under Iran's Islamic law, repeat offenders face amputation of their fingers for theft, but sentences are seldom carried out, especially in public. In recent years, such sentences have rarely been reported.
The United Nations and rights activists have in the past criticised Iran for such amputations. Iran dismisses the criticism, saying the sentences are part of Islamic sharia law.
http://www.nzherald.co.nz/crime/news/artic...jectid=10426013Nu am auzit ca cineva sa moara de "moarte naturala" si in acelasi timp sa aiba corpul gaurit de gloante sau strivit de peretii care i-au cazut in cap pe timpul bombardamentelor.
Copii raniti care au fost dusi la spitalele din Egipt, ceea ce transmite CNN-ul, toate astea sunt fictiuni oare?
Cifrele date in articol sunt fictive sau inventate de medicii din spitale?
http://www.edition.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meas...ref=mpstoryviewAm spus ca obisnuiesc sa citesc presa israeliana.
Trec pe la Haaretz destul de des.
Two Egyptian children and two police officers were wounded by shrapnel from Israel Air Force bombs near a crossing point at Egypt's border with the Gaza Strip on Sunday, security sources said.
The children, aged two and five, and the two officers were the first Egyptians to be wounded by Israeli bombs since the Israeli offensive against Gaza began on Dec. 27, and were taken to hospitals in el-Arish
http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1054506.htmlProblema e ca vrei sa negi cu tot dinadinsul lucruri pe care realitatea le reveleaza cu cruzime. Cartiere intregi facute moloz, mortii si ranitii tratati ca vai de capul lor prin spitale suprapulate, ... oare nu asta se poate vedea la canalele de televiziune din tarile vestice?
Iar prin felul in care te exprimi faci un deserviciu celor din tabara pro-Israel, desi nu cred ca-ti dai seama.